中旅日月湾驿站冲浪设备采购 - 国际招标公告 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2024-04-15在中国 (略) 公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。1、招标条件项目概况:冲浪设备资金到位或资金来源落实情况:资金来源已经落实项目已具备招标条件的说明:本项目已具备招标条件2、招标内容:招标项目编号:0705-*招标项目名称:中旅日月湾驿站冲浪设备采购项目实施地点:中国海南省招标产品列表(主要设备):序号产品名称数量简要技术规格备注1冲浪设备一整套 应用气动式造浪技术,且气室数量应满足30个或以上 在水域面积不小于6000平米的冲浪池中能实现最高浪高:不低于1.8米 在水域面积不小于6000平米的冲浪池中能实现最长乘浪时间:15秒及以上 在水域面积不小于6000平米的冲浪池中能实现浪频:不低于10秒/次 提供超过10种浪型,且10种以外的所有浪型均不额外收取任何费用 造浪方式:具有单向造浪和双向同时造浪两种造浪方式 双向造浪时,造浪池最大承载人数不低于40人/小时 安装及调试完成时间:全部货物到项目现场后3个月内 提供配套的造浪管理和运营管理软件:能够出具承诺函,承诺软件是自主开发 (略) 为其造浪设备专向开发,并在发布招标公告日之前已开发完成,具体功能应包括但不限于冲浪场次预定、售票与游客管理,造浪管理(灵活定制浪高、浪型、浪频等),以及造浪设备的技术监控和维护交货期(含安装调试期):招标人支付第一笔预付款后14个月内3、投标人资格要求投标人应具备的资格或业绩:(1)投标人应为符合《中华人民共和国招标投标法》规定的独立法人或其他组织;(2)投标人须在投标截止期之前在国家商务部认可的机电产品 (略) (以下 (略) ,网址为:http://**)上完成有效注册( (略) 的注册审核需要一定时间,如投标人在决定参加本项目投标后请尽 (略) 站查询自身是否已经处于有效注册状态,以免因临近投标截止时间再来办理注册事宜而影响正常投标)。(3)投标人应为所投冲浪设备的制造商。(4)投标人应具有已签约的冲浪设备采购的项目业绩。投标人须提供合同(封面页和签字页即可)或用户证明,证明文件须反映上述内容,否则不予认可。(5)本项目不接受联合体投标。是否接受联合体投标:不接受未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以4、招标文件的获取招标文件领购开始时间:2024-04-15招标文件领购结束时间:2024-04-22是否在线售卖标书:否获取招标文件方式:现场领购招标文件领购地点: (略) (http://**)招标文件售价:¥1000/$150其他说明:有兴趣的潜在投标人可从招标机构处得到进一步的信息和查阅招标文件。在查阅和购买招标文件前,潜在投标人须向招标机构提供已签署盖章的《保密承诺》原件一份(签署人非法定代表人的还需提供法定代表人授权书),否则招标机构将拒绝向其提供相关信息和出售招标文件。有兴趣的投标人可从2024年4月15日起至2024年4月22日止,每天(节假日除外)9:00时至16:00时(北京时间)在 (略) (http://**)网站上购买招标文件,在上述规定的招标文件出售截止期之后将不再出售本项目的招标文件。本招标文件每套售价为人民币*仟元整(RMB *)或*佰**美元(USD 150.00),售后不退。国内邮购须另加**元人民币(RMB50.00);国外邮购须另加**美元(USD 50.00)。首次使用 (略) (http://**)平台的投标人须完成一次性注册,注册时须提供《供应商授权和承诺书》(供应商被授权人手机号快速注册后,可从待办中的供应商补全信息流程页面下载)、供应商注册证明、基本存款账户开户证明或基本存款账户信息等原件扫描件,供应商应当提前准备。已注册的潜在投 (略) 站采购公告栏的相应公告中进入在线领购招标文件流程,在线领购招标文件在查阅和购买招标文件前投标单位须向招标代理提供已签署的《保密承诺》(内容附后)、法定代表人授权书(内容附后)及被授权人身份证(加盖公章的复印件),否则招标代理有权拒绝向其提供相关信息和出售招标文件。法定代表人授权书等格式可从公告附件下载。购买招标文件时提供的资料应与投标文件中的资格证明文件一致,如有不同,以投标文件为准。投标人的合格与否,将由评标委员会决定。5、投标文件的递交
投标截止时间(开标时间):2024-05-09 13:30投标文件送达地点:中国上 (略) 358号美丽园大厦13楼1303会议室开标地点:中国上 (略) 358号美丽园大厦13楼1303会议室6、投标人在投标前 (略) (http://** )或机电产品 (略) (http://**)或中国 (略) (http://**)完成注册及信息核验。评标结果 (略) 和中国 (略) 公示。7、联系方式招标人:中旅(万宁) (略) 地址: (略) 海棠区德中健康产业园2号楼4层联系人:许可联系方式:*, ke.*@*tg.cn招标代理机构: (略) 地址:中国上 (略) 358号美丽园大厦14楼联系人:鲍琦、唐臻善、王晋联系方式:86-21-*、 *、*,*@*habidding.com、*@*habidding.com、*@*habiddin8、汇款方式招标代理机构开户银行(人民币):招标代理机构开户银行(美元):账号(人民币):账号(美元):ICB Procurement of Surfing Equipment Procurement at China Travel ServiceRiyuewan StationShanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on http://** on 2024-04-15.1.Bidding ConditionsOverview:Surfing EquipmentSource of Funds:Source of funds has been confirmedDescription of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Bidding conditions have been prepared2.Bidding Content:Bidding No:0705-*Project Name:ICB Procurement of Surfing Equipment Procurement at China Travel Service Riyuewan StationPlace of Implementation:HainanList of Products:NO.ProductNameQuantityMain Technical DataRemarks1SurfingEquipm1Fullset Pneumatic wave making technology should be applied, and the number of air chambers should be 30or more. In a surf pool with a water surface of no less than 6,000 square meters: – Max Wave Height:no less than 1.8 meters – Length of Ride: no less than 15 seconds – Wave Frequency: no lower than the frequency of generating waves every 10 seconds Provide more than 10 wave types, without any additional charges for all wave types beyond 10 Wave-making modes: single peak and split peak. Forsplit peak mode, the maximum capacity of the wave pool should be no less than 40 surfers per hour. Installation and commissioning completion time: within 3 months after all Goods arrive at the Project Site. Provide supporting wave-making management and operation management software: capable of issuing a letter of undertaking that the software is independently developed or developed by a third-party professional company specially for its wave-making equipment, and has been completed before the date of the bidding notice. The specific functions of the software should include, but not limited to, the surfing session booking, ticketing and visitor management, wave-making management (flexible customization of tDelivery time (including installationand commissioning time):Within 14months after the Buyer pays the first
enthe wave height, wave type, wave frequency, etc.), as well as the technical monitoring and maintenanceof wave-making equipmentadvancepayment3.Qualification Requirements For BidderQualifications or Performance:(1) Bidders should be independent legal entities or other organizations as stipulated by the "Peoples Republic of China Tendering and Bidding Law." (2) Bidders must complete valid registration on the electromechanical product bidding and tendering electronic trading platform recognized by the Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China (referred to as the electromechanical product trading platform, website: http://**) before the tender deadline. Due to the time required for registration approval on the platform, bidders are advised to check their registration status as soon as they decide to participate in this projectbidding to avoid any impact on normal bidding procedures close to the deadline. (3) The bidder shall be the manufacturer of the surfingequipment being tendered. (4) The bidder shall have a track record of contracted projects for the procurement of surfing equipment. Bidders must provide contracts (cover page and signature page are sufficient) or user certification, and the proof documents must reflect the aforementioned content; otherwise, they will not be recognized. (5) Joint bidding is not accepted for this project.Joint Bids:NOT AvailableBid without the bidding documents:NOT Available4.Acquisition of Bidding DocumentsBeginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2024-04-15Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2024-04-22Sell bidding doc online or not:NoTo Obtain:On-site PurchasePlace:(http://**)Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1000/$150Additional Instructions:Interested potential bidders can obtain further information and review the bidding documents from the tendering agency. Before reviewing and purchasing the bidding documents, potential bidders must provide the tendering agency with a signed andsealed original "Confidentiality Commitment" (if the signatory is not the legal representative, an authorization letter from the legal representative is also required), otherwise, the tendering agency will refuse to provide relevant information and sell bidding documents. Interested bidders can purchase bidding documents from Apr 15th, 2024, to Apr 22th, 2024, every day (excluding holidays) from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (Beijing time) on the Tendering Agency website (http://**). Bidding documents for this project will no longer be sold after the specified deadline. The price of each set of bidding documents is RMB * or USD 150.00, and sales are final. Domestic mail order requires an additional RMB 50.00; international mail order requires an additional USD 50.00. First-time users of the Tendering Agency platform(http://**) must complete one-time registration. During registration, suppliers must provide a scanned copy of the original "Supplier Authorization and Commitment Letter" (downloadable from the pending supplier information completion page after the authorized persons quick registration with the suppliers mobile phone number), supplier registration certificate, basic deposit account opening certificate,or basic deposit account information. Suppliers should prepare these documents in advance. Registered potential bidders can enter the online bidding document procurement process from the corresponding notice in the websites procurement announcement board. Before reviewing and purchasing the bidding documents, the bidding unit must provide the tendering agency with the signed "Confidentiality Commitment" (attached content), authorization letter from the legal representative (attached content), and the authorized persons ID card (copy withofficial seal). Otherwise, the tendering agency has the right to refuse to provide relevant information and sell bidding documents. Templatesfor authorization letters from legal representatives and other documents can be downloaded from the announcement Attachments. The information provided during the purchase of bidding documents should match the qualification documents in the bidding documents; if there isany difference, the bidding documents will prevail. The qualification of bidders will be determined by the evaluation committee.5.Bid SubmissionDeadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2024-05-09 13:30Place of Bid:Room 1303, 13th Floor, 358 Yanan West Road, Shanghai, ChinaPlace of Bid Opening:Room 1303, 13th Floor, 358 Yanan West Road, Shanghai, China6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on http://** or chhttp://**.cn. And the evaluation results will be released on http://**.7.Contact DetailsPurchasers:China Tourism (Wanning) Tourism Development Co., LtdAdd.:4th Floor, Building 2, Dezhong Health Industrial Park, Haitang District, Sanya City, Hainan ProvinceContact:Xu KeTel:*,ke.*@*tg.cnBidding Agency:Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd.Add.:14th Floor, No. 358 Yanan West Road, Shanghai, ChinaContact:Bao Qi, Tang Zhenshan, Wang JinTel :86-21-*, *, *,*@*habidding.com, *@*habidding.com8.Remittance ApproachBank(RMB):Bank(USD):Account NO.(RMB):Account NO.(US