Jurong Stage II 2X1000MW Expansion Project ofJiangsuHuadian of China Huadian Corporation International Tender Notice on Imported Fittings for Six Pipelines (略) (略) 委托,对招标人下属 (略) 华电 (略) 二期2× (略) 采购信息公开发布。本次招标的相关信息如下: As entrusted by China Huadian Corporation(CHD), CHD Tendering Co., Ltd. issues this notice for procurement through openinternational competitive tendering on imported fittings for six pipelinesrequired for Jurong Stage II 2X1000MW expansion project of Jiangsu Huadian whois a subsidiary company of the Tenderee. Information related to this tender isspecified as following: 一、招标主管单位: (略) 。 I. Tendering Competent Unit: China Huadian Corporation 二、招标人: (略) 、 (略) II. Tenderee: China HuadianCorporation, Huadian Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. 三、招标代理机构: (略) III. Tendering Agency: CHD Tendering Co.,Ltd. 四、招标编号: IV. Tendering Number: (略) 编号:CHDT058/16-SB-01 Tendering Number at http:/ *** : CHDT058/16-SB-01 (略) 编号: *** CHDT05816 Tendering Number at www.c *** -164CHDT05816 五、招标内容: V. Tendering Content: (略) 华电 (略) 二 (略) 需主蒸汽及高旁入口管道、一次高温再热及中压旁路入口管道、二次高温再热和低压旁路入口管道范围的P92管件,以及相关服务。本标共有一个标段,标段编号、名称及招标范围为: P92 pipe fittings for main steampipes and upper bypass inlet pipes, primary high temperature reheating andmedium-pressure bypass inlet pipes, secondary high temperature reheating andlow-pressure bypass inlet pipes, and related services are required for JurongStage II expansion project of Jiangsu Huadian. The tender consists of one sectionwith section number, title and scope of tendering as following:
六大管道进口管件的制造、工厂试验、包装、运输、交货;提交图纸、说明和其它资料;提供货 (略) 试验的技术指导; (略) 调试、 (略) 和验收; (略) 人员和维修人员提供培训;完成设计联络等。 (略) 文件。 Fabrication, factory tests,packaging, transportation, and delivery of imported fittings for six pipelines;submission of drawings, illustrations, and other documentation; providingtechnical support for installation and site tests of goods; witnessing site debugging, commissioning and acceptance;providing training for operators and maintenance staff; completing designliaison. For further details, refer to tendering documents. 六、工程概况: VI. Project Overview: 本项 (略) 所属 (略) 华电 (略) 二期2× (略) 采购。各建设项目概况如下: The project aims at tendering forprocurement of imported pipe fittings for six pipelines required for JurongStage II 2x1000MW expansion project of Jiangsu Huadian of China Huadian Corporation. Overview of construction project:
七、资格审查方法:资格后审 VII.Qualification Audit Mode: PostpositiveAudit to Qualification 本次招标采取资格后审的方式,在开标前不对 (略) 资格审查。 (略) (略) 文件、制作投标文件,并参加开标。开标后, (略) 首先 (略) 资格审查(投标文件中应包含资格审查资料),符合资格条件要求的投标人才能进入下一步详评。 This tendering willadopt the “postpositive audit to qualification” mode, in which the Tendererqualification will not be audited before the bid opening. After seeing thisnotice, those intentional companies may observe requirements to directlypurchase tendering documents, formulate bidding documents, and partake in thebid opening. In the wake of the bid opening, the bid evaluation committee willfirst audit the Tenderer’s qualification (there shall be qualification auditmaterials in the bidding documents), and those Tenderers that meet thequalification requirements may partake in the subsequent detailed evaluation. 八、合格投标人应具备的条件 VIII. QualificationsRequired for Eligible Tenderers (略) 项目相应的财务实力、技术能力和生产能力与经验, (略) (略) 人认为必要的和合适的其它 (略) 资格审查。 Tenderersshall be competent in finance, technology and production ability required forthe project. The Tenderee will qualify Tenderers as per supporting documentsprovided by Tenderers in accordance with Form 3 in Chapter III of the tenderingdocuments and other materials as considered necessary and appropriate by the Tenderee. (1) 投标人必 (略) 在国的法律依法组建, (略) 在国正式注册, (略) ;投标人必须是进口管件生产商或进口管件生产商在中国区域唯一的长期授权代理商(须提供进口管件生产商的独家代理授权函),并具有实施本项目货物设计、生产、 (略) 要求的足够的技术、人员和装备能力; Tenderer must be a legal company established asper laws of the host country and duly registered in the host country; Tenderersmust be manufacturers of or the only authorized long-term agent by manufacturerof the imported fittings in China (exclusive authorization letter issued by manufacturersof the imported fittings must be provided), and are qualified in sufficienttechnology, staff and equipment required for design, production, supply andtests of items of the project; (2) 企业信誉和财务状况良好,具有足够的流动资金承担本项目货物的制造和供 货; Tenderers shall be in favorable reputation andfinancial conditions with sufficient circulating fund required for productionand supply of items of the project; (3) 进口管件生产商须有ASME证书及TUV认证证书; Manufacturers of imported fittings must begranted with certificates of ASME and TUV; (4) 近三年在国内有1台1000MW或3台660MW以上超超 (略) 项目的P92进口管件(主蒸汽、再热热段主系统) (略) 业绩,并提供相应的合同证明材料及联系人(合同,业主/用户联系方式,否则不予采纳); They must maintain records of safe operation ofimported P92 fittings (main steam pipe, main system of reheating section) ofpower plant project for at least 1 unit of 1000MV or 3 units of 660MWsuper-critical generators in the last three years inChina. Relevant proofs such ascontracts and contacts shall be provided (contracts, contacts of owner *** e to provide such documentation will cause refusal of such proofs); (5) 无不良供货劣迹,所承包工程未发生重大及以上质量安全责任事故,经证实发生类似上述事故的投标人,招标人有权在资格审查中取消其投标资格;及 They shall have no negative supply records. Noany major quality or safety liability accident of contract project everoccurred. If there is proof that such accident ever occurred to the Tenderer, theTenderee is entitled to cancel such tenderer’s qualification during audit ofqualification; and (6) 通过了质量保证体系认证,且质量保证体系认证证书在有效期内。 Tenderers have been certified by qualityassurance system and their certificates are valid. (7) 本次招标不接受联合体投标。 Bids from joint venture are not accepted. 投标人必 (略) 有资格要求,对任一条件不符合都将导致废标。 Tenderers must satisfy all aboverequirements. Bids will be refused for failure to comply with any of therequirements. 投标人应提供在过去的十年 (略) (略) 完的合同引起的诉讼或仲裁(如果有)的准确资料,资料应包括争议各方、争议事件、争议金额及结果。 Tenderers shall provide detailed informationrelated to litigation or arbitration (if any) due to contracts being executedor completed in the past ten years, which shall include parties and events ofthe dispute, amount of money involved and consequences. 在投标截止日期前, (略) 网(http:/ *** )有效注册而且通过年审, (略) 项目的投标资格,否则其投标资格将被取消。 Prior to the bidding deadline, the Tenderershall register at http://www.c *** and pass the annual audit, so as to obtain thebidding qualification for international competitive tendering projects, or theTenderer’s bidding qualification will be cancelled. 九、招标公告发布媒体与时间 IX. Tender Notice ReleaseMedia and Date 1、媒体: (略) 电子商务平台,www.c *** ; (略) 网,http:/ *** ,。 1. Media: CHD Electronic CommercePlatform www.c *** ; http:/ *** ; http:/// 2、时间: * 日—12月12日 2.Date: December 4-12, 2016 3、购买招标文件时间: * 日起至 * 日下午17时止,法定节假日除外。 3.Purchasing Period for Tendering Documents: From December 4, 2016 to 17:00pm of December 12, 2016 (Except forofficial holidays). 十、招标文件的获取 X. Acquirement of Tendering Documents 1、凡有意参与投标的潜在投标人,对“ (略) 电子商务平台”的会员单位,缴纳标书费后,到“ (略) 电子商务平台( (略) (略) )”下载招标文件。( (略) 网联系,电话: *** ),其他同上。 Potential Tenderersintending to participate in bidding may download tendering documents from CHD Electric Commerce Platform (ever calledCHD Tender and Procurement Net) after paying to member of CHD Electric Commerce Platform withappropriate fees. (For membership, please contact the Tendering Net at *** ), for others, the same as above. 特别说明:各投标单位必 (略) 供应商管理及评价活动 (略) (略) 络成员,非网络成员将不能参加投标;请各投标单位 (略) 电子商务平台( (略) (略) ) (http:/ *** ),点击 (略) 供应商管理及评价系统,按系统中要求的流程完成注册和资格信息填报等工作。( (略) 网联系,电话: *** ),其他同上。 Specialnote: All Tenderers must join in supplier management and evaluation of CHD andbecome member of CHD’s supplier network. Non-member Tenderers are not allowedto participate in bidding. Tenderers may visit CHD ElectricCommerce Platform (ever called CHDTender and Procurement Net) (http:/ *** ) and enter into CHD’ssupplier management and evaluation system to register and fill in informationas required. (For membership, please contact the Tendering Net at *** ), for others, the same as above. 2、每套标书收取1000 元(大写: * 仟元整)费用,一经售出将不予退还。 Each set of tendering documents will be charged an amount of 1000Yuan (In words: One Thousand Yuan), and it is non-refundable after sales. 3、标书款支付方式:电汇。请按如下帐户汇款: Payment Mode for Tendering Documents: T/T. Please remit tothe following account: 开户名称: (略) Account Name: CHD Tendering Co., Ltd. (略) :建行 (略) (略) ( *** ) Deposit Bank: Business Office, Beijing Xuanwu Branch, ChinaConstruction Bank 账号: *** Accountnumber: *** 银行国际代码:PCBCCNBJBJX SWIFT CODE: PCBCCNBJBJX 4、 (略) 代理机构发放。购买招标文件单位名称必须与实际参与投标的单位名称一致,并且具有独立法人资格。 Invoices for purchasing tendering document will beissued by the tendering agency at bid opening site. Tenderers who purchasetendering documents must be exactly the same as Tenderers participating inbidding and must be independent legal entities. 十一、投标文件的提交 XI. Submission of Bidding Documents 1、投标截止时间(即开标时间): * 日上午9:00。 Deadline forsubmitting bidding documents (time for bid opening): December 27,2016 9:00am.. 2、递交投标文件地点(即开标地点):地点: (略) 华 (略) B577房间。 Address fordelivering bidding documents (location for bid opening): Room B577,Hua BinInternational Hotel Beijing. 3、逾期送达或未送达指定地点的投标文件将不予受理。 Bidding documents delayed or failed to be delivered to specifiedaddress will be refused. 十二、联系方式 XII. Contact Information 联系人: 王新格 秦楠 Contact person: Wang Xinge, Qin Nan 联系电话: *** *** 传真: *** Tel. No.: *** *** Fax: *** 地址: (略) 区 (略) 门内大街2号华电大厦B座6层 Address: F/6, Block B, China Huadian Corporation Building, No. 2 ofXuanwumen Inner Street,Xicheng District,Beijing,China 邮政编码: *** Postcode: *** 电子邮箱: * *** * *** Email address: * *** * *** 注:投标人将填写好的《购买招标文件回执确认单》和购标电汇凭证扫描件发送至(本公告八条第1款)所列邮件地址(注:电子邮件的主题栏需填“××项目××单位《购买招标文件回执确认单》”字样,以邮件附件发送)。 (略) 文件的回执和汇款底单审核并通过后,将开通投标人在“ (略) 电子商务平台(www.c *** )”下载招标文件的权限,如对“ (略) 电子商务平台”的注册与下载有疑问 (略) (略) : *** 。招标文件一经售出,恕不退款。购买招标文件单位、“购买招标文件回执确认单”中列明的单位名称必须与实际参与投标的单位名称一致。 Note: Tenderers shallfill in Letter of Confirmation forTendering Document Purchase Receipt and T/T bill for purchasing tendering documents and send them to the emailaddress listed (Clause VIII Paragraph 1 of this notice) (Note: Subject of theemail shall be marked with “xx project xx company Letter of Confirmation for Tendering Document Purchase Receipt”, sent as email attachment). After thereceipt and T/T bill are reviewed and confirmed by tendering agency, permissionfor downloading tendering documents from CHD Electric Commerce Platform *** ) will be granted. For any question about registration toand downloading from CHD Electric Commerce Platform, please get in touch with theCustomerServiceCenterof “CHD ElectronicCommerce Platform”: *** / *** . Norefund for the tendering documents sold. Tendering document purchasingcompanies and the company names listed in the “Letter of Confirmation for Tendering Document Purchase Receipt”shall keep consistent with the names of the Tenderers involved in the bidding. (略) (略) 华电 (略) 二期2×1000MW扩建工程 JurongStage II 2X1000MW Expansion Project ofJiangsuHuadian of China Huadian Corporation (略) 文件回执 确认单 Letter of Confirmation for Tendering Document Purchase Receipt for International Tender on Imported Fittings for Six Pipelines
备注:1.本表中填报的投标人名称须全称且与营业执照上的名称一致。购买招标文件单位、“购买招标文件回执确认单”中列明的单位名称必须与实际参与投标的单位名称一致。 Remarks: 1. the Tenderer’s full name in thistable shall keep consistent with the name on the business license, and the tendering document purchasing company andthe company name listed in the “Letter ofConfirmation for Tendering Document Purchase Receipt” shall keep consistentwith the name of the Tenderer involved in the bidding. 2.本表填好后除传真外, (略) 公司发word形式电子版( (略) 拷贝投标人基本信息)!!谢谢配合! 2. After being filled, this table will be faxed to the tenderingcompany. Also, its electronic version in the form of “Word” shall be sent tothe tendering company (facilitate the tendering company to copy the Tenderer’sbasic information)!!Thanks for yourcooperation! |