Solicitation of International Urban Renewal Plans for Longmenhao“Chongqing Renjia”
主办单位: (略) 市 (略) 区人民政府
(略) 市规划 (略)
Host: People’s Government of Nan'an District of Chongqing Municipality
Chongqing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau
承办单位: (略) 市南滨 (略)
Organizer: Chongqing Nanbin Road Construction and Development Center
技术指导: (略) 市 (略) 区规划 (略)
Organizer: Chongqing Nanbin Road Construction and Development Center
组织单位: (略) 鼎石 (略)
Organization unit: Chongqing Dingshi Architectural Planning and Design Co., Ltd.
* 年 * 月
April *
为深入贯彻《中共中央关于制定 (略) 会发展第十 * 个 * 年规划和 * 〇 * * 年远景目标的建议》以及长江经济带发展系列座谈会精神,全面落实总书记对 (略) 提出的“两点”定位、“两地”“两高”目标、发挥“ * 个作用”和营造良好政治生态的重要指示要求,推动 (略) 经济圈建设,我市组织编制了《两江 * 岸核心区整体提升规划方案》,明确以“两江 * 岸”核心区为重点,建设长嘉汇大景区。
In order to thoroughly implement the "Proposals of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-term Goals for * " and the instructions of symposiums on the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, in order to to thoroughly implement instructions on Chongqing proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, including the building of a sound political atmosphere, the positioning and goals of Chongqing as“dual geographic importance, twin goals and parallel progress”, Chongqing’s “three roles”and promotion for the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle. We have compiled "the Plan of the Core Area of Two Rivers and Four Banks for the Overall Upgrading ", which explicitly sates that we should build the Changjiahui Grand Scenic Area with a focus on the core area of the "Two Rivers and Four Banks".
龙门浩片区拥有“最 (略) ” (略) 景,“最 (略) ”的市井老街,以及“最 (略) ”的开埠文化, (略) 市记忆,凝结着浓浓乡愁。但同时 (略) 分老旧的现状功能形象与其地 (略) 担当的使命不匹配的问题, (略) 市有机更新深入挖掘片区潜力,以发挥更大的作用。
The Longmenhao area has the landscapes with most typical Chongqing elements. To be specific, the old city street, and port culture have kept our city memory and have mirrored our emotions for homeland. However, most facilities of the area are old fashioned, which cannot contribute to the image of the landmark. As a result, it is urgent to tap the potential of the area through the upgrading of the city in a scientific way.
为实现长嘉汇大景区形成历史人文风景眼、 (略) 市会客厅、 (略) 区的目标,充分彰显自然景观和文化底蕴,提升 (略) 市风貌品质,传播文旅内涵和品牌形象, (略) 市 (略) 区人民政府与 (略) 市规划 (略) 共同启动龙门浩· (略) 市更新方案国际征集,公开邀请具有相关项目策划、城市更新、景观设计、运营管理经验的设计机构参与“龙门故事”,欢迎国内外优秀设计机构递交应征材料, (略) ,谋定即动。
In order to achieve the goals of building a historical and cultural landscape attraction of the Changjiahui Grand Scenic Area, a guest meeting room of a city of rivers and mountains and a central business center, in order to fully demonstrate the natural landscape and cultural heritage, improve the living environment and the quality of the city, and spread the cultural and tourism meanings and brand image, The People’s Government of Nan'an District of Chongqing Municipality and Chongqing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau jointly launched the Solicitation of International Urban Renewal Plans for Longmenhao“Chongqing Renjia. We invite design agencies with relevant experience in project planning, urban renewal, landscape design, and operation management to the solicitation, and welcome excellent design institutions at home and abroad to submit application materials, then do the plan, and take actions.
项目位于 (略) 市南 (略) (略) 地带, (略) 风景区以西,南起 (略) 北抵杨家岗,与 (略) 区、 (略) 区隔江相望。(详见图1区位图。注:该范围涉及 (略) 国家 (略) 、 (略) 区、慈云寺-米市街-龙门浩历史文化街区保护范围)
The project is located in the central riverside area on the west side of Nan'an District, at the west of Nanshan Scenic Area. It also has Ma'anshan in the south and Yangjiagang in the north, and faces Yuzhong District and Jiangbei District across the river from (see Figure 1 for details Note: This covers the protection scope of national historic, cultural and time-honored areas, and Ciyun Temple-Mishi Street-Longmenhao Historical and Cultural blocks)
图1 区位图
Figure 1 location
本次方案征集设计范围分为片区整体发展策划、 (略) 市有机更新、重要廊道详细规划和重要节点方案设计。(详见图2 设计范围图)
The design scope includes the overall development planning of the area, the upgrading of key areas in a scientific way, the detailed planning of important corridors and the design of important nodes. ( see Figure 2 For details )
片区整体发展策划范围,北至慈云路,南至海棠溪新街,西侧紧邻长江,东至 (略) 风景区山脚 (略) 区,面积约1. * 平方公里。
The overall development planning scope covers an area of about 1. * square kilometers. Ciyun Road stands in the north and Haitangxi New Street in the south, Yangtze River in the west and Yitianmen Community (at the foot of the Nanshan Scenic Area) in the east.
(略) 市有机更新范围包含3个地段: * 是杨家岗地段,面积约 * .9公顷; * 是 * (略) 地段,面积约 * .3公顷; * 是 (略) 地段,面积约 * 公顷。
The upgrading of key areas includes Yangjiagang with an area of about * .9 hectares, Yitianmen with an area of about * .3 hectares and Ma'anshan with an area of about * hectares.
The detailed planning of important corridors includes Tushan Road, Banshan Road and Tunnel.
重要节点方案设计包含 * 个: * 是东水门长江大桥南桥头地块; (略) 医院( (略) )地块; * 是英 (略) 地块。
The design of the important node plan includes the head plot of the south bridge of the Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge, the plot where the British Association Hospital was (also known as the World Hospital at that
time in history) and the plot where the British Salt Administration was.
图2 设计范围图
Figure 2 design scope
* 、 设计内容 Design content本次规划应突出龙门浩片区“最 (略) ”的自然山水特点和人文特征,结合《两江 * 岸核心区整体提升规划方案》,系统性提出符合实际且具有前瞻性的核心设计概念与综合解决方案。设计深度分为 * 个层面,具体内容包括但不限于下述内容,设计机构可结合国内外类似地区发展经验,提出匹配定位的规划策略。
This plan should highlight the natural and humanity characteristics of Longmenhao area full of most typical Chongqing elements. Based on the "Overall Improvement Plan for the Core Area of Two Rivers and Four Banks" , we should put forward comprehensive, realistic and forward-looking core design concepts and solutions . The design depth is covers four aspects as followed. The specific content includes but is not limited to the following. The design agency can consider the development experience of similar regions at home and abroad to propose a matching positioning planning strategy.
( * )片区整体发展策划Overall development planning of the area
1、设计要点整体空间结构控制与设计:从整体区域的层面,探索文化、产业、空间 * 位 * 体的 (略) ,构建江峡岭谷、山地风貌的总体空间形态,明确片区风貌核心管控要素,塑造文旅主导的优质空间环境。
整体风貌控制和意境营造:充分考虑市民游客需求,运用 (略) 景化设计方法,联动南滨路沿线, (略) (略) 景序列和整体风貌形象。营造亲自然、有趣味、重体验的整体空间氛围,将 (略) 景、 (略) 景、 (略) 景、 (略) 会场 (略) 市空间中,通过游线设计,串联旅游元素,营造文旅氛围,讲好历史故事,引导游客体验。
1、Design points
Overall spatial structure control and design: we should explore the overall functional layout of culture, industry, and space, and construct the overall spatial form integrating the rivers, gorges, ridges,valleys, and the mountain landscape. We should also clarify the core management and control elements of the regional landscape, thus shaping the cultural tourism-dominated high-quality space environment.
Overall style control and artistic conception creation: we should fully consider the needs of citizens and tourists. Based on the people-oriented scene design method, we can link the Nanbin Road, thus building a coherent sequence of urban scenes and overall style image. We should also create an overall pro-nature, interesting space atmosphere that is experience-oriented, and integrates scenes of high-quality life, brersified consumption, new economic application, and high-level governance and society into the urban space, and connects tourism elements through the design of travel routes. We will tell historical stories, and guide visitors to experience by creating a cultural tourism atmosphere.
包括但不限于:对标案例研究;明确片区的风貌特色定位和营造策略,提出总体空间形态 (略) 市形象设计;提出片区的功能结 (略) ,提出重点地段的功能策划、相应功能设施配套和重大项目植入建议;梳理 (略) 结构,提出综合交通组织方案;提出片区的景观系统、重要公共空间体系设计方案;提出夜景、 (略) 市风貌管控要求;提出实施时序、实施措施、运营方案等。
2、Design content
It Includes but not limited to: benchmarking case studies; the feature positioning and construction strategy; the overall spatial form design and overall urban image design; the functional structure and land layout of the area; the functional planning and corresponding functional facilities of the key areas’ Recommendations for supporting and major projects; the overall road network structure; a comprehensive transportation organization plan; the design of the area's landscape system and important public space system; the management and control requirements of night scenes and urban colors; implementation timing and measures, and operating plans.
( * ) (略) 市有机更新Renewal of key places
(略) 市有机更新范围包含3个:杨家岗地段、 * (略) 地段和 (略) 地段。
The key places includes Yangjiagang area, Tianmen area area and Ma'anshan area.
1、Design points
Yangjiagang area: as for the renewal of the city, we focus on environmental landscape and traffic analysis, consider the natural and humanity background, and explore historical stories. In this way, we can improve environment and highlight cultural values.
* (略) 地段:整合南北文旅资源,疏通 (略) 联系通道,凸显东水门长江大桥南桥头及周边片区的门户形象;改善居民生活环境, (略) 区 (略) 分类,明确拆除、改造、保留类的建筑,并对 (略) 有机更新;释放山体绿色空间,打通视线通廊,可以在遵循控规和相关规划的基础上,结合规划目标, (略) (略) 合理的拆除征收。
Yitianmen area: we should integrate cultural and tourism resources in both north and south, make connections between rivers and mountains, thus highlighting the portal image of the south end of the Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge and surrounding areas; we should also improve the living environment of residents, classify the buildings in the Tianmenmen community (clearly figuring out demolition, renovation, and retention) . in addition, we should renew the street environment. Specifically, we should open the green space of the mountain for the wider sight view . Based on the control regulations and related planning, we should consider demolition and expropriation of some plots in a proper way in accordance with the planning goals.
(略) 地段:对地段 (略) 分类,明确拆除、改造、保留类的建筑,并对 (略) 有机更新;着重挖掘地段的文化价值和景观潜力,彰显“ (略) 人家” (略) 景和山水意境。
Ma'anshan Lot: we should classify the buildings (clarify the buildings that are demolished, renovated, and preserved) and update the street environment with a focus on exploring the cultural value and landscape potential. In this way, we can highlight the life scenes and landscape artistic conception of "Chongqing People".
2、Design content
It Includes but not limited to status research and target determination, detailed design of landscape system, detailed design of public space system, comprehensive transportation system, environmental facilities, architectural form, and night scene lighting, functional business research planning, control regulations optimization, and calculation of relevant economic indicators.
( * )重要廊道详细规划Detailed planning of important corridors
1、 涂山路设计要点综合考虑沿线片区现状建筑的体量、高度、外形、风格等方面,对建筑风貌改造与立面整治提出改造的引导方案;结合周边地块风貌,对道路沿线绿化景观和 (略) 设计,确定 (略) 和功能;对道 (略) 通道、公共空间的铺装和材质、色彩提出控制要求和设计意向; (略) 招和各类铭牌和广告牌提出控制要求;明确街道照明方式和重点照明区域,并提出设计意向; (略) 街具和公共艺术设施,提出设计意向。
1、Design points of Tushan Road
We should comprehensively consider the volume, height, shape, style and other aspects of the current buildings in the area along the line, and propose a guidance plan for the renovation of the architectural style and the facade renovation; based on the style of the surrounding plots, we should design the green landscape and public space along the road, and determine public space layout and functions; in addition, we should put forward control requirements and design intentions for roads and pedestrian passages on both sides, paving and material, and color of public spaces; we should put forward control requirements for store signs along the street and various nameplates and billboards; we should clarify street lighting methods and key lighting areas, and put forward design intentions; we should properly arrange street furniture and public art facilities, and then put forward design intentions.
2、 半山路及隧道设计要点原控规方案将半山路与龙门路通过东水门长江大桥南桥头的高架交通枢纽连通,以接驳东水门长江大桥的南北地块。原方 (略) 于慈云寺-米市街-龙门浩历史文化街区的正上方,应充分考虑历史文化街区相关保护控制要求,在符合历史文化街区保护控制要求的基础上,对相关地块 (略) 梳理,并结合设计功能做出交通量的预测,重新研究能够连接两个地块的交通组织方案,以及原控规隧道的详细设计方案。2、Key points of Banshan Road and tunnel design
Given the original control plan, we connect Banshan Road and Longmen Road through the elevated traffic hub at the south end of the Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge to connect the north and south plots of this Bridge. The viaduct of the original plan is directly above the Ciyun Temple-Mishi Street-Longmenhao historical and cultural block. We should fully consider the relevant protection and control requirements of the historical and cultural blocks. On the basis of meeting the protection and control requirements of the historical and cultural block, we should make clear the the traffic status of the relevant plots, and make a forecast of traffic volume forecast according to the design function. We should also study the traffic organization plan that can connect the two plots again, and the detailed design plan of the tunnel of the original control plan.
( * )重要节点方案设计Important node scheme design片区内 (略) ,分别是位于 * (略) 地段的东水门长江大桥南桥头地块、位于 (略) (略) 医院旧址地块和英 (略) 地块。
There are 3 important nodes in the area: the south bridge head of the Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge in the Tianmen section, the site where the British Association Hospital was in the Ma'anshan section, and the site where the British Salt Administration Office was.
东水门长江大桥南桥头地块:东水门长江大桥南桥头是两江 * 岸核心区中连接 (略) 区与 (略) 区的 * 个重要对景点,具有强烈的地区标识性。设计方案应重点考虑其地标形象、门户景观、交通接驳、游客集散等身份职能。
1、Design points
The South Bridge Head of Dongshuimen Yangtze River Bridge: the head is an important scenic spot connecting Yuzhong District and Nan'an District in the core area of Two Rivers and Four Banks. It is a highlighted identity icon as well. As for the design plan, we should focus on its functions such as landmark image, portal landscape, transportation connection, and tourist gathering and distributing.
(略) 旧址地块: (略) 旧址建筑周边半径 * m范 (略) 景观方案设计。重点挖掘该地块的景观潜力,搭建景观平台,并 (略) 医院旧址 (略) 更新整治和功能策划,讲出文化故事。重点考虑地块景观方案与文保建筑在风貌、功能、交通等方面的协调性和互补性,凸显该地块的景观价值和文化价值,为景观方案注入人文内涵。
The plot where the British Association Hospital was before: we should carry out the landscape design of the plot within a radius of * m around the building. We should focus on exploring the landscape potential, thus building a landscape platform. we should also demonstrate culture stories through the renovation and functional planning of the British Association Hospital. In addition, we should focus on the coordination and complementarity between the landscape plan of the plot and the cultural preservation architecture in terms of style, function, and transportation,thus highlighting the landscape and cultural value and in this way, we can inject humanistic meanings into the landscape plan.
英 (略) 地块:对英 (略) 建筑周边半径 * m范 (略) 景观方案设计。重点挖掘该地块的景观潜力,疏通山水视线通廊,搭建景观平台,并通过对英 (略) (略) 更新整治和功能策划,讲出文化故事。重点考虑地块景观方案与文保建筑在风貌、功能、交通等方面的协调性和互补性,凸显该地块的景观价值和文化价值,为景观方案注入人文内涵。
The plot where the British Salt Management Office was before: we should carry out the landscape design of the plot within a radius of * m around the building. We should focus on exploring the landscape potential of the plot, connecting the landscape corridors, thus building a landscape platform. we should also demonstrate culture stories through the renovation and functional planning of the building. In addition, we should focus on the coordination and complementarity between the landscape plan of the plot and the cultural preservation architecture in terms of style, function, and transportation,thus highlighting the landscape and cultural value and in this way, we can inject humanistic meanings into the landscape plan.
提出设计原则,明确重要节点的方案构思、景观主题、功能结构、重点建筑的更新方式和 (略) 地竖向设计、交通流线组织、基础设施配套、消防安全系统,以及地块内的业态策划和运营管理策划建议等。
2、Design content
We should propose design principles, clarify the plan conception of important nodes, landscape themes, functional structures, renewal methods of key buildings, the overall site vertical design, traffic flow organization, infrastructure facilities, fire safety system, business type planning and operation management planning suggestions.
* 、 成果要求 Results requirements成果应满足《 (略) 乡规划条例》( * 年)、《 (略) 市规划管理技术规定》及城市更新相关规范文件要求。
The results should meet the requirements of the "Chongqing Urban and Rural Planning Regulations" ( * ), the "Chongqing Urban Planning Management Technical Regulations" and relevant regulatory documents for urban renewal.
( * )方案文本Scheme text
The concept description of the scheme
Drawings for the overall development planning of the area
3、 (略) 市有机更新系列图纸
Drawings for renewal of key locations
Drawings of detailed planning of important corridors
Drawings of important node
Effect display diagram
Economic indicator calculation tables
Other related results (expressing the design concept and plan conception process)
( * )展板Exhibition board上述设计成果选择主要内容展示,提供A0展板 * 套(8- * 张),统 * 采用竖向排版,并应用阿拉伯数字在图版的右下角排序编号。
The highlights of the above shall be selected for display, and A0 exhibition boards (8- * sheets) are provided. And the vertical typesetting are uniformly adopted. In addition, the Arabic numerals are used in the lower right corner of the drawing board for numbering.
( * )实体模型Entity model
实体模型的比例应为1: * ,模型需表现出主要的 (略) 、路网体系、建筑群落分布特征,模型材质不限。
The scale should be 1: * , and the model needs to demonstrate the main landscape spatial pattern, road network system, and distribution characteristics of the building groups. The material of the model is not limited.
( * )汇报文件Reporting documents设计单位应采用PPT、PDF等 (略) 现场汇报,时间不超过 * 分钟。
The design unit shall use PPT, PDF and other report documents for on-site report, and the time shall not exceed * minutes.
(略) 选择增加多媒体 (略) 方案展示,多媒体演示文件应采用MP4、AVI或WMV格式的高清演示,时间控制在 * 分钟内。
You can choose to add multimedia presentation files ( high-definition presentations in MP4, AVI or WMV format), and the time shall be controlled within * minutes.
( * )申请人须为独立法人,且具备如下条件:
The applicant must be an independent legal person and meet the following conditions:
1、中华人民共和国境内应征 (略) 乡规划 * 级 (略) 业(建筑工程)设计 * 级资质;境外 (略) 在国家或地区具有合法营业范围,并具有我国境内合法经营和设计许可。
Applicant institutions in the People's Republic of China must have Grade A qualification for urban and rural planning and Grade A qualification for construction industry (construction engineering) design; overseas ones must have a legal business scope in their country or region, and have legal business and design licenses in my country .
You can register in the name of a consortium (the consortium members shall not exceed 3), and each party may no longer sign up in their own name alone or form a consortium with another applicant organization. If an overseas applicant institution register with a domestic one, the qualification requirements for the domestic one are the same as above. As for the qualification requirements of applicants of Hong Kong (China), Macao (China) and Taiwan (China), you shall refer to the requirements of the qualification requirements of overseas applicants.
3、应征机构(含联合体)应有与本项目功能、性质相类似的策划、规划和建筑设计经验(须提供自 * 日起的同类项目设计业绩)。
Applicant institutions (including consortia) shall have experience in plan and architectural design similar to this project. (you shall provide the design performance of similar projects from January 1, * ).
This solicitation does not accept applications from inbriduals.
( * ) (略) 要求
Design team requirements
1、应征机构(含联合体)应明确主创 (略) 人员名单,主创设计师的同类项目业绩将作为资格预审环节重要评审依据。
Applicants (including consortiums) should clarify the list of chief creative designer and team members, and the chief designer’s performances of similar projects will be used as an important evaluation basis for the qualification check.
2、参与本次活动的设计人员应为设计机构的在册人员,主创设计师由主持过同类型项目的设计师担任,且主创 (略) 成员须全过程参与本项目(项目启动会、现场踏勘、方案设计、中期交流、最终方案汇报)。自启动会后,主创设计 (略) (略) 工作7天。 (略) (略) 现场调研工作, (略) 情况,同时对任务书提出的总体 (略) 深刻领悟与贯彻落实。
The designers participating in this event shall be registered staff of the design agency. The chief creative designer shall have experience in designing the project of the same kind. In addition, the chief creative designer and team members must participate in the whole process of the project (kick-off meeting, on-site Survey, plan design, mid-term communication, final plan report). since the kick-off meeting, the main creative designer and the team shall work on site for 7 days and the design team need to fully conduct on-site investigations, understand the site conditions of the base, and at the same time deeply understand and implement the overall working principles proposed in the task document.
3、 (略) 需各专业工种配备齐全应包含策划、规划、建筑、景观、交通、运营、管理等专业人员。为了 (略) 人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,境外应征机构的专业 (略) 中应至少有 * 名通晓汉语人士。
The project team needs to be fully equipped with professionals of planning, construction, landscape, transportation, operation, management and others. In order to ensure that the project team members have an accurate understanding of the Chinese regional background and related requirements, there should be at least one person who is proficient in Chinese , in the technical personnel team of the overseas applicant institution.
4、在设计过程中若主创设计师与资 (略) 提交的信息不符或未经主办单位认可擅自更换主创设计师的,视为无效申请。
If the information of the chief creative designer does not match the one submitted in the materials for qualification check or if there is a change about the chief creative designer without the approval of the organizer, the application is deemed invalid.
( * )具有如下条件的应征机构将优先考虑
Applicants with the following conditions will be given priority
The person in charge of the project and the chief creative designer have rich experience in planning and operation of cultural tourism towns;
2、项目负责人、主创设计师 (略) 市更新和历史文化街区设计经验的;
The project leader and chief creative designer have rich design experience in urban renewal and historical and cultural blocks;
( * )本次方案征集接受境外应征机构报名
This solicitation can receive registration from overseas applicants
受新冠肺炎疫情影响,境外人员应遵守中华人民共和国及 (略) 市有关新冠防疫管理规定。
Affected by the pandemic of Covid- * , overseas personnel should abide by the relevant prevention and control regulations of the People's Republic of China and Chongqing Municipality.
* 、 资格预审成果要求Results requirements of qualification check
应征文件包含应征机构报名表、资质证明文件、应征机构(含联合体)及主创设计师相关业绩、 (略) 成员表及相关证明材料等内容;如为联合体报名,须提交联合体协议、联合体成员工作分工方案。
The application documents include the application form for the application institutions, the qualification certificate, the relevant performance of the application institution (including the consortium) and the chief creative designer, team member table and related certification materials; if the registration is done by the consortium, the consortium agreement, work brision plan of consortium members shall be submitted.
* 、 时间安排及资格预审报名文件递交Schedule and submission of registration documents
( * ) 时间安排:
阶段stage | 工作安排work | 时间date |
第 * 阶段:资格预审阶段 The first stage: the qualification check stage | (略) announcement issuing | * |
报名截止 deadline | * | |
资格预审会及结果公布qualification check and result issuing | * (暂定)(to be confirmed) | |
(略) 签署《确认参与函》 The shortlisted team signs the"Confirm Participation Letter" | * (暂定)(to be confirmed) | |
第 * 阶段:设计及评审阶段 Thesecond stage: Design and review | 启动会、现场踏勘及任务书发出Kick-off meeting, site surveyand task document issuing | * (暂定)(to be confirmed) |
中期交流会 Mid-termexchange meeting | * (暂定)(to be confirmed) | |
提交成果 Submitresult | * | |
方案评审会 Reviewmeeting | * (暂定)(to be confirmed) | |
(略) reviewresult issuing | * (暂定)(to be confirmed) | |
第 * 阶 段:设计整合阶段 Thethird stage: Design integration stage | 设计整合 Designintegration | * (暂定)(to be confirmed) |
备注:本次 (略) (略) 有时间均指 (略) 时间,若受疫情等不可抗力因素影响,征集单位可对活动具体时间节点作适时调整。
Remarks: All times involved in this solicitation refer to Beijing time. If affected by force majeure factors such as the pandemic, the organizer may make adjustments to the specific time nodes.
( * ) 资料提交:
Information submission:
资格报名预审文件包含纸质文件和 (略) 分。其中电子文件须发送至组织单位指定邮箱( * q.com * q.com),文件以“龙门浩· (略) 人家+应征单位(联合体)”命名,电子文件截止收件时间为 * 日 * 时 * 分,纸质文件可通过邮寄或直接送达两种方式送至 (略) 鼎石 (略) (详细地址: (略) 市 (略) 区星光 * 路3号),纸质文件接收截止时间为 * 日 * 时 * 分(以邮件到达时间为准)。本次 (略) 上报名,逾期送达或者未送达指定地点的资格预审报名文件,征集人将不予受理。
The document includes paper documents and electronic ones. The electronic files must be sent to the designated email address of the organization unit ( * q.com * q.com). The file is named after "Longmenhao·Chongqing Renjia + Applicant Unit (Consortium)". The deadline for receiving electronic files is at * : * on April * of * , and paper documents can be sent to Chongqing Dingshi Architectural Planning and Design Co., Ltd. (address: No. 3, 5th Road of Xingguang, Yubei District, Chongqing), by mail or by direct delivery. The deadline for receiving paper documents is * : * on April * of * (subject to the arrival time of the mail). Online registration is not accepted for this solicitation, and we will not accept the registration documents that are delivered after the deadline or not delivered to the designated location.
* 、 征集说明 Directions( * )本次征集活动分为两个阶段。第 * 阶段为资格预审阶段,时长约 * 天;第 * 阶段为设计及评审阶段,时长约 * 天;第 * 阶段为设计整合阶段,时长约 * 天。
This solicitation is brided into the qualification check stage, (which lasts about * days), the design and review stage, (which lasts about * days) and the design integration stage ( which lasts about * days).
( * )申请人遴选阶 (略) 对 (略) 资格预审,从中遴选出5个申请人(含联合体)入围。
At the applicant selection stage, the review committee will check the application materials and then select 5 applicants (including consortia) as shortlisted ones.
( * )参加征集活动的设计机构提交的设计成果满足技术任务书要求,且经专家评审会确定为有效成果的,获得征集奖金。本次征集设置1个 * 等奖和4个优秀奖, * 等奖奖金 * 万元(含税),须对其他 * 家方案优点和专家 (略) 深化整合(整合深度与征集任务书要求相同,同时需修改模型)直至主办单位评审通过为止,优秀奖奖金各 * 万元(含税)。
If the design results submitted by the design institutions participating in the solicitation meet the requirements of the technical task document and are determined as effective by the expert review meeting, the solicitation bonus will be awarded. We set up 1 first prize and 4 excellent prizes, and the bonus for the first prize is 2.8 million yuan (tax included). the first prize winner shall deepen and integrate the advantages of the other four schemes and expert review opinions (the integration depth is the same as the requirements of the task document , and the model needs to be modified at the same time) until the organizer passes through the review. Each of the excellence prize winners will be awarded * , * yuan (tax included).
( * )方案征集过程中发生的 * 切费用及因设计补偿费而发生的有关税费,由 (略) 负责。
Each applicant shall be responsible for all expenses incurred in the process of the solicitation and for the related duties due to design compensation fees.
( * )本次方案征集要求由报名时明确的主 (略) 方案汇报, * 旦报名成功,则视为接受本条款说明。
The solicitation requires that the chief creative designer who was clearly stated at the time of registration shall do the scheme report. Once the registration is successful, it will be deemed to accept the description of this clause.
( * )申请人(含联合体) (略) 有报名材料真实、合法和有效,并承担相关法律责任。
Applicants (including consortium) must ensure that all application materials are true, legal and valid, and bear relevant legal responsibilities.
* 、 征集及组织单位Solicitation and organization unit主办单位: (略) 市 (略) 区人民政府
Host: People’s Government of Nan'an District of Chongqing Municipality
(略) 市规划 (略)
Chongqing Municipal Planning and Natural Resources Bureau
承办单位: (略) 市南滨 (略)
Organizer: Chongqing Nanbin Road Construction and Development Center
技术指导: (略) 市 (略) 区规划 (略)
Organizer: Chongqing Nanbin Road Construction and Development Center
组织单位: (略) 鼎石 (略)
Organization unit: Chongqing Dingshi Architectural Planning and Design Co., Ltd.
主办单位有权根据具体情况确定相关活动日程,拥 (略) 活动的最终解释权,并 (略) 的 (略) 提交的设计方案及文件拥有无 (略) 置权。
The organizer has the right to determine the schedule of related activities according to the specific situation, has the final interpretation right of this solicitation, and has the right to use and dispose of the design plans and documents submitted by the design agencies free of charge.
The organizing unit is responsible for the specific work for the preparation of the solicitation, and the relevant letters issued by it has the same effect as the organizer itself when the letters are confirmed by the organizer.
十、 发布公告的媒体 Media for announcement issuing1、 (略) 市规划 (略) 官网(g *** )
Chongqing Planning and Natural Resources Bureau http:/ ***
2、 (略) (https:/ *** )
China Bidding Network http:/ ***
China Purchasing and Bidding Network http://
4、其他媒体( (略) )
Other media (announcement based on actual conditions)
十 * 、联系方式Contact组织单位: (略) 鼎石 (略)
Organization unit: Chongqing Dingshi Architectural Design Co., Ltd.
联 系 人:谭工孙工
Contact person: Tan Gong Sun Gong
邮寄地址: (略) 市 (略) 区星光 * 路3号
Mailing address: No. 3, 5th Road of Xingguang , Yubei District, Chongqing
邮政编码: ***
Postal Code: ***
电 话: ***
Telephone: *** *** ***
Email: * q.com * q.com
备注:以上内容若存在中文与英文表 (略) ,请以中文为准。