Announcement on International Solicitation for Urban Design of the Core Area Integrated TOD of Suzhou Science and Technology Town 【信息时间: *** 08:18阅读次数: 信息来源:苏州市自然 (略) 苏州国家高新技术产业开发区(虎丘)分局】【打印】【关闭】 | ||||||||
???? (略) 市规划学会(组织策划单位) (略) (略) 、苏州市自然 (略) 苏州高新区(虎丘)分局、 (略) (略) (主办单位)联合委托,面向全球开展《 (略) 核心区TO (略) 市设计》国际方案征集活动(以下简称“本次征集活动”)。现将相关事项公告如下: ????Urban Planning Society ofChina (the organizing supporter) is commissioned by Suzhou Science andTechnology Town Management Committee, Suzhou New District (Huqiu) Sub-bureau ofSuzhou Natural Resources and Planning Bureau, and Suzhou Science and TechnologyTown Development Group Co., Ltd (the organizer) jointly to launch this open international solicitationactivity for Urban Design of the Core Area Integrated TOD of Suzhou Scienceand Technology Town (hereinafter referred to as "this solicitationactivity"). The relevant matters are hereby announced as follows.? ????一、项目概况 ????I.?Project Background ????苏州是世 (略) 市和全球 (略) ,国家 (略) (略) 市,国家区 (略) ,长 (略) 市 (略) 市。苏州高新区 (略) ,濒临太湖,位于环太湖科创圈与沪宁产业创新带“一圈一带”交汇点, (略) 新中心,苏州市产业科创主阵地。 ????Suzhou is a world heritagemodel city and a global advanced manufacturing centre, a national historiccultural city and a scenic tourist city, a national regional science and technologyinnovation centre, and an important core city in the world-class urbanagglomeration of the Yangtze River Delta. The Suzhou New District (SND) islocated in the west of Suzhou close to Taihu Lake, and at the intersection ofthe “One Circle, One Belt” of the Science and Technology Innovation Circlearound Taihu Lake and the Shanghai-Nanjing Industrial Innovation Belt. Itis the new centre in the west of Suzhou and the main position of industrial scienceand technology innovation in Suzhou. ???? (略) 作 (略) 、省、市共建的大 (略) ,是高新区科技创新最重要载体、未来发展最具潜力区域。 (略) 核心区位于太湖大道两侧, (略) 政 (略) CBD区域,同时也 (略) “一山一湖,两核三区”空间结构中重要的“城市服务核”,未来结合轨道交通TOD综合开发将该区域建设成为最集成、最高效的“城市服务核”。 ????As the first large-scale researchand development innovation base jointly built by the Ministry of Science andTechnology, the province and the city, Suzhou Science and Technology Town isthe most important carrier of scientific and technological innovation in SNDand an area with the most potential for future development. The core area of SuzhouScience and Technology Town is located on both sides of Taihu Avenue; as theadministrative centre of SND and the CBD area of Suzhou Science and TechnologyTown, it is also an important “urban service core” in the spatial structure ofTaihu Science City"s "one mountain and one lake, two cores and threedistricts". The comprehensive development with Transit-orientedDevelopment (TOD) model will build the area into the most integrated and efficient"urban service core" in the future. ???? (略) 核心区交通枢纽 (略) 重要交通枢纽,由多条轨道汇集应运而生,具体为: (略) 际铁路,规划轨道交通9号线、11号线、15号线,及已建有轨电车1号线交汇而成。为推动交通枢纽建设与周边发展有机融合,凸 (略) (略) 市形象, (略) 城一体化的“升级版”,树立“ (略) 融合”的国际典范。本次征集活动诚邀全球具有卓越水平和丰富经验的设计机构参与,以国际化视野、前瞻性思维,创新性理念,提供高标准、可操作 (略) 核心区TO (略) 市设计方案。 ????The transportation hub inthe core area of Suzhou Science and Technology Town, with multiple rail transitlines converging, is an important transportation hub in westernSuzhou. Specifically, there are the planned Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou IntercityRailway, the planned Rail Transit Line 9, Line 11 and Line 15, and the existingTram Line 1. In order to promote the organic integration of transportation hubconstruction and surrounding development, highlight the city image as the urbanservice core of Taihu Science City, create an "upgraded version" ofthe integrated TOD project, and establish an international model of"station-industry-city integration", this solicitation activitysincerely invites outstanding design institutions from all over the world toparticipate. With an international vision, forward-looking thinking, andinnovative concepts, to propose high-standard and operable TOD design solutionsfor the core area of Suzhou Science and Technology Town. 图1 高新区区位示意图 Figure 1. Location of SND ????二、征集要求 ????II.?Requirements ????本次征集活动分为资格预审、方案编制和后期深化三阶段。 ????Thissolicitation activity is divided into three stages, namely “pre-qualification”,"scheme formulation" and "follow-updeepening". ????(一)资格预审阶段 ????(Ⅰ)Pre-qualificationstage ????本次征集活动采用公开征集的方式。应征机构需根据《资格预审文件》要求提供完整的资格预审申请文件。通过资格审查,最终从合格的应征机构中择优选出5家应征机构作为入围应征机构参与方案编制,2家应征机构作为备选应征机构,如入围应征机构退出,备选应征机构依次替补。 ????This solicitation activityopens to all design institutions. Applicant institutions need to providecomplete pre-qualification application materials in accordance with therequirements of the "Pre-qualification Document". After thepre-qualification review, five applicant institutions will be shortlisted toparticipate in the scheme formulation stage; another two applicant institutionswill be selected as alternative applicant institutions,if the shortlisted applicant institutions quit from the scheme formulationstage, the alternative applicant institutions will fill the vacancy in order. ????(二)方案编制阶段 ????(Ⅱ)Scheme formulationstage ????方案编制阶段的工作主要包括: ????The work in the scheme formulation stage mainly includes: ????结合上位规划和现状调研, (略) 融合、站城融合、环境融合、文旅融合、人城融合为目标,从现代综合交通枢纽的综合化开发的要求出发,结合地区发展条件与国内外同类地区发展经验,研究太湖大道立体化综合交通组织,提出 (略) 市空间一体化方案,打造“立体化、功能化、混合型、集约型” (略) 形式和现代化都市形象。 ????Combined with theupper-level planning and current situation, aiming at the integration ofindustry and city, station and city, environment, culture and tourism, and peopleand city, starting from the requirements of comprehensive development of modernintegrated transportation hubs, and combining development conditions of thearea with similar cases around the world, to study the comprehensive trafficorganization of Taihu Avenue, propose solutions to transportation hub and urbanspace integration, and create a “three-dimensional, functional, complex, andintensive” spatial layout and a modern urban image. ???? (略) 核心区交通枢纽及 (略) 整体性和系统性构思,提出综合解决方案。城市设计方 (略) 、建筑形态、建筑高度、开发强度、公共空间和地 (略) 设计研究;交通方面结合现状交通、 (略) (略) ,建立交通预测模型,开展综合交通分析,并提出可实施性的工程方案。 ????To develop an overall andsystematic conception of the transportation hub and the surrounding areas inthe core area of Suzhou Science and Technology Town, and propose comprehensivesolutions. In terms of urban design, to carry out design and research on functionlayout, architectural form, building height, development intensity, publicspace, and underground space; in terms of transportation, to build a trafficprediction model combined with the current traffic, stations and spatial layout,carry out comprehensive traffic analysis, and propose implementable engineeringsolutions. ????(三)后期深化阶段 ????(Ⅲ)Follow-up deepening stage ????负责后期深化整合的应征机构 (略) 及主办单位意见,吸取其它方案优点,修改完善和深化方案,形成具有整体性和独创性的设计方案。 ????The applicant institutionwho is responsible for the follow-up deepening stage shall optimize and developthe scheme according to the opinions of the jury committee and the organizer,absorb the advantages of other schemes, to form an integrated and originaldesign scheme. ????三、设计范围 ????III.?Design Scope ????位于主干路太湖大道两侧,四至范围为:东至潇湘路、南至科普路-科秀路、西至龙山路、 (略) 山路,面积约2.66平方公里(约 * 亩),其中未开发净地约 * 亩(详见附图3)。 ????The site is located on bothsides of Taihu Avenue, with Xiaoxiang Road in the east, Kepu Road and KexiuRoad in the south, Longshan Road in the west, and Qingchengshan Road in thenorth. It covers an area of about 2.66 square kilometres (about * mu), ofwhich the undeveloped land is about * mu (refer to figure 3 for details). 图2 项目区位示意图 Figure 2. Location of the project 图3 设计范围示意图 Figure 3. Diagram of the design scope ????四、应征要求 ????IV.?Application Requirements ????本次征集活动不设资质要求,境内外设计机构均可报名参加。本次征集活动鼓励联合体报名,不限制联合体成员数量,但联合体各方不得再单独以自己名义,或与另外应征机构组成联合体报名。应征机构需具有相应的TOD综合设计能力,如果不具备,需要与具有TOD综合设计能力机构组成联合体。考虑到新冠疫情影响,境外应征机构(在中国境内无分支机构)必须与境内应征机构组成联合体。不接受个人及个人组合的报名。 ????This solicitation activityopens application to domestic and foreign institutions, and there are noqualification requirements. This solicitation activity encourages applicationby consortium, and there is no limit on the number of consortium members, but the members ofthe consortium are not allowed to apply separately on their own or form anotherconsortium. Applicantinstitutions should have corresponding designabilities of TOD project; if not, applicant institutions can form a consortiumwith a TOD design institution. Considering the impact of COVID-19, foreign applicantinstitutions (without branches in China) must form a consortium with domesticinstitutions. Applications by individuals or groups of individuals will not beaccepted. ????境内外设计机构必须具有经合法注册并在有效期内的营业执照,且必须具有独立企业法人资格。法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全 (略) ,不得同时报名。 ????Domestic and foreigndesign institutions must be legally registered and have valid businesslicenses, and must be independent corporate legal entity. For two or more legalentities whose legal representative is the same person, the parent company, thewholly-owned subsidiary and the holding company are not allowed to apply at thesame time. ????参与本项目的专业技术人员须为该应征机构的在册人员,主创设计师须有主持过多个同类型项目经验,且须全过程参与。 (略) 需各专业工种配备齐全。为了 (略) 人员对中国地区背景和相关要求的准确理解,境外应征机构的专业 (略) 中应至少有一名通晓汉语人士。 ????The professionals involvedin this project must be the current registered staff of the applicantinstitution; the chief designer must have experience in directing severalsimilar projects, and the chief designer and team members must participate inthe whole process of the project. The project team shall be fully equipped withdifferent professional types. The professional team of the foreign applicantinstitution should include at least one member who is proficient in Chinese toensure the accurate understanding of the regional background and relevantrequirements. ????具有以下类似项目经验的应征机构将被优先考虑: ????Applicant institutionswith planning and design experience similar to this project will be givenpriority: (1) (略) 融合、站城融合、TOD综合开发等综合研究能力与实践经验; (2)具有现代综合交 (略) 市设计、交通组织、建筑风貌、公共空间、地下空间、交通工程等丰富设计经验。 ????(1) Comprehensive researchability and practical experience of industry-city integration, station-cityintegration, and TOD project; ????(2) Rich experience inurban design, traffic organization, architectural style, public space,underground space, and transportation project design of modern integratedtransportation hub area. ????五、费用设置 ????V.?Fees and Awards ????本次征集活动择优选取5家入围应征机构获得参与方案编制阶段的资格。入围应征机构按照《征集文件》要求递交最终设计成果后, (略) 评审后确定方案排名,获得相应设计费用: ????Five applicant institutions will be shortlisted to participate in thescheme formulation stage. After the shortlisted applicant institutions submitvalid application documents in accordance with the requirements of theSolicitation Document, the jury committee will review and determine the rankingof schemes, and award the corresponding design fees. ????第一名:奖金人民币 * 万元(其中包含奖金 * 万元及后期深化费用 * 万元,含税); ????第二名:奖金人民币 * 万元(含税); ????第三至五名:各获得补偿金人民币 * 万元(含税)。 ????Thefirst place: a bonus of RMB 3.5 million (including RMB 2.0 millionbonus, and RMB 1.5 million for the follow-up deepening work; including tax); ????Thesecond place: a bonus of RMB 1.6 million (including tax); ????Thethird, fourth, and fifth places: a compensation fee of RMB 1.0 million(including tax) each. ????原则上由获得第一名的应征机构负责后期深化阶段工作,具体事宜根据后续工 (略) 协商并另签订合同。 ????In principle,the applicant institution who wins the firstplace will be responsible for the follow-up deepening work; specificmatters will be negotiated according to follow-up arrangements; and another contract shall be signed. ????但对于未按规定时间提交应征文件,或其应征文件按《征集文件》规定不被接受,或被取消应征资格的应征机构,将不支付应征设计补偿金及奖金。 ????However, theapplicant institution who fail to submit application documents within theprescribed time, or whose application documents are not acceptable according tothe requirements of the Solicitation Document, or whose qualifications havebeen revoked, will not be paid the design compensation fee or bonus. ????六、时间计划 ????VI.?Schedule ????计划于 * 年3月确定入围应征机构、在苏 (略) 踏勘及召开项目启动会,届时需应征机构主创设 (略) 参会。方案编制阶段设计周期自项目启动会起约为80日历天左右(含节假日)。 ????It isplanned to determine the shortlist of applicant institutions and organize thesite survey and hold the project release conference in March * in Suz *** chief designer and the team members of the applicant institutions arerequired to attend the conference. The design period of the scheme formulationstage is about 80 calendar days (including holidays) from the date of the projectrelease conference.
????注:以上时间以北京时间为准,主办单位根据疫情防控等情况保留对具体时间节点作适时调整的权利。 ????Note: The above time isbased on Beijing time, and the organizer reserves the right to make timelyadjustments to specific arrangements. ????七、申请方式 ????VII.?Application Method ????凡有意参加本次征集活动的应征机构, (略) 申请登记,应征机构下载申请表格(附件1)并完整填写申请信息后,发送邮件至指定邮箱zxb@ *** ,组织策划单位收到申请表后,以邮件方式回复资格预审文件等相关文件。 ????Any applicant who intendsto participate in this solicitation activity shall register first. Afterdownloading the application form (Appendix 1) and completing the applicationinformation, the applicant shall send it to the designated email addresszxb@ *** . After receiving the application form, the organizingsupporter will reply with the Prequalification Document and other relateddocuments by email. ????资格预审申请文件需要严格按照相关要求制作,递交资格预审申请 (略) 递交和快递邮寄两种方式。在疫情特殊情况下,以快递邮寄方式递交时,请预留足够的快递运输时间;现场递交需持法定代表人授权委托书。 ????Prequalificationapplication documents shall be made in strict accordance with relevantrequirements, and can be submitted by on-site submission or express delivery.Due to the special circumstances of the pandemic, if submit by expressdelivery, please reserve enough time for the express transportation; a letterof authorization by the legal representative shall be presented if submit onsite. ????递交资格预审申请文件的时间及地点:报名应征机构需于 * 年3月14日16时前将资格预审申请文件的纸质文件送达到下述指定地点, (略) 资格预审申请文件电子版发送至指定邮箱(zxb@ *** )。资格预审申请文件纸质文件递交地址:北京市海淀区三里河 (略) 北配楼一层, (略) 市规划学会,张工(收), *** 。接收资格预审申请文件时间为工作日09:00-16:00,逾期送交或不符合规定的资格预审申请文件恕不接受。如遇疫情管控等特殊情况,时间或地 (略) 通知。 ????Submission time and placefor the prequalification application documents: The applicant institutionsshould submit the printed prequalification application documents to thedesignated address before 16:00 on March 14, * , and send all electronicprequalification application documents to the designated email address (zxb@ *** ).The submission address for the printed documents is as follows: Urban PlanningSociety of China, North Annex Building of Ministry of Housing and Urban-RuralDevelopment, No.9 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China, Miss Zhang(the addressee), *** . The time for submission is 09:00-16:00 on working days.Prequalification application documents that are overdue or do not meet therequirements will not be accepted. In case of special circumstances such aspandemic control, the time or address will be notified. ????资格预审结果公布:在资格预审申请文件递交截止日后30个日历天内公布入围应征机构评选结果。 ????Announcement ofprequalification result: The selecting result of shortlisted applicantinstitutions will be announced within 30 calendar days after the deadline for submissionof prequalification application documents. ????联系方式:张工 *** ,雷工 *** 。 ???? (略) 时间:工作日上午09:00-11:00,下午14:00-16:00。 ????邮箱:zxb@ *** 。 ????Contact: Miss Zhang *** , Miss Lei *** ????Telephone consultationtime: 09:00-11:00 and 14:00-16:00 on working days ????Email: zxb@ *** ????八、信息发布 ????VIII.?Announcement ????本 (略) (略) (www. *** )、苏州高新区管委会(www. *** )同时发布。本公告的修改、补 (略) 站媒体发布的内容为准。本公告中如有中、英 (略) ,以中文为准。 ????Theannouncement is issued on the website of Urban Planning Society of China *** ),and the website of SND Management Committee *** ). The amendmentsand supplements to this announcement are subject to the contents published onthe above websites. If there is any inconsistency between Chinese and English,the content in Chinese shall prevail. * 年3月1日 March1, * | ||||||||