【电动工具采购】Bidding announcement
release time:** 18:08:00
** 18:00:00
I、Project overview
Item number:ZBCG*
Project name:电动工具采购
project type:Directional bidding
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.
II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.
III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.
IV、Bid bond payment information
2、Account name:
3、account opening bank:
4、Account number:
5、Row number:
6、As it takes one to two days to confirm the receipt of the company`s financial account, bidders are requested to pay the bid bond as soon as possible, so as not to delay your normal participation of bidding.
7、In case of any conflict between the above contents and the contents of bidding documents, the contents of bidding documents shall prevail.
V、Bid deadline and opening time
1、Bid deadline:** 18:00:00
2、bid opening time:** 08:00:00
3、Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.
VI、attachment information
Title | Relevant documents |
图片 |
VII、Clarification attachment
Title | Relevant documents |
、Target information
material code | material name | http://** and model | Unit of measurement | purchase quantity | used by | Requirement note |
*14 | 充电式手电钻 | 博世 GSR18V-50两电一充 | 把 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*15 | 充电式电动扳手 | 博世 GDS18-400两电一充 | 把 | 2 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*16 | 充电式两用冲击钻 | 博世 GBH18-LI两电一充 | 把 | 3 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*17 | 充电式电动扳手 | GDS 18V-400无刷锂电 配2块5.0Ah电池、一套充电器 另带全套轻型套筒 | 套 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*20 | 充电式抛光机 | 东成 WSM03-100S 两电一充 | 把 | 2 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*11 | 半自动气割机 | CG1-100(改进型)火焰切割机 双枪(带所有配套附件) | 台 | 2 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*07 | 电磨头机 | WSJ400-25 | 台 | 1 | ???河北 (略) ??? | |
*05 | 手电钻 | BOSCH GBM 500 RE φ13 | 把 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*14 | 钢轨钻孔机 | 山东济宁汇业 (略) ZG-13型 220V | 台 | 4 | ???运输部??? | |
*09 | 冲击钻 | BOSCH GSB20-2 RE | 把 | 2 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*19 | 冲击钻 | 牧田 HR2810/Φ28 | 把 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*17 | 角磨机 | BOSCH GWS 6-100 E | 台 | 1 | ???运输部??? | |
*19 | 角磨机 | BOSCH GWS6-125 | 台 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*19 | 角磨机 | BOSCH GWS6-125 | 台 | 2 | Equipment dept. | |
*19 | 角磨机 | BOSCH GWS6-125 | 台 | 5 | Equipment dept. | |
*21 | 角磨机 | BOSCH GWS14-150 CI | 台 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*31 | 充电式角磨机 | BOSCHGWS18V-Li 125型 双电版(配2块电池、1套充电器) | 个 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*34 | 充电式角向磨光机 | 牧田DGA402SFJ/RME/Z | 个 | 2 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*17 | 角磨机 | GWS 900-100 S | 把 | 10 | Equipment dept. | |
*16 | 电锤 | BOSH GBH3-28 DER | 台 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*05 | 捣固机 | ND4000D(内燃直式) | 台 | 5 | ???运输部??? | |
*19 | 吸水胶条 | 扬子YX-X6洗地机专用 | 条 | 5 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*20 | 13寸刷盘 | 扬子YX-X6洗地机专用 | 个 | 5 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*45 | 锂电吹风机 | GBL 18V-120 两电一充 | 个 | 1 | Digital Information dept. | |
*09 | 德力西锂电鼓风机 | 升级重载款三功能10节一电套装 | 套 | 1 | Digital Information dept. | |
*56 | 变压器 | 12V 3A | 个 | 4 | General office | |
*71 | 智能4.0组合滤芯 | 碧丽 TP-3 | 个 | 2 | Coking plant | |
*72 | RO反渗透滤芯 | 碧丽 M400(3013) | 个 | 2 | Coking plant | |
*83 | 饮水机T型门锁 | 通用 | 个 | 4 | General office | |
*01 | 卧式气动液压千斤顶 | 电镀国标直杆-50T | 台 | 2 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*06 | 手动油桶加油枪 | 50mm | 个 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*22 | 电动喷涂机 | SG9620 | 台 | 2 | Equipment dept. | |
*17 | 汽油发电机 | EC2500CL | 台 | 1 | ???运输部??? | |
*21 | 背负式路面吹风机 | 发动机型号:1E48FB 发动机排量:63.3cc额定输出功率:2.7KW风速:0.33/S 额定转速:6800转/分怠速:3000±200rpm燃油箱容积:1.80L | 台 | 1 | Production service center | |
*75 | PE管对接机 | 63-160 | 条 | 1 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*02 | 电三轮控制器 | TY60/72V (北京先科) | 个 | 2 | ???动力厂??? | |
*37 | 线号机 | TP76i | 台 | 1 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*51 | 电三轮电机 | 151ZW*NA 1500W 60V 34A电动车无刷电机 | 个 | 2 | ???动力厂??? | |
*52 | 电动三轮电瓶 | 6-EVF-52.2 12V 超威 | 个 | 5 | ???动力厂??? | |
*54 | 隔膜式喷涂机 | TA-207GM | 台 | 3 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*55 | 喷涂机加长杆 | 1.5米 | 根 | 12 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*58 | 电动翻斗车控制手柄 | 含前进 倒退 变速档位 | 个 | 2 | ???技术质量部??? | |
*59 | 喷涂机喷枪 | 与威士达 WSD-1680配套使用 | 个 | 2 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*60 | 喷涂机喷嘴 | 与威士达 WSD-1681配套使用 | 个 | 5 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*61 | 喷涂机月牙阀 | 与威士达 WSD-1682配套使用 | 个 | 20 | ???烧结厂??? | |
*49 | 油锯链条 | 斯蒂尔22刀(刀数字STIHL c 6)/锯齿数字3 | 条 | 20 | General office | |
*50 | 油锯链条 | 斯蒂尔36刀(刀数字STIHL c 3)/锯齿数字6 | 条 | 20 | General office | |
*19 | 电动车直流接触器 | 型号:CZ10-150/10 线圈电压60V;触点电流:150A | 个 | 1 | Coking plant | |
*20 | 电动车倒顺开关 | GHASHE | 个 | 1 | Coking plant | |
*21 | 电动车控制器 | ZK系列 电压:48-60V;电流30A;功率:1500W;控制信号:1-4.2V 苍 (略) | 个 | 1 | Coking plant | |
*03 | 等离子切割机割枪 | LGK-120配用25米 | 个 | 3 | Coking plant | |
*03 | 等压式割嘴 | K3-7# 配套CG1-100(改进型)使用 | 个 | 200 | ??? (略) ??? | |
*01 | 电剪刀刀片 | J1J-FF-3.2 (20*20*8) | 付 | 10 | Equipment dept. | |
*18 | 气动风炮 | 1/2方头(含配套:对丝3个,压制30米高压钢丝管1根,管内外丝扣快速接头3套,管万向接头3个) | 个 | 1 | Production service center | |
*25 | 风炮支架 | 底座70x 36㎝,上支臂长53㎝,起升高度25-90㎝。大轮直径约32㎝,钢板厚度为6㎜锰钢 | 个 | 2 | Production service center | |
*18 | 气动风炮 | QD-1180(带20米大风炮钢丝管) | 台 | 2 | Production service center |