(略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案国际征集活动
International Tendering of
“Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou”
Clarification and Q&A (Part A)
I. Clarification
1、 (略) 及资格预审文件中的报名截止时间、报名文件提交截止时间由“ (略) 时间 * 日17:00时”更改为:“ (略) 时间 * 日17:00时”。
1.Deadline for registration and deadline for submitting application documents stated in the public notice and prequalification document change from “17:00 hrs, October 9, 2015 (Beijing Time)” to “17:00 hrs, October 15, 2015 (Beijing Time)”.
2、 (略) 及资格预审文件中的报名时间由“ (略) 时间 * 日至 * 日17:00时”更改为:“ (略) 时间 * 日至 * 日17:00时”。
2. Registration period stated in the public notice and prequalification document change from “between September 16, 2015 and October 9, 2015, not later than 5 p.m (Beijing time)” to “between September 16, 2015 and October 15, 2015, not later than 5 p.m (Beijing time)”.
3、资格预审文件中的第三点(一)报名文件的密封和标记的“(2) * 日9:00时前不得 (略) ”更改为:“(2) * 日9:00时前不得 (略) ”。
3. Item (2) stated in 3.1 Sealing and Labeling of Application Documents of prequalification document change from “No seal-breaking before 9:00 on October 12, 2015” to “No seal-breaking before 9:00 on October 19, 2015”.
4、 (略) 及资格预审文件中的领取/购买征集文件时间由“ * 日起至 * 日,工作日9:00-12:00,14:00-16:00( (略) 时间,节假日除外)”更改为:“ * 日起至 * 日,工作日9:00-12:00,14:00-16:00( (略) 时间,节假日除外)”。
4. The time for Collecting/Purchasing Tendering Documents stated in the public notice and prequalification document change from “9:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 (working days) from October 19 to 23, 2015 (Beijing Time, excluding weekends and holidays)” to “9:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00 (working days) from October 26 to 30, 2015 (Beijing Time, excluding weekends and holidays)”.
5、资格预审文件中第6页猎德大桥的桥梁结构“塔、梁固结的 (略) 斜拉式结构”有误,应为“自锚式悬索桥”。
5. There is a mistake on Page 6 of the prequalification document, where the bridge structure of Liede Bridge of “Twin-tower cable-stayed structure with fixed joint of tower and bridge” should be corrected as “self-anchored suspension bridge”.
6、如对编制报名文件存在疑问,请及时发邮件至邮箱( * 63.com)或致电。同时,请随时关注 (略) 公 (略) 本项目的相关信息公布。
6. Should you have any questions in compiling the application documents, please send e-mail to * 63.com or make a phone call promptly. At the same time, kindly please pay attention to the notice and information of this project published on the website of Guangzhou Public Resources Trading Center all the time.
Q 1: Is it necessary to provide both Chinese and English versions of the application documents? Is it also necessary to provide English translation of the Chinese business license, contracts, award notification of bidding, awards proof, documents of personnel qualifications and other documents (image types)?
A: According to the provisions on the language of application documents stated in the prequalification document: the application documents shall be both in Chinese and English; in case of discrepancy in interpretation, the Chinese versions shall prevail. If any other language is used in the application documents, the tenderers shall also provide the translation in Chinese and English versions. Namely: The Chinese companies shall provide corresponding English translation of the aforesaid documents.
Is the “implemented” performance the only project performance which may be submitted? Since for some projects, only design proposals were provided without final implementation.
答:根据资格预审文件的规定,要提供项目完成情况( (略) 、已经完成)描述;未实施的设计方案也可提供做参考。
A: According to the prequalification document, the description to completion situation of projects (in progress or completed) shall be provided; and the unimplemented design proposals may be provided as reference.
Q 3: How to define the effectiveness of a proposal?
答:方案有效的基本要求为,(1)按征集文件要求提交了技术文件、计算机文件、展板和设计模型。(2)应征单位在应征文件内没有标注名称、印章、商标等记认符号,不存在使人辨认出应征单位或其专业技术人员的身份的情况。(3)设计 (略) 鉴定不属设计深度未达任务书要求、设计方案非原创、已发表过的;设计方案符合任务书规定的成果内容和格式,不存在图纸和文字辨认不清、内容不全、粗制滥造的情况。具体将在后续的征集文件(含任务书)中说明。
A: The basic requirements of effectiveness of a proposal are: (1) the technical documents, computer documents, display boards and design models have been submitted as required in the tendering document; (2) the tenderer did not mark any name, seal, trademark or other symbol in the aforesaid documents, and it is unable to recognize the tenderer or the identity of any of its professional; (3) the design proposal, upon appraisal of the review committee, does not belong to the types of failure of design depth to meet the requirements of specification, non-original design proposal or the published; the design proposal is in compliance with the content of result and format provided in the specification, without unclear identification of drawings and characters, incomplete content or being with no regard for quality. The details will be explained in the subsequent tendering documents (including specifications).
Q 4: Is there any prepayment?
A: According to the prequalification document, there is no prepayment. However, in case that the design proposals for the four bridges are all effective proposals, full amount of cost reimbursement may be granted.
Q 5: Is there legal payment guarantee basis for the tenderer?
A: According to the prequalification document, as to any company which is in compliance with the conditions of cost reimbursement, eligible proposals and winning proposals, a Design Proposal Cost Reimbursement and Bonus Contract will be concluded and signed.
Q 6: What is the standard of cost reimbursement?
A: The officially invited Prequalified Tenderers should submit their design proposals for the four bridges according to the requirements specified in the tender documents, and a Prequalified Tenderer whose proposals are accepted as valid in the proposal evaluation and review will receive (includingtax)RMB 500,000 per bridge (regardless of how many effective proposals are submitted by this Prequalified Tenderer for each bridge), and cost reimbursement will be granted only when all the design proposals for the four bridges are judged to be valid.
Q 7: As to Chapter III “Invitation Letter” of the prequalification document, is it necessary to provide receipt when applying?
A: The “invitation letter” is sent to the prequalified tenderer upon determination of the same, and it is unnecessary to provide any receipt in the application period.
Q 8: How does an inbridual person apply?
答:资格预审不接受个人形式报名,但允许个人购买征集文件(含任务书)并提交设计方案。除不能获得成本补偿费外,仍可以自由选 (略) 桥梁提交成果设计方案,参与入选奖金和优胜奖金的竞争。 (略) 。
A: Application by inbridual person is not accepted in prequalification, however, the inbridual person is permitted to purchase the tendering document (including the specification) and submit design proposals. Except for obtaining cost reimbursement, the inbridual person may still submit completed design proposals for any or all bridges under its own choice, and take part in the competition for bonus of being eligible and winning. See public notice for details.
Q 9: As to a consortium application, is it permitted that only the main company issues the certificate of legal representative, letter of authorization by legal representative, tenderer’s statement and brief introduction to tenderer?
A: Please provide the documents of two companies respectively.
Q 10: As to a consortium application, since there is no definition standard of qualification for foreign companies, is it permitted to provide the qualification of domestic Chinese companies? How does the form present which company the qualification belongs to?
A: It is permitted to fill out the qualification of domestic Chinese companies, and according to the prequalification document, the form may be expanded based on the same format, however, the substantial content shall not be changed.
Q 11: As to a consortium application, it is required in the prequalification document that the originals of “duplicate of business license/business registration certificate”, "qualification certificate and awards proof”, "performance materials”, "personnel qualification” and other documents should be provided for future reference if required, yet the foreign companies are unable to provide the same, is it permitted to provide the same of the main companies in China only for future reference if required?
答:按资格预审文件规定,各应征单位必须保证报名文件的真实性和合法性,征集组织单位有权要求应征单位提交原件资料或以 (略) 验证,应 (略) 承担因提交资料不真实或其它原因造成的一切后果。
A: According to the prequalification document, the tenderer shall guarantee the authenticity and legality of the application documents, and the responsible government department shall be entitled to require the tenderer to submit the original materials or verify by other means, and the tenderer shall assume all consequences incurred from inauthentic materials submitted or other reasons by themselves.
Q 12: As to a consortium application, is it necessary to affix seals or signatures of the main company to the performance proof, personnel certificates and other documents of the member companies? Or are seals and signatures of both parties required?
答:报名文件可只加盖主体单位的公章,但联合体 (略) 协议须双方签署。
A: In case of application documents, only official seal of the main company is required to be affixed; in case of consortium cooperation agreements, both parties are required to sign the same.
问题13:关于联合体 (略) 协议原件,如果需要国外单位快递签字/盖章后的 (略) 协议原件,时间会比较长,可能赶不上截止时间,可否在双方需要签字/盖章的地方,国外单位先签字/盖章然后彩色扫描发给中方单位,中方单位彩色打印后再加盖中方单位的章?是否接受上述操作?
Q 13: As to the originals of consortium cooperation agreements, in case that it takes a long time for the originals of the cooperation agreements to be delivered by express upon necessary signatures/seals of foreign companies, which may lead to failure to meet the deadline, is it permitted that foreign companies sign/affix seals where necessary and send to Chinese companies through color scanning, and Chinese companies affix their seals upon color scanning? Is the aforesaid handling accepted?
A: It is accepted. The consortium agreement may be submitted later if necessary, however, the tenderer shall be liable for the authenticity and effectiveness of the submitted color scanning copies.
Q 14: As to a consortium application, if a Chinese company is the main company, which, however, has relatively poor project performance, is it permitted to mainly adopt the project performance of the foreign member companies?
A: All project performance of the consortium may be provided.
征集组织单位: (略) 区交通项 (略)
Responsible Government Department: Guangzhou City Center Transport Project Office
征集代理单位: (略) 有限公司
Tendering Agency: Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
September 30, 2015
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