世行贷款 (略) 省欠发达地区义务教育均衡优质标准化发展示范项目-第 * 批优质资源“班班通”教学平台采购
投标邀请函国家:中华人民共和国项目名称:世行贷款 (略) 省欠发达地区义务教育均衡优质标准化发展示范项目贷款/信贷号: * —CN合同名称:第 * 批优质资源“班班通”教学平台采购投标邀请函编号:GDHW *** A * 、中华人民共和国 (略) 获得 * 笔贷款, (略) 贷款 (略) 省欠发达地区义务教育均衡优质标准化发展示范项目的费用, (略) 后所签订合同项下的合格支付。 * 、 (略) 省教育厅(代理机构: (略) (略) )现邀请合格且有资格的投标人就下列货物和相关服务递交密封的投标文件。本次采购共分为6个包,每个包的内容简要描述如下:包1(合同编号GDHW *** ):推拉黑板、多媒体教学讲台、多媒体平板电视 * 体机、实物展台、音箱及相关服务和5年质保期免费服务,共 * 套, (略) 为 (略) 省 (略) 市、 (略) 。包2(合同编号GDHW *** ):推拉黑板、多媒体教学讲台、多媒体平板电视 * 体机、实物展台、音箱及相关服务和5年质保期免费服务,共 * 套, (略) 为 (略) 省电白区、 (略) 、 (略) 。包3(合同编号GDHW *** ):推拉黑板、多媒体教学讲台、多媒体平板电视 * 体机、实物展台、音箱及相关服务和5年质保期免费服务,共 * 套, (略) 为 (略) 省 (略) 市、 (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 。包4(合同编号GDHW *** ):推拉黑板、多媒体教学讲台、多媒体平板电视 * 体机、实物展台、音箱及相关服务和5年质保期免费服务,共 * 套, (略) 为 (略) 省 * (略) 、 (略) 。包5(合同编号GDHW *** ):推拉黑板、多媒体教学讲台、多媒体平板电视 * 体机、实物展台、音箱及相关服务和5年质保期免费服务,共 * 套, (略) 为 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 中小学。包6(合同编号GDHW *** ):推拉黑板、多媒体教学讲台、多媒体平板电视 * 体机、实物展台、音箱及相关服务和5年质保期免费服务,共 * 套, (略) 。上述货物交货及安装时间为合同签订后 * 天内。 (略) 文件。投标人可以对上 (略) 投标,但最多不超过3个包。允许投标人提供折扣, (略) 文件规定的投标函中应明确这些折扣及使用这些折扣的方法。投标人的资格要求包括:1.投标人或联合体成员为独立法人。2. (略) 商已通过ISO * 国际质量体系认证。3.对于国内投标人,其所投多媒体平板电视 * 体机已取得CCC认证。4.投标 (略) 投 (略) 商, (略) 商的授权和5年售后服务承诺书。投标 (略) 投白板教学软件的开发商,须提供开发商的授权和5年售后升级、维护服务承诺书。5.投标人的合同经验,如下:(1)仅投1个包的,自 * 日至今,至少成功完成了1个金额不低于人民币 * 万元的合同,且该合同项下超过 * 套设备在1年内已经交货及安装。合同的性质和复杂程度应与将要签订的合同相似。(2)投2个包的,自 * 日至今,至少成功完成了2个合同,每个合同金额不低于人民币 * 万元,且每个合同项下超过 * 套设备在1年内已经交货及安装。合同的性质和复杂程度应与将要签订的合同相似。(3)投3个包的,自 * 日至今,至少成功完成了3个合同,每个合同金额不低于人民币 * 万元,且每个合同项下超过 * 套设备在1年内已经交货及安装。合同的性质和复杂程度应与将要签订的合同相似。6. (略) 商的技术能力,如下:(1)投1个包的,自 * 日至今,至少有 * 台多媒体平板电视 * 体机已经销售。(2)投2个包的,自 * 日至今,至少有 * 台多媒体平板电视 * 体机已经销售。(3)投3个包的,自 * 日至今,至少有 * 台多媒体平板电视 * 体机已经销售。7.投标人的财务能力,如下:(1)如果投标人仅投1个包,要求最近 * 年( * 年至 * 年)的平均年营业额不少于人民币1.1亿元,且专用于该合同的流 (略) 信贷额度不少于人民币 * 万。(2)如果投标人投2个包,要求最近 * 年( * 年至 * 年)的平均年营业额不少于人民币2.2亿元,且专用于这两个合同的流 (略) 信贷额度不少于人民币 * 万。(3)如果投标人投3个包,要求最近 * 年( * 年至 * 年)的平均年营业额不少于人民币3.3亿元,且专用于这 * 个合同的流 (略) 信贷额度不少于人民币 * 万。8.售后服务能力要求如下:投标人须保证, (略) 合同, (略) 在县(市,区)为用户提供本地化的5年售后服务。合同签订前,应当提供与服务提供商签署的5年售后服务协议。投标人应当保证收到用户服务需求后在2小时内响应,修理和更换不超过2个工作日。 * 、招标将 (略) * 年1月颁布、 * 年修订的《 (略) 借款人货物、 (略) 服务采购指南》(简称“采购指南”) (略) (略) ,符合采购 (略) 有合格投标人均可以参与投标。另外,请注意其中第1.6段和第1.7段 (略) 利益冲突的政策。 * 、有兴趣的合格投标人如需了解更多的信息,可联系买方代理机构,也可在 * 日前办公时间期间(上午8时 * 分至 * 时 * 分,下午 * 时 * 分至下午 * 时 * 分,周 * 、日及节假日除外)查阅招标文件,地址附后。 * 、 (略) 文件的申请递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址,并支付不可退还费用人民币 * 元。付款方式可为现金、支票或电汇。招标文件如需邮寄,需额外支付人民币 * 元的邮寄费用,招标文件将采用快递的方式寄送。 * 、所有投标文件须于 (略) 时间 * 日上午9: * 或之前递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址。不允许电子投标。迟交的投标文件将被拒绝。开标将在本投标邀请函列明的 (略) 。开标日期、时间为 * 日上午9: * ( (略) 时间)。 * 、投标文件必须包含投标保证金。投1个包的,投标保证金为人民币 * 万元;投2个包的,投标保证金为人民币 * 万元;投2个包的,投标保证金为人民币 * 万元。 * 、 (略) 文件的账号信息如下:查阅招标文件地址:(1)代理机构: (略) 有限公司,地址:中国 (略) 市 (略) 区西 * 环中路 * 号通用技术大厦 * 层标书室,联系电话: *** ,电子邮箱: * i *** ,联系人:侯工;(2)代理机构: (略) (略) ,地址:中国 (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 东路 * 号紫园商务大厦 * 房间,联系电话: *** ,联系人:黄工。购买招标文件地址:(1)代理机构: (略) 有限公司,地址:中国 (略) 市 (略) 区西 * 环中路 * 号通用技术大厦 * 层标书室,联系电话: *** ,电子邮箱: * i *** ,联系人:侯工;(2)代理机构: (略) (略) ,地址:中国 (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 东路 * 号紫园商务大厦 * 房间,联系电话: *** ,联系人:黄工。递交投标文件地址:代理机构: (略) (略) ,地址:中国 (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 东路 * 号紫园商务大厦 * 房间,联系电话: *** ,联系人:黄工。开标地址:中国 (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 东路 * 号紫园商务大厦 * 房间,联系电话: *** 。 账户信息如下:开 户 行: (略) (略) 开户名称: (略) 有限公司帐 号: ***
Invitation for Bids The People's Republic of ChinaGuangdong Compulsory Education ProjectLoan No./Credit No./ Grant No.: * —CN Contract Title: Procurement of the 2nd Batch of High-quality Resources of Ban Ban Tong Teaching Platforms_Reference No. : GDHW *** A 1.The People's Republic of China has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Guangdong Compulsory Education Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Procurement of the 2nd Batch of High-quality Resources of Ban Ban Tong Teaching Platforms. 2. Department of Education of Guangdong Province of PRC (Agency: China International Tendering Co, Ltd. and Guangdong Tendering Procurement Co., Ltd.) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the following goods and related services. This procurement is brided into six lots. The contents of each lot are briefly described as follows:Lot 1 (GDHW *** ): push-pull blackboards, multimedia teaching platforms, multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TVs, physical exhibition platforms and loudspeakers, including related services and five-year warranty period of free maintenance. A total of * sets will be supplied and installed in about * primary and secondary schools in Lianjiang City and Huazhou City, Guangdong Province.Lot 2 (GDHW *** ): push-pull blackboards, multimedia teaching platforms, multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TVs, physical exhibition platforms and loudspeakers, including related services and five-year warranty period of free maintenance. A total of * sets will be supplied and installed in about * primary and secondary schools in Dianbai District, Haifeng County and Lufeng City, Guangdong Province.Lot 3 (GDHW *** ): push-pull blackboards, multimedia teaching platforms, multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TVs, physical exhibition platforms and loudspeakers, including related services and five-year warranty period of free maintenance. A total of * sets will be supplied and installed in about * primary and secondary schools in Luoding City, Wengyuan County, Huilai County and Jiexi County, Guangdong Province.Lot 4 (GDHW *** ): push-pull blackboards, multimedia teaching platforms, multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TVs, physical exhibition platforms and loudspeakers, including related services and five-year warranty period of free maintenance. A total of * sets will be supplied and installed in about * primary and secondary schools in Wuhua County and Chao'an District, Guangdong Province.Lot 5 (GDHW *** ): push-pull blackboards, multimedia teaching platforms, multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TVs, physical exhibition platforms and loudspeakers, including related services and five-year warranty period of free maintenance. A total of * sets will be supplied and installed in about * primary and secondary schools in Puning City, Guangdong Province.Lot 6 (GDHW *** ): push-pull blackboards, multimedia teaching platforms, multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TVs, physical exhibition platforms and loudspeakers, including related services and five-year warranty period of free maintenance. A total of * sets will be supplied and installed in about * primary and secondary schools in Chaoyang District, Guangdong Province.The period of delivery and installation of the above goods is within * days after the signature of the contracts. The specific contents of each lot are detailed in the bidding documen *** bidder may bid for any lot but up to a combination of three lots stated above. Bidders are allowed to offer discounts. Bidders should specify these discounts and the methodology of using them in the letter of bid as established in the bidding documen *** qualification requirements of bidders include:(a) The bidder or members of a joint venture shall be an independent legal entity.(b) The manufacturer(s) has (have) obtained ISO * International Quality System Certification.(c) For domestic bidders, Multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TV has obtained China Compulsory Certification (CCC).(d) If the bidder is not the manufacturer of the goods, he needs to provide the authorization of the manufacturer and 5-year after-sales service commitment. If the bidder is not the developer of whiteboard teaching software, he needs to provide the authorization of the developer and 5-year after-sales upgrade and maintenance service commitment.(e) Bidder's contract experience is as follows:(e1) For one lot only: at least one contract of not less than RMB ¥ * million in which more than * sets have been delivered and installed in less than one year and has been successfully completed since April 1, * . The nature and complexity of this contract should be similar to that contract to be signed.(e2) For two lots: at least two contracts of not less than RMB ¥ * million each contract in which more than * sets have been delivered and installed in each contract in less than one year. Each contract has been successfully completed since April 1, * . The nature and complexity of these contracts should be similar to those contracts to be signed.(e3) For three lots: at least three contracts of not less than RMB ¥ * million each with more than * sets delivered and installed in less than one year in each contract that have been be successfully completed since April 1, * . The nature and complexity of these contracts should be similar to those contracts to be signed.(f) Manufacturer's technical capacity is as follows:(f1) For one lot: since April 1, * , at least * multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TV have been sold.(f2) For two lots: since April 1, * , at least * multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TV have been sold.(f3) For three lots: since April 1, * , at least * multimedia all-in-one PCs with flat-screen TV have been sold.(g) Bidder's financial capability is as follows:(g1) If the bidder only bids for one lot the average annual turnover for the last three years ( *** ) is required to be no less than RMB ¥ * million, and the liquidity or bank credit for the contract is no less than RMB ¥ * million.(g2) If the bidder bids for two lots the average annual turnover for the last three years ( *** ) is not less than RMB ¥ * million, and the liquidity or bank credit for the two contracts is no less than RMB ¥ * million.(g3) If the bidder bids for three lots the average annual turnover for the last three years ( *** ) is not less than RMB ¥ * million, and the liquidity or bank credit for the three contracts is no less than RMB ¥ * million.(h) After-sales service capability is as follows:The bidder shall ensure that for the execution of this/these contract(s) the bidder will provide 5-year after-sales services to users in counties (cities, districts) where the project sites are located. Agreements with the service providers for 5-year after-sales services should be provided by contract signature. The bidder shall undertake to respond within 2 hours upon receipt of the service requirements of the users, and the repair and replacement period shall be not more than 2 working days. 3. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: issued on January * (“Procurement Guidelines”), revised * and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. 4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from purchaser's agency and inspect the bidding documents during office hours 8: * - * : * am and * : * - * : * pm before * August, * (except on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) at the address given below. 5. A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of RMB ¥ * . The method of payment will be cash, cheque or telegraphic transfer. If mail order is required, RMB ¥ * for postage is needed and the bidding document will be sent by express delivery. 6. Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 9: * am on * August, * (Beijing time). Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the address below on 9: * am on * August, * (Beijing time). 7. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security. For one lot the bid security amount is RMB ¥ * , * , for two lots the bid security amount is RMB ¥1, * , * , and for three lots the bid security amount is RMB ¥1, * , * .8.The addresses referred to above and account information for purchase of bidding documents are: Address of accessing bidding documents : (1) Agent: China International Tendering Co., Ltd.; Address: the Bidding Documents Room,1st Floor of Genertec Plaza, West Third Ring Middle Road, No. * , Fengtai District, Beijing, China; Contact Tel: * ( * ) *** ; E-mail: * i *** ; Contact: Ms. Hou; (2) Agent: Guangdong Tendering Procurement Co., Ltd., Address: Room * , Ziyuan Commercial Building, * Dongfeng East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China, Contact Tel: * ( * ) *** ;Contact:Mr. Huang.Address of purchasing bidding documents: (1) Agent: China International Tendering Co., Ltd.; Address: the Bidding Documents Room,1st Floor of Genertec Plaza, West Third Ring Middle Road,No. * , Fengtai District, Beijing, China; Contact Tel: * ( * ) *** ; E-mail: * i *** , contact:Ms. Hou ; (2) Agent: Guangdong Tendering Procurement Co., Ltd., Address: Room * , Ziyuan Commercial Building, * Dongfeng East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China, Contact Tel: * ( * ) *** ; Contact: Mr. Huang.Address of submission of bidding documents: Guangdong Tendering Procurement Co., Ltd., Address: Room * , Ziyuan Commercial Building, * Dongfeng East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, China, Contact: * ( * ) *** , Mr. Huang.Address of Bid Opening: Room * , Ziyuan Commercial Building, * Dongfeng East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, China. Tel Number: * ( * *** t name: China International Tendering Co., L *** of deposit: Bank of China, Head Office, BeijingAccount No.: ***