(略) 有限公司(以下简称“代理机构”)受 (略) (略) (以下简称“招标人”)委托,为其 (略) 迪士尼乐园项目下 (略) 。
一、 项目信息
1、 项目编号: ***
2、 项目名称: (略) 迪士尼乐园项目玩具总动员园区演出布景灯光控制系统设备供货
二、 简要内容:
1、 (略) (略) 文件。
2、 招标范围:
1)为 (略) 迪士尼乐园玩具 (略) 有演出布景灯光控制设备和相关控制系统供货、图纸深化、集成和制作、工厂验收测试, (略) 人指定的地点
2) (略) 人的总承包商负责,投标人需提供安装指导及技术培训
3) (略) 现场弱电端 (略) 验收测试
4)辅 (略) 设备系统调试及编程
5)负责对招 (略) (略) 技术培训
7) (略) 文件第三章“技术规格及要求”
三、 投标人资格要求:
1、 投标人应满足以下资质要求:
2)具备中国演 (略) (略) (略) 颁发的专业灯光工程综合技术能力等级一级资质;
2、 投标人不应具 (略) 为:
1)近3年内,投标人曾经 (略) 门或其他组织 (略) 会、劳动、道德、健康、安全 (略) (略) 警告、处罚或批评的,或者发生过大规模罢工或严重的劳务纠纷、严重的火灾或安全事故、严重的工伤事故,或者严重的环境事故包括化学泄露, (略) 理等问题。
2)在过去5年内,投标人或其高级职员、总监、雇员、代理人、承包人或代表有向任何级别政府或国家机构、国有企业或国际组织的任何高级职员或工作人员、或者有官方授权或代 (略) 事的人,又或者政治机构的候选人、政党或政党官员直接或间接地提供、承诺支付或授权支付任何钱财、礼物或其他有价形式以 (略) 为、决定或获取商业优势使自己或任何其他人获得 (略) 为。
3、 不接受联合体投标。
四、 投标报名
1、 凡有意参加投标者,请于 * 日至4月19日(法定节、假日除外)上午9:00-11:00时、下午13:00-16:00时( (略) 时间) (略) 报名。(注:当投标报名的数量大于8家时,招标人保留启动资格预审程序的权利)。投标人代表须在报名时出示以下资料:
4)中国演 (略) (略) (略) 颁发的专业灯光工程综合技术能力等级一级资质证书复印件;
(略) 有复印件均应加盖公章。未按时提交材料或不能按要求提交材料的报名单位将被视为自动放弃投标资格。拒绝签署员工权益声明、保密协议则视为放弃投标。
五、 领取招标文件
1、 凡通过上述报名者,请于 * 日至4月19日(法定节、假日除外)上午9:00-11:00时、下午13:00-16:00时( (略) 时间) (略) 文件。
2、 招标文件(中、英文版)收取 * 仟元(RMB2000.00)(人民币)工本费,此项费用恕不退还。
六、 投标时间表
1、 标前会议
1)时间: * 日下午14:00时( (略) 时间)
2)地点: (略) 市 (略) 西路358号美丽园大厦20楼第七会议室
2、 投标文件提交
1)投标截止日期及时间: * 日上午10:00时( (略) 时间)
2)递交至: (略) 市 (略) 西路358号美丽园大厦20楼第七会议室, 邮编: ***
七、 公布媒体
本 (略) 页发布。
八、 联络方式:
代理机构: (略) 有限公司
地址: (略) 市 (略) 西路358号美丽园大厦14楼,邮编: ***
联系人: * 恺, 张璟
电话: *** 、181
传真: *** 、181
电子邮箱:lukai@ ***
Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltdis authorized by Shanghai International Theme Park Company Limited to conduct thedomestic public tendering of Manufacture and Supply of Toy Story Land ShowLighting Control System Equipment Supply at Shanghai Disneyland Project.
1 ProjectInformation
1) TenderPackage Number: ***
2) ProjectName: Shanghai Disneyland Project Toy Story Land Show Lighting Control SystemEquipment Supply
2 BriefContent:
1) Interestedeligible tenderers may obtain further information from and inspect the TenderDocuments at the office of Shanghai International Tendering Co., Ltd.
2) Scope:
i. Providesupply, shop drawings, assembly and production, test in factory, and deliveryto the location designated by the Buyer for all show lighting control equipmentand related control system for Toy Story Land Project in Shanghai Disney Resort
ii. Provideinstallation guidance and technical training as installation will be carriedout by Buyer’s General Contractor
iii. Providelow-voltage termination and complete FAT
iv. AssistBuyer test the equipment system and program
v. Providetechnical training to Buyer’s operations team
vi. Provideone year warranty and related after-sales service
vii. Referto Section 3 Technical Specifications and Requirements for the details
3 Performanceand Qualification Requirements:
1) QualificationRequirements of Tenderer:
i. Mustbe a legal entity with relevant licensed business scope;
ii. HaveLevel 1 Professional lighting engineering comprehensive technical capacityQualification from China Performing Arts Equipment Technology AssociationPerformance venues equipment professional committee;
iii. Havepermanent production and after-sales service and maintenance facility in Chinawith completed after-sales records.
2) Tendererwill be refused if they have any of the following behavior:
i. Inthe past 3 years, Tenderer has received any warning, punishment, notice ofcriticism from government or other organizations for social, labor, ethical,health, safety and environment violations, or encountered workers’ strike orserious labor dispute, encountered serious fire/safety accident, encounteredserious work place injury, encountered serious environmental accidents, *** al leakage, waste disposal issue) will be disqualified.
ii. Inthe past 5 years, Tenderer or any of its officers, directors, employees,agents, contractors, delegates or representatives have been found guilty,offering, or promising to pay, or authorizing the payment in each case directlyor indirectly, of any money, gift, or anything else of value to any officer oremployee of a government at any level or any state agency, state-owned agencyor enterprise, or public international organization, or any person acting in anofficial capacity for or on behalf of any of them, or a candidate for politicaloffice, or a political party or party official, for the purpose of influencingany act or decision, either for any business advantage, to obtain or retainbusiness, or to direct business to any person will be disqualified.
3) Consortiabidding: Unincorporated Joint Ventures/Consortia may not bid.
1) InterestedTenderers shall apply to Tender Agent between 09:00-11:00 and 13:00-16:00(Beijing Time) from Apr. 15, 2017 to Apr. 19, 2017 (excluding publicholidays).
Note: If there are more than 8 qualifiedapplicants, the Employer reserves the right to conduct pre-qualification.) TheTenderer’s representative who signs up should present the following documents:
i. Originalpower of attorney;
ii. Originaland copy of ID of the authorized representative;
iii. Copyof Business License;
iv. Copyof Qualification Certificates for Level 1 Professional lighting engineeringcomprehensive technical capacity Qualification from China Performing ArtsEquipment Technology Association Performance venues equipment professionalcommittee;
v. WorkersRights Declaration (1 original) completed and chopped with Company chop andLegal Representative’s chop;
vi. Employer’sConfidentiality Agreement completed and chopped with Company chop and LegalRepresentative’s chop (English and Chinese, two originals each);
All the above documents shall be choppedwith company seal. Any late submission or submission inconsistent with theabove requirements will be deemed as abandoning of the tender applicationregistration. Refusal to sign the Confidentiality Agreement and Workers’ RightDeclaration will be deemed as giving up eligibility to tender.
1) Qualifiedapplicants can obtain Tender Documents from the Tender Agent between09:00-11:00 and 13:00-16:00 (Beijing Time) from Apr. 15, 2017 to Apr. 19, 2017(excluding public holidays). The applicant’s representative should go to theTender Agent’s office at 14F Mei Li Yuan Mansion, No. 358 Yan An West Road,Shanghai to purchase the Tender Documents.
2) Thecost of obtaining Tender Documents is RMB 2,000.00 which is non-refundable.
1) Pre-TenderMeeting:
Time: 14:00 pm (Beijing Time), Apr. 21,2017
Venue: Meeting Room VII, 20F Mei Li YuanMansion, No. 358 Yan An West Road, Shanghai
2) Submissionof Tenders:
Deadline: 10:00am (Beijing Time), May. 8,2017
Venue: Meeting Room VII, 20F Mei Li YuanMansion, No. 358 Yan An West Road, Shanghai
3) Tendersreceived after the deadline or not delivered to venue stated above will not beaccepted.
This Invitation to Tender is published on.
The Tender Agent: Shanghai InternationalTendering Co. Ltd.
Address: 14/F, Mei Li Yuan Mansion, 358 YanAn Road (West), Shanghai ***
Person: Mr. Lu Kai, Ms. Zhang Jing
Tel: 86 21 *** \181
Fax: 86 21 *** \181
Email: lukai@ ***