(略) (以下简称“金鹏航空”或“我公司”)计划于2024年现状竞价出售2台不可用85-129型号APU。依据我公司航材管理业务体系的相关制度,我公司将采取公开招标比价的方式确定合作买方。 (略) 进行投标。招标信息如下:
件号 | 名称 | 序号 | 数量 | 机型 | 状态 | 地点名称 | 证书类型 |
*-10-1 | APU | P-* | 1 | 737 | 不可用 | 浦东不可用库 | / |
*-10-1 | APU | P-* | 1 | 737 | 不可用 | 海口不可用库 | / |
序号 | 项目 | 内容 |
1 | 投标截止 时间 | 2024年6月16日中午12时(北京时间)。 |
2 | 投标文件 内容要求 | 投标文件需包含以下内容: (1) 所投标的物; (2) 价格; (3) 运输、保险; (4) 付款条件。 |
3 | 报价效力 | 投标买方须在投标文件中申明:本买方在投标文件中的报价构成对金鹏航空的正式承诺,不因国家政策、内部审批等因素导致变更,具有法律效力。如果中标买方未按照成交条件签订合同,金鹏航空有权撤销成交通知,违约买方应依法承担法律责任。 投标文件应由买方的法定代表人或其授权代表签字或加盖公章。投标文件应尽量避免涂改、行间插字或删除,如果出现上述情况,改动之处应加盖单位公章或由买方的法定代表人或其授权代表签字确认。投标文件包封的所有粘接缝隙必须加盖单位公章或由买方的法定代表人或其授权代表签字。如投标文件不符合上述要求,则金鹏航空有权将其视为无效投标,不列入开标范围。 |
4 | 报价有效期 | 自报价截止之日起不少于180个日历日。 |
5 | 递交方式 | 卖方将通过海航航空集团航材询报价系统发送询价,报价截止日期前,买方将通过海航航空集团航材询报价系统直接提交报价。 |
6 | 项目联系人 | (略) :刘爱卿 电话:021-* 手机:* 邮箱:aiq.*@*nair.com |
7 | 开标 时间/地点 | 2024年6月17日,上海 |
8 | 其他说明事项及最终解释权 | (1) 本次招标项目不属于《中华人民共和国招投标法》强制要求适用法定招投标规则的项目类型,本项目招标流程由招标方自主制定。 (2) 本次公开招标将综合买方的业界资信、履约能力、商务条件等确定二次谈判入围买方。后续我公司将与入围买方开展比价谈判从而确定最终合作买方,与合作买方进行合同谈判并签订书面合同。 (3) 在投标截止时间前,金鹏航空可视情适时澄清、修订有关招标信息并将及时通知投标方。金鹏对于本项目招标信息拥有最终解释权。 (4) 在任何情况下,金鹏航空保留拒绝报价的权利。 |
9 | 合规投诉举报渠道 | 方大集团审计监察部 举报邮箱:*@*exiefangda.com 举报电话:* 航空集团审计监察部 举报邮箱:*@*naaviation.com 举报电话:* 信函地址: (略) 美兰区国兴大道7号海航大厦24楼,航空集团审计监察部。 邮 编:*。 金鹏航空 电子信箱:*@*ttp://** 举报电话:021-* 手 机:* 信函地址: (略) 浦东新 (略) 1号8楼党群工作部,审计监察中心。 邮 编:*。 航空集团纪委微信公众号: |
10 | 保密 | (略) 披露的任何涉及本项 (略) 进行严格保密,未经金鹏航空书面同意不得对任何第三方披露。 |
Suparna Airlines Co., Ltd.
Bid Invitation Letter for APUs
To Whom It May Concern,
Suparna Airlines Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Suparna Airlines" or "our company") plans to sell APUs by competitive bidding, our company will adopt public bid invitation and price comparison mechanism to determine the cooperative buyer according to the relevant fleet management policies of our company. You are cordially invited to participate in the bidding.
This bid invitation letter is prepared in both Chinese and English versions. The English version is for reference purpose only. In the event that there is inconsistency between the two language versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
The bid invitation information are as follows:
1. Information
2. 2 unserviceable 85-129 APUs
3. .The seller
Suparna Airlines Company Limited
4. Summary of Items disposal
PN | Desc | SN | QTY | TYPE | Condition | LOCATION | CERT |
*-10-1 | APU | P-* | 1 | 737 | US | PVGU | / |
*-10-1 | APU | P-* | 1 | 737 | US | HAKU | / |
5. Delivery Conditions
A. Those items and documents will be delivery in "as is, where is" condition. Both of those 2 APUs do not have any historic shop visit report and relevant documents
B. Delivery location: Warehouse of Suparna Airlines ,Shanghai/Haikou
C. Transportation will be buyer’s responsibility on buyer’s cost , if required, Suparna will assist on it .
D. There is no transporation stand for each apu ,if required , extra cost will be added .
E. Buyers of China need to specify whether the offer includes the tax.
F. The buyer shall pay 100% of the purchase price to the seller account before release .
G. The Sale Agreement will be prepared by the buyer, and both English and Chinese versions are required if possible.
6. Bidding information
No. | Item | Contents |
1 | Bidding deadline | June 16,2024 at 12:00 noon (Beijing time). |
2 | Requirement regarding bidding documents | The bidding documents shall contain the following: (1) Bidding Object; (2) Price; (3) Transportation 、Insurance; (4) Payment Terms; |
3 | Effectiveness of quotation | Each bidder shall attach the following statement in the bidding documents: “Our quotation in the bidding documents constitutes formal commitment to Suparna Airlines, and it shall not be subject to changes in the State"s policies, results of internal approval or any other factor, and shall have legal effect”. Suparna Airlines reserves the right to revoke the winning notice in the event that the bid winner fails to enter into the agreement based on the agreed terms; and the bid winner who are in default shall bear the legal liabilities in accordance with the laws. The bidding documents shall be signed by the legal representative or the authorized attorney of the buyer or affixed with the company chop of the buyer. Mark-ups for alteration, insertion or deletion shall be avoided in the bidding documents to the extent possible. If an alternation, insertion or deletion is inevitable, the mark-up shall be confirmed by the signature of the legal representative or the authorized attorney of the buyer or the affixation of the company chop of the buyer. All seams of the package containing the bidding documents must be sealed and affixed with the company chop of the buyer or the signature of the legal representative or the authorized attorney of the buyer. The bidding may be deemed void and not accepted if the bidding documents are not prepared and delivered in the foregoing manner. |
4 | Validity period of quotation | The quotation shall remain valid for no less than 180 calendar days from the bidding deadline. |
5 | Submission method | Seller will send inquiry via HNA AVIATION GROUP RFQ SYSTEM, Buyer shall upload its quote before deadline ,any quote beyond that time will be invalid |
6 | Contactinformation | Suparna Airlines:Liu Ai Qing Tel: +86( 021) * Mobile:+86 * Email: aiq.*@*nair.com |
7 | Time and place for bid opening | June 17 ,2024, Shanghai, China |
8 | Other information and right of interpretation | (1) This bidding project does not follow with the category of projects to which the statutory bidding rules under the Law of the People"s Republic of China on Tenders and Bids shall mandatorily apply. The bidding procedures are formulated by the bid inviter. (2) This public bid invitation is to determine the shortlisted buyers for next round of negotiation based on the industrial reputation, performance capabilities, commercial condition and other elements. Our company will conduct price comparison and negotiation with the shortlisted buyers to determine the final bid winner, upon which, our company will enter into the contract negotiations and signing process with the bid winner. (3) Suparna Airlines may from time to time make clarification or amendment to the bid invitation information before the bidding deadline and will timely notify the participating buyers in this regard. Suparna Airlines reserves the right of interpretation for all bid invitation information of this project. (4) In any event, Suparna Airlines reserve the right to reject any quotation. |
9 | Contact information for complaints and reporting of non-compliance | Email address for receiving complaints and reporting: *@*exiefangda.com, *@*naaviation.com, *@*ttp://** Telephone number for receiving complaints and reporting: *, *, * |
10 | Confidentiality | All information disclosed by Suparna Airlines concerning this project shall be kept strictly confidential. Without the written consent of Suparna Airlines, no information shall be disclosed to any third party. |
Suparna Airlines Co., Ltd.
May30, 2024