成 (略) * 年度第 * 批次TOD项目 * 体化设计
Bidding Announcement of the 3rd Batch of TOD Project Integrated Design in * , Chengdu Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd
为加快建设全面体现新 (略) 市, (略) 市空间、 (略) 市形态、 (略) 市品质,成 (略) 有限公 (略) 市总体规划为纲领,着重按照建设和 (略) (略) 市的要求,积极探索TOD (略) 模式,拟对 (略) 市轨道交通2 (略) (略) 点周边用地 (略) 市设计工作。现诚邀国内外优秀设计机构参与TOD (略) 市设计工作。希 (略) 市设计理念,为 (略) 发展注入新思想、新活力,谱写“站城 * 体、生活枢纽、文化地标、艺术典范”的TOD新篇章,共同绘制轨 (略) 市发展新蓝图。
In order to speed up the construction of city fully manifesting the new development concept, focus on expanding urban space, optimize the urban form and improve city image, Chengdu Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd, guided by a new round of urban master planning, follows the requirement of constructing harmonious and livable city and park city, actively explores TOD Chengdu model and plans to unfold integrated urban design for Chengdu’s rail transit network in * in the planned land surrounding the planned stations. The Group hence sincerely invites design institutes at home and abroad to attend the TOD project integrated urban design work. We hope that with advanced urban design concepts, we can inject new ideas and dynamism to Chengdu, compose a new TOD chapter of “station-city integration, life hubs, cultural landmarks and art role models”, and chart the new blueprint of urban development led by rail transit system.
1.Tender conditions
1.1本项目业主为成 (略) 有限公司,建设资金来自企业自筹,项目出资比例为 * %,招标人为成 (略) 有限公司。 (略) 条件, (略) 。
1.1 The project owner is Chengdu Rail Transit Real Estate Group Co., Ltd, construction capital is funded by the enterprise itself, the ownership proportion is * %, and the bidder is Chengdu Rail Transit Real Estate Group Co.,Ltd, The project has already met the requirements of tender and it will go through open tendering.
1.2 (略) 。 (略) 代理机构是/。
1.2 The tender form of this project is self-tender. The agency chosen by the tenderee is\
2. (略) 范围
2. Project Overview and Tender Scope
2.1 项目名称:成 (略) * 年度第 * 批次TOD项目 * 体化设计
2.1 Project name: The 3rd Batch of TOD Project Integrated Design in * , Chengdu Rail Transit Group Co., Ltd
2.2 建设地点: (略) 区、双流区、郫都区、 (略) 区、 (略) 市
2.2 Construction sites: Xindu District, Shuangliu District, Pidu District, Chenghua District, Jianyang City
2.3 项目规模:按照市委、市政府 * 年对TOD项目落地的任务要求,成 (略) 有限公司拟对 (略) 市轨道交通2 (略) (略) 点实施TOD项目 * 体化设计,本批次招标项目地点涵盖 (略) 区、双流区、郫都区、 (略) 区、 (略) 市,设计研究范围约 * 2亩。
2.3 Construction scale:According to the task requirement of TOD project implementation from CPC Chengdu Committee as well as Chengdu Municipal government in * , Chengdu Rail Transit Real Estate Group Co.,Ltd intends to perform integrated design of TOD project for planned rail transit network stations by * . The construction sites of the 3rd batch tender cover Xindu District, Shuangliu District, Pidu District, Chenghua District, Jianyang City at the total design research area of * 2mu.
Section name
圈内 (略) 点名称Station name of related land in the scope
TOD * 体化设计面积(单位:亩)
TOD integrated design area (unit: mu or * square meters)
Core area (unit: mu)
Section 1
(略) 区
Xindu District
(略) Shibantan Station
(略) Shibantan West Station
8号线 (略) Shibantan Yard of Line 8
Section 2
(略) 区
Xindu District
(略) Baishui Terminal
(略) Tashui Station
(略) Liziwan Station
(略) Huagui Road Station
(略) Liaojiawan Station
5、 * 号 (略) Dafeng Yard of Line 5 and Line *
Section 3
双流区Shuangliu District
(略) Feijialin Station
(略) Shizhi Village Station
* 、 * 号线 * 桐庙车辆段
Wutongmiao Car Depot of Line * and *
Section 4
双流区Shuangliu District
(略) Lanjiagou Station
(略) Huilong Station
毛家湾森林公园Maojiawan Forest Park
(略) Huilong Yard
Section 5
郫都区Pidu District
(略) Yangliushu Station
郫筒车辆段Pitong Car Depot
Section 6
(略) 区Chengdu District
(略) Shengxian Lake Station
Section 7
(略) 市Jianyang City
(略) Jianyang South Station
2.4 计划设计周期:合同签订之日起, (略) 委托设计任务及建设完成为止,各阶段的设计周期以 * 方下达的设计任务书为准(根据任务实际情况 * 方有权作出调整)。
2.4 Planned design cycle:From the date of contract signing to the completion of all design tasks entrusted by tenderee. Each stage of the design cycle is subject to design task from tenderee (The tenderee has right to adjust the period according to actual situation).
2.5 招标范围:
2.5 Tender scope
(略) (略) 上盖以及周边地块TOD项目的 * 体化设计及配合任务( * 体化设计方案、方案优化设计及配合任务),后续各阶段设计及配合任务(如招标人不具备相关实施条件,招标人有权取消或调整后续各阶段设计及配合任务), (略) 文件。
The integration design and coordination tasks of the TOD project of the rail transit stations or the region around rail yard and the design and coordination tasks of the subsequent stages (if the tenderee does not have the relevant implementation conditions, it has the right to cancel or adjust the design and coordination tasks of the subsequent stages). The specific scope of the tender is detailed in the tender documents of each section.
2.6 质量标准: (略) 规范及地方政府相关文件要求。
2.6 Quality standard: Compliant with the requirements of the current national standards and local government related documents
2.7 标段划分:7个标段
2.7 Section brision:seven sections
3. Qualifications of the bidder
3.1 本次招标要求投标人:
3.1 Qualification requirements for the bidder:
3.1.1 资质条件
3.1.1 Qualification conditions 投标人为国内机构的,须具有独立法人资格, (略) 业(建筑工程)设计 * 级及以上设计资质。 Chinese bidder must be an independent legal entity with Grade A qualifications or above for the construction industry (construction engineering) issued by the State Construction Administration. 投标人为境外机构的, (略) 在国家或地区具有合法营业及设计许可。 Foreign bidder must be the agency with local legal business license and design license in its country or region. 投标人为港、澳、台机构的, (略) 在地区具有合法营业及设计许可。 Bidder from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan must be the agency with local legal business license and design license.
3.1.2 信誉要求:未处于财产被接管、冻结、破产状态。
3.1.2 Credit Requirements: Does not go bankrupt or have its property/assets frozen or taken over.
3.1.3 拟派设计总负责人:具备 * 级注册建筑师资格,近3年( * 日至投标截止日)至少担任过 * 个国内或国外类似项目的设计负责人(类似项目是指:轨道交通物业开发项目或建筑面积 * 万及以上平方米的公共建筑项目)。
3.1.3 Requirements of project manager: Class-1 Registered Architect, and has similar working experience as the head of the design in recent three years(from January 1st, * to the deadline for bidding) at home or abroad (similar working experience means:project of rail transit property development or public project which covering an area of over * , * square meters or more).
3.1.4 财务要求:不提供。
3.1.4 Financial requirement: not required
3.2 本次招标接受满足3.1.1资质条件的投标人组成联合体投标, (略) 业(建筑工程)设计 * 级及以上设计资质的单位为牵头人,境外机构和港、澳、台机构不能作为独立投标人参与投标。
3.2 Consortium bidders who meet the qualification requirements are accepted and the head shall be the unit with Grade A qualifications or above for the construction industry (construction engineering) issued by the State Construction Admini *** overseas institutions and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan institutions cannot participate in the bidding as independent bidders.
联合体投标的应满足下列要求:联合体成员家数须不超过3家,联合体各方不得再以自己名义单独或参加其他联合体在同 * 标段中投标。
The consortium shall meet the following requirements: the consortium number shall not exceed three. The parties of the consortium may no longer bid in the same section on their own behalf or in other consortiums.
The consortium must meet the requirements of relevant regulations and requirements, and submit a Consortium Agreement to clarify the rights and obligations of consortium heads and the parties
3.3 投标人均可就上述7个标段投标。
3.3 Each bidder can bid the seven above-mentioned sections.
4.Acquisition of the bidding documents
4.1 凡有意参加投标者,请于 * 日至 * 日,每日上午9: * 时至 * : * 时( (略) 时间,法定节假日、公休日除外),在 (略) 市公共资 (略) 本项目报名室( (略) 市天府大道北段 * 号天 (略) 7号楼)领取。领取招标文件时须携带下列有效证明文件:
4.1 Bidders shall acquire the tender documents at: Registration room of Chengdu Public Resources Exchange Service Center (Building No.7, Tianfu International Financial Center, No. * North Section of Tianfu Avenue, Chengdu).
Time to acquire the tender documents: 9: * am to * : * pm from * to * (Beijing time, public holiday excluded). Please bring the following valid documents in claiming the bidding documents:
4.1.1 投标人为国内机构:需提供法定代表人授权委托书或单位介绍信原件、企业法人营业执照复印件、资质证书复印件、经办人身份证复印件(以上复印件均需查验原件,留存加盖鲜章的复印件);
4.1.1 Chinese bidder need to provide the authorization letter of the legal representative or the original letter of introduction by employer, copy of the corporate entity business license, copy of the qualification certificate and copy of the ID card of the operator (The original documents must be checked and the copies with fresh company seal will be reserved).
4.1.2境外机构或港、澳、台机构: (略) 在国或地区核发的合法营业及设计许可、授权委托书及委托文件;
4.1.2 Foreign bidder or bidder from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan need to provide the local legal business license, design license and authorization letter and documents of the country or region.
4.1.3 联合体投标的,联合体各成员单位均需提供有效的证明文件及加盖联合体各成员单位鲜章的联合体协议书原件,协议书中应明确联合体牵头人和各成员单位权利义务(联合体协议书格式见附件 * )。
4.1.3 For the consortium, each member should provide valid documents and original Consortium Agreement with the fresh seals of the members to clarify the rights and obligations of the heads and members (Please see attachment 2 for consortium agreement format).
4.1.4 投标人参与本项目的保密承诺书,还应加盖投标人(或联合体牵头人)的鲜章(保密承诺书格式见附件 * )。
4.1.4 The Letter of Confidential Commitment needs to bear fresh company seal of the bidder (or consortium head). Format is as shown in the attachment 1.
4.2 (略) 文件服务。
4.2 Mail-order for tenderee cannot be provided.
5.Submission of the Tender
5.1 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为 * 日 * 时 * 分,地点为 (略) 市公共资 (略) 本项目开标室( (略) 市天府大道北段 * 号天 (略) 7号楼)。
5.1 The deadline for the Tender Documents Submission: * : * am, *
The address for submission:Bidding room of Chengdu Public Resources Exchange Service Center (Building No.7, Tianfu International Financial Center, No. * North Section of Tianfu Avenue, Chengdu.)
5.2 逾期送达的或者未送达指定地点的投标文件,招标人不予受理。
5.2 If the Tender Documents are overdue or delivered to the wrong place, it will not be accepted by tenderee.
7.Contact information
招 标 人:成 (略) 有限公司
Tenderee:Chengdu Rail Transit Real Estate Group Co.,Ltd
地 址: (略) 市天府大道中段 * 号地铁大厦 A栋
Address:Building A, Metro Tower, No. * , Middle Section of Tianfu Avenue, Chengdu.
联 系 人:姚女士(技术),袁女士、范女士(商务)
Contact:Miss Yao(Technology),Miss Yuan and Miss Fan(Business)
电 话: *** , *** , ***
Tel: *** , *** , ***
传 真: ***
Fax: ***
注: (略) 中英文不 * 致时,以中文为准。
Notes:This Bidding Announcement is written in both Chinese and English. If there is any inconsistency between the English and Chinese descriptions, the Chinese text shall prevail.
附件 * :
致:成 (略) 有限公司
鉴于“成 (略) * 年度第 * 批次TOD项目 * 体化设计 标段”招投标过程中,我方涉 (略) 相关的保密信息,为保证信息不致外泄,我方做出以下保密承诺:
1.本承诺书述及的保密信息包含但不限于我方在参与本项目过程中直接或间接获取的本项目相关规划设计基础资料, (略) 提供的与本项目有关的材料(包括口头、书面信息及电子资料) (略) 提供资料而形成的成果文件(包括阶段性及最终成果文件)。以下信息除外:我方披露时已经是可公开取得的信息;我方从第 * 方获得的信息,且第 * 方并未违反其对 (略) 负有的保密义务; (略) 提供的保密信息而独立开发的信息。
2. (略) 项目,绝不用于其它用途。
3. (略) 处得到的 (略) 保密管理,采取措施防 (略) (略) 分泄露给第 * 方。
4. (略) 因工作原因接触到保密信息人员,进行保密教育,防止泄露信息,如果发生泄密,我方承担 * 切法律责任和损失赔偿。
5.我方采取严格措施防止与本次投标工作无关的人员接触保密信息,防止其泄露信息,如果发生泄密,我方承担 * 切法律责任和损失赔偿。
6.不论我方中标与否,我方承诺在中标通知书发出后 * 个工作日内, (略) 通知后 * 个工作日内 (略) (略) 销毁。
7.无论我方中标与否,此承诺书将持续有效,直至 * 方同意公开。
投标人(若为联合体,则为联合体牵头人): (盖章)
时 间: 年 月 日
附件 * :
(所有成员单位名称)自愿组成联合体,共同参与成 (略) * 年度第 * 批次TOD项目 * 体化设计 标段投标。现就联合体投标事宜订立如下协议。
1、 (某成员单位名称)为联合体牵头人。
2、 (略) 项目投标文件编制和合同谈判活动,并代表联合体提交和接收相关的资料、信息及指示,负责合同实施阶段的主办、组织和协调工作, (略) 项目有关的 * 切事务。
3、联合体牵头人在本项目中签署的 (略) 理的 * 切事宜,联合体各成员均予以承认。 (略) 文件、投标文件和合同的 (略) 义务,并向招标人承担连带责任。
4、联合体各 (略) 的职责分工如下: 。
5、本协议书自签署之日起生效, (略) 完毕后自动失效。
6、本协议书 * 式 份, (略) 人各执 * 份。
牵头人名称: (盖单位章)
法定代表人: (签字或盖章)
联合体成员单位 * 名称:
法定代表人或负责人: (签字或盖章)
年 月 日
保 存