招标编号:CGN- ***
项目名称: (略) 项目3-4号机组LOT44Ac常规岛合金钢焊接钢管
招标人: (略)
委托单位: (略)
(略) 门:设备 (略)
邮箱地址: * gn ***
固定电话: ***
招标代理机构: (略)
固定电话: ***
邮箱地址: * gn ***
标书发售开始时间: * 日 22:34( (略) 时间)。
标书发售截止时间: * 日 17:00( (略) 时间)。
截标时间: * 日 10:00( (略) 时间)。
本次招 (略) (略) 3&4号机组常规岛合金焊接钢管约500米,包括原材料采购、制造、检验、试验、包装、文件和运输等。管道材质为A691 2 1/4Cr CL22,管 (略) 径为660~914mm,管道厚度为12.7~15.88mm。
1) 投标人必须是经注册的,具有独立法人资格的供应商。
2) 如投标 (略) ,报名时需提交管道制造商出具的仅针对本项目的供货承诺函。
3) 投标人或其 (略) 应具有近5年内核电或600MW以上火电项目常规岛合金焊接钢管(A691 2 1/4 Cr CL22直缝双面埋弧焊管)或类似项目的供货业绩。
4) 不接受联合体投标。
4. (略) 文件发售期内在中广核电子商务平台(https:/ *** ) (略) 网上投标报名,报名时需填写被授权的投标联系人信息。
4.2 投标人已注册为中广核电子商务平台会员的,可直接登录报名,否则需先注册为该平台会员后方可报名,注册会员的步骤请详见中广核电子商务平台。如果投标人报名时《营业执照》信息与会员注册时发生变化,请及时登录中广核电子商务平台更 (略) 员注册信息。因投标人未能及时更新注册信息而影响投标人投标的, (略) 承担责任。
4.3 招标文件每套售价500元, (略) 文件的费用,售后不退。
户 名: (略)
(略) : (略) (略) (略)
帐 号:7523 5793 5916
4.4 (略) 文件的费用后, (略) 文件购买环节上传缴费凭证扫描件。
4.5 招标人对投标人的报名文件和缴费凭证审核确认后, (略) 文件。 (略) 文件, (略) 文件领取地点( (略) 中心BM2115)领取。
4.6 (略) 文件发售期内完成投标报名、购买招标文件的相关工作,逾期系统将自动关闭。 (略) 文件的投标人不得参与投标,招标人有权拒收其投标文件,已收取的, (略) 理。
4.7 投标人因未按 (略) 投标报名、上传缴费凭证、提交的投标报名文件不符合要求或缴费错误而影响投标的, (略) 承担责任。
5.1 投标文件递交的截止时间、 (略) 文件。
5.2 投标文件逾期送达或者未送达指定地点的投标文件,招标人不予受理。
7. (略) 文件,投标人在办理标书款转账时, (略) 转账单/ (略) 编号,个人汇款的还应填写投标人的简称。
7.2缴费凭证(银行转账单/汇款单) (略) 签章或电子回单章,上传缴费凭证文件命名格式为“缴费凭证+公司简称”, 个人汇款的凭证文件命名格式为“姓名+公司简称”。
7. (略) 文件的投标人开具增值税普通发票,购买招标文件的发票 (略) 领取或邮寄的方式给投标人。 (略) 中心BM2115。
7.4投标人应认真填写平台中的购买信息和发票信息,因投标人原因导致发票未能及时开具、开票错误、发票不能报销或发票失效等问题, (略) 承担责任。因开票信息不完整而不能以投标人名义开具发票的,招标人将以实际付款人开具。开票信息错误导致开票错误的,发票不重新开具。
7.5 (略) 与“中广核电子商务平台” (略) 内容不一致时,以“中广核电子商务平台” (略) 为准。
7.6 若有疑问,请与招标代理机构的项目负责人联系。
Tender Notice
Bid No.: CGN- ***
Project Name: LOT44Ac (CI Alloy Steel Welded Pipes) for Fanchenggang Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3&4
China Nuclear Power Engineering Company, Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding and traditional bidding. The tender notice was released on both https:/ *** and http:/ *** .cnon Jan.24th, 2017.
1. Tenderer and Tenderer Agency
Name of Tenderer: China Nuclear Power Engineering Company, LTD. (CNPEC)
Contact Person: Mr. Li Mengning
Tel: +86- ***
Email: * gn ***
Tenderer Agency: China Nuclear Power Engineering Company, LTD. (CNPEC)
Contact Person: Ms. Wang Dongdong
Tel: +86- ***
Email: * gn ***
2. Tendering Scope
The scope requested by Tendering Documents contains CI alloy steel welded pipes amounted to about 500 meters for Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant Unit 3&4, including the procurement of raw material , fabrication, examination, test, packing, documentation and delivery, etc. The material of the pipes is A691 2 1/4Cr CL22, the scope of outside diameter is 660~914mm,and the scope of wall thickness is 12.7~15.88mm.
3. Qualified Bidder
1) The tenders shall be legally registered and be independent legal entity.
2) The tenders which are not manufactures shall submit the Supply Commitment Letter which is issued only for this project by pipe manufactures.
3) The tenders or the tenders' proxy factory shall have the supply performance of alloy steel welded pipes(A691 2 1/4 Cr CL22 LSAW Pipes) for Nuclear Power Plants ,or Coal Fired Plants of 600MW (or above )Unit in the latest 5 years.
4) Consortiums are not accepted.
4. Application and Obtaining of Bidding Documents
1) Period: From Am 09:00 Jan. 25th, 2017 to Pm 17:00 Feb. 7th, 2017
2) During above mentioned period, bidder shall complete the procedure of entering for the tending on ECP http:/ *** (Remark: Enrolled the net freely is the first step).
3) If registered, bidder shall apply for this bidding according to the procedure of ECP .
5. Warm Remark
(1) The Bidding Announcement will both release on ECP (http:/ *** ) and China Bidding net (http:/ *** .cn), and in case of discrepancy or ambiguity among them, the ECP (http:/ *** ) will be deemed binding.
(2) This announcement has both Chinese and English version. In case of differences in interpretation, the Chinese version will be deemed binding.