(略) 有色天宏瑞 (略)
ShaanxiNon-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Material Co., Ltd.
Liquid Nitrogen ProcurementBidding Notice
Project name:Liquid Nitrogen Procurement
项目编号: *** HY0544
Project number: *** HY0544
招标人: (略) 有色天宏瑞 (略)
Tenderer: Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Material Co., Ltd.
招标机构:西北( (略) ) (略)
Bidding agency: Northwest (Shaanxi)International Tendering Company, Limited.
项目地点: (略) 省 (略) 市榆佳工业园
Project Address: Yu Jia Industrial Park, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province
Content: Liquid Nitrogen
Bidder's Qualification Requirements:
The bidder has established enterprises that must be registered inChina, have independent legal personality;
(2)投标人的法定代表人为同一个人的两个及两个以上法人,母公司、全 (略) ,以及其他形式有资产关联关系的投标申请人, (略) 项目中同时提出投标申请;
If the Bidder's legal representative takes charge of two or morecompanies, the parent company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries or holdingcompany, or companies with asset correlation in any form, he shall not submitbidding applications in the same bidding project as bidding applicants at thesame time;
(3)投标人如为代理商,需提供制造商的授权书 [如果提供总代理或分销商的授权,应同时提供制造商对总代理或分销商的授权文件(加盖投标人公章的复印件)];
If the bidder also acts as an agent, shall provide themanufacturer's authorization (If generalagent or dealer authorization is provided, the manufacturer authorizationletter to general agent or dealer shall also be provided. Note: together withcopy file with bidder stamp).
Manufacturer have thesafety production license;
Bidder have the dangerouschemical business license;
(6) 本项目不接受联合体投标。
Consortium bids are notaccepted for this Project.
Issuance Date of the Bidding Document:
* 日起至 * 日8:30-11:30时,13:30-16:30时止(法定公休日除外)。
From04/13(MM DD), 2017 to04/20(MM DD), 2017 (from 8:30to 11:30,13:30 to 16:30 every day, except holidays)
需持申请人单位介绍信、开户许可证(基本账户)复印件、购买人身份证原件及复印件、投标人廉洁自律承诺书及投标人保密承诺书(承诺书格式可向电子邮箱 * 63.com发邮件索取)购买,文件售价:300元/套。
Applicantsneed to hold bidder's introduction letter, Opening permit (basic account), The buyerid original and copy, Bidder’s Letter of Commitment to be Incorruptible andSelf-disciplined,Bidder’s Letter of Commitment for Confidentiality,(Commitmentform can be obtained from * 63.com), Document Price:300RMB/set.
(略) 文件,请发送申请人单位介绍信、开户许可证(基本账户)复印件、申请人身份证扫描件、购买文件费电汇底单及税号( (略) 会代码)、投标人廉洁自律承诺书及投标人保密承诺书至电子邮箱: * 63.com。
If applicants need to purchase the bidding documents online,please send the bidder's introduction letter, Opening permit (basic account),The applicant id original and copy, Bidder’s Letter of Commitment to beIncorruptible and Self-disciplined,Bidder’s Letter of Commitment forConfidentialityscanning document, Remittance list and Tax ID (Unified SocialCode) to Email: * 63.com.
投标人必须于招标文件载明的发售截止时间前在 (略) 省工业和信息化厅(网址http:/ *** )成功注册,否则由此产生的 (略) 承担。
The bidder must be in thetender documents before the deadline for sale, in the Shaanxi ProvincialIndustry and Information Center successfully registered (websitehttp:/ *** ), otherwise the consequences arisingfrom its To bear on their own.
招标 (略) 地点: (略) 市南二环西段58号成长大厦11层111 (略) (南二环与朱雀路十字西南角)(贾楠希 侯文强 *** )。
The Bidding documents learning and consulting Location: Thewestern part of South Second Ring No.58 in Xi'an,the Growth Corp.Building,11F1110 Room Equipment Bidding Section III (Cross of ZhuQue road and South SecondRing Road, the southwest corner) (Jia Nanxi, Hou Wenqiang *** ).
招标文件购买地点: (略) 市南二环西段58号成长大厦11层标书发售室
Bidding documents purchase location: The western part of SouthSecond Ring No.58 in Xi'an,the Growth Corp.Building,11F of bidding documentssale room.
发售联系人:程坤( *** )
Contact for sale: Cheng Kun ( *** )
投标文件递交截止时间: * 日14:30时。
Deadline for submission of bid: 14:30 p.m. on05/04(MM DD), 2017;
投标文件递交地点: (略) 市南二环西段58号成长大厦10层会议室(南二环与朱雀路十字西南角)
Place of bid documents submission:The western part of South SecondRing No.58 in Xi'an,the Growth Corp.Building,10F Conference Room (Cross ofZhuQue road and South Second Ring Road, the southwest corner)
Bid opening time: With the deadline for submission of bid;
Bid opening place: With the place of bid documents submission;
招标机构:西北( (略) ) (略)
Bidding agency: Northwest (Shaanxi) International TenderingCompany, Limited.
(略) : (略) (略) 支行
Deposit Bank: Xi'an Chang'an University Sub-branch of Bank ofCommunications
开 户 名:西北( (略) ) (略)
Account Name: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Company,Limited
帐 号: ***
Account No.: ***