天津渤化化 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2024-09-18在中国 (略) 公告。本次招标采用电子招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况:天津 (略) “两化”搬迁改造项目-*吨/年糊树脂装置。现拟采购气动涂釜喷淋阀10台,满足VI级密封。
招标项目名称:天津 (略) “两化”搬迁改造项目-*吨/年糊树脂装置气动涂釜喷淋阀国际竞争性公开招标项目
项目实施地点: (略)
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:(1)投标人是响应招标、已在招标机构处领购招标文件并参加投标竞争的法人或其他组织。任何未在招标机构处领购招标文件的法人均不得参加投标。The Bidder is legal person or other organization that has purchased the Bidding Document from the Tendering Agent, and has participated in the bid. Any legal person or organization that has not purchased the Bidding Document from the Tendering Agent is not allowed to participate in the bid.(2)凡是来自中华人民共和国或是与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区(以下简称“合格来源国/地区”)的法人均可投标。This Invitation for Bids is open to all legal persons or other organizations within the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as “PRC”) or from all countries/areas which have regular trade relations with PRC (hereinafter called “the eligible source countries/areas”).(3)与招标人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的法人不得参加投标。Any legal person or other organization that has conflict of interest with the Tenderee and may have impact on fairness of the bidding is not allowed to participate in the bid.(4)接受委托参与项目前期咨询和招标文件编制的法人不得参加受托项目的投标,也不得为该项目的投标人编制投标文件或者提供咨询。Any legal person or other organization that has been entrusted to provide consulting service at the preliminary stage of the project or to prepare the Bidding Document is not allowed to participate in the bid, nor to prepare bid documents or provide consulting service to the Bidder.(5)单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一招标项目包投标,共同组成联合体投标的除外。Different Bidders that have the same person in charge or have the relationship of share-holding or management should not participate in the bids for the same package. except for the case to form a Joint Venture to bid.(6)只有在法律上和财务上独立、合法运作并独立于招标人和招标机构的供货人才能参加投标。The Suppliers may participate in the bids only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent.(7)投标人应当于招标文件载明的投标截止时间前在中国 (略) (网址:http://**)成功注册。否则,投标人将不能进入招标程序,由此产生的后果由其自行承担。Bidders should successfully complete the registration on http://** (hereinafter abb. as “the Website”) prior to the deadline for submission of Bids stipulated in the Bidding Document. Otherwise, the Bidders cannot enter into bidding procedures, and any consequence arisen thereafter shall be borne by Bidders.(8)中国境内投标人须提供的营业执照副本复印件(投标人是制造商的,注册资本不低于*元;投标人是代理商的,注册资本不低于*元或等值外币); (略) 须提供注册证明文件复印件。投标人为中华人民共和国以内企业的(不含港澳台地区,下同),复印件需加盖公章的;国外的(含港澳台地区,下同)只需被授权人签字。Copies of business licenses shall be submitted by bidders in China and copies of registration certificates shall be submitted by bidders abroad (The bidder is a manufacturer with a registered capital of not less than 50 million yuan; The bidder is an agent with a registered capital of not less than 5 million yuan or its equivalent in foreign currency). Sealing with company stamp for domestic bidders(excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below), while only signing for bidders abroad(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below)(9)投标人须是生产本产品的生产型企业,或为国外制造商所使用品牌的中国代理商(须提供正本制造商区域授权书和服务销售能力证明文件),授权书基本格式见招标文件第一册格式 IV-9-4 “制造商出具的授权函”, 并且需要体现代理权限。投标人为代理商的,只能接受一个制造商的授权代理。投标人为中华人民共和国国内企业的(不含港澳台地区,下同),授权书需为正本扫描件(复印件)需加盖公章;投标人为国外的(含港澳台地区,下同),授权书为扫描件或复印件时,只需被授权人签字。The bidder shall be either a producer of the Goods, or the Agency of the brand used by the Producer in China. When the bidder is the Agency of the brand used by the Producer in China, the original manufacturer"s regional authorization letter and proof of service sales capability shall be provided. The scanned copy of letter of Authorization is required for the agent shown in Producer’s website with the sealing and signing by Bidder for bidders abroad but company stamp for domestic bidders. Letter of Authorization shall be as per the format in Section 4 Form-IV-9-4 ITB Volume One, while indicating his dedicated scope of the agent. The authorization is only allow from one definite producer.(10) 2014年1月1日至今,投标人在中国范围内PVC或糊树脂生产装置有3个或以上单笔合同不少于5台气动涂釜喷淋阀的业绩。The bidder must have the experience of at least 5 Pneumatic coating kettle spray valves in three or more single contracts for PVC or paste resin plant in China since January 1, 2014.有效业绩的认定条件为:The successful experience shall be identified upon:提供投标人业绩清单(格式见第六章附表1),并附合同或用户证明等证明材料。证明材料须加盖投标人公章(如为国外投标人只需被授权人签字)。业绩清单包括合同号、用户名称、联系方式、购置时间、工艺介质、阀门尺寸、阀门形式、阀门数量等信息,日期以合同签订日期为准 。The experiences list (the format as per Attached Table 1 of Section Six for the format of performance list), together with the certifying and supporting documents, such as copy of contract or user certificate. The supporting documents shall be stamped with the official seal of the bidder, while the signature of authorized person is acceptable for the foreign bidder. The experiences list shall include the Contract number, user name, contact information, purchase time, process medium, valve size, valve form, valve quantity, etc.(11)投标人应提供制造商对产品质量保证和售后服务的承诺函原件。The bidder shall provide the original commitment letter from the manufacturer regarding product quality assurance and after-sales service.(12)投标人须提供有效期内的ISO9001、ISO*、OHSAS*(或ISO*)体系认证证书扫描件(扫描件须加盖投标人公章,如为国外投标人只需被授权人签字)。The bidder must provide the copies of ISO9001, ISO*, OHSAS*(或ISO*) system certification certificates within the validity period (the domestic bidder must affix the official seal, and the overseas bidder only needs the signature of the authorized person).(13)投标的投标代表须提供法定代表人授权书(格式见招标文件第一册第四章,格式IV-8)、法定代表人身份证明书及被授权人的身份证明(身份证);如负责本 (略) 的法定代表人, (略) 法定代表人身份证明书和该法定代表人的身份证明(身份证)。Power of Attorney of legal representative (the format is as per Section 4 Form IV-8,ITB Volume One), Certificate Identity of legal representative and the Identification Card of the authorized representative shall be provided; if the authorized representative for the bid is the company’s legal representative, the qualified company’s legal representative certificated and his Identification Card shall be provided.(14)加盖公章的投标人开立基本账户的银行所开具银行资信证明或经会计师事务所审计的2023年度财务审计报告扫描件(扫描件须加盖投标人公章,如为国外投标人只需被授权人签字);Bidders shall provide the original Credit Certificates issued by the bank where his basic account is open, and the copy of Annual Audit Report of 2023 with its company sealing for domestic bidders(excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below), while only signing for bidders abroad(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, the same below).
其他说明:投标人需 (略) 站取得CA(费用300元,投标人自付), (略) 站服务人员索要操作操作手册及视频资料以便掌握在线投标操作。网站客服联系人:张鹏飞 电话:* 邮箱:*@*bnew.com
投标截止时间(开标时间):2024-10-09 13:30
投标文件送达地点:中国 (略) (http://www. chinabidding. com)在线投标
开标地点:中国 (略) (http://**)在线开标
招标人:天津 (略)
地址:天津经济技术开发区南港工 (略) (东)99号
招标代理机构:天津渤化化 (略)
地址: (略) 和 (略) 187号