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(略) (略) ,于 *** - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况:风扇试验器全消声室 1套
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
招标项目编号: ***
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 市
序号 | 产品名称 | 数量 | 简要技术规格 | 备注 |
1 | 风扇试验器全消声室 | 1套 | 声学包项目主要为风扇试验器全消声室、风扇试验器防雨罩、进气过滤及进排气消声系统、隔声门、试验件支撑系统、提升系统、麦克风支架、照明系统、视频监控系统 (略) 理、声学测试系统概念设计、压气机试验器防雨罩、进气过滤及进排气消声系统、隔声门、旁通进气消声系统、引气排气消声系统、土建设计信息等提供整体方案设计与设备集成相关工作。 |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩 *** 投标人主营业务为航空发动机或航空 (略) 件消声室试验设施和试验设备
The Bidder’s main business shall be aerial engine or aerial engine anechoic chamber in fan test facility and test equipment
*投标方必须为消声设备领域国际国内一流品牌( (略) 用的吸声结构、隔声门等),注册资本200万美金(或等值其他货币)以上,通过ISO9001、ISO14001或对等质量体系认证,并在投标书中应提供相应证书的复印件。
Bidder shall be international and domestic first-class brand (including the sound absorption structure, the acoustic doors). The bidder registered capital should be more than 2 million dollars(Or equivalent in other currencies
). The Bidders should pass through the certification by ISO9001, ISO14001 or other coordinate quality system. The bidder should provide the certification materials and copies in the tender.投标方需有 (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) ,需提供至少2个国内外重点同类项目业绩(提供合同/项目照片)。
Bidder should have the project management team, project executive team, acoustic design team. And the bidder should provide the proof of at least 2 similar projects experience to ACAE. The proof can include the project contract, the project photos and so on.
投标方在中国国内应有良好的售后质保服务体系,在中国国 (略) 及售后服务机构,并提供证明在中国国内有良好的技术支持及维修服务以及提供相应人员的名单、职位和工作年限。
The Bidders shall have a good aftermarket warranty service system. In China, the Bidders should have an office and an aftermarket service agency. The Bidders should provide the proof of having good technical support service and maintain service in China, and provide the corresponding workers details including the name, title, and working years.
In order to guarantee the construction time, the Bidders should provide the proof document to prove the manufacturability and the production facilities of the acoustical materials manufacturer. At the same time, the Bidders should provide the initial production place proof and brand proof.
本系统为成套系统,投标方应具有供 (略) 有分项目的资质和能力,如为代理商, (略) 有分项目主要生产商出具的长期授权函(非单独针对本项目)。
This system is a complete system. Bidders shall have the qualifications to supply all items within the system. For agent, it shall provide the long-term authorization issued by main sub-project manufactures.
(略) 完成的试验器建设项目 (略) (略) 列表描述,可附上相关业绩照片,相关业绩照片应清晰可识别。
Bidder should list the project content(s) and location(s) of the testing facility(s) ever completed. Related performance picture(s) may be attached.投 (略) 要求:
Requirements on Bidder’s Project Team:
The Bidder shall assign a key project manager to be responsible for the entire project, with management experience on at least ONE (1) test facility for anechoic chamber, whose duties in this project include but not limited to:
to set up the project schedule, supervise all the progress and allocate resources, to make sure the project to complete as scheduled,
-提供包含转包合 (略) 有相关设备并监督建设和安装工作以及其他各项服务,
to coordinate with the subcontractors and supervise all subcontracted to be constructed and installed as scheduled,
and to report the progress to the Tenderee periodically.
*投标人 (略) 项目经理,同时应根据需要在其负责的设备安装过程中安排额外管理人员和技术人员。
The Bidder shall assign a site project manager in the Tenderee’s site, and arrange the other managers or technicians to the construction site as needed.
现场项目经理在项目期间必须驻扎在中国 (略) ,并承担包括但不限于以下工作:
The site project manager shall station in Shanghai, PRC, during the project execution, and shall be responsible to the following works (but not limited to):
Act as the initial liaison of the Bidder during the design and delivery phase, to response to Tenderee’s queries
-在设备安装、调试阶段协调协助项目经理协调投标 (略) 工作
Facilitate the key project manager to coordinate all Bidder’s work at project site during the installation and test phase
*投 (略) 成员应至少包括且不限于以下专业:
The Bidder’s Project Team shall include, but not limited to, such disciplines as:
Aero-dynamic performance and acoustic performance
招标文件领购开始时间: ***
招标文件领购结束时间: ***
招标文件领购地点:“ (略) ” 网址:http:/ *** /> 招标文件售价:¥3000/$500
投标截止时间(开标时间): *** 09:30
投标文件送达地点:中航商用航 (略) 会议室
开标地点: (略) 区莲花南路3998号
招标人:中航商用航 (略)
地址: (略) 区莲花南路3998号
联系方式: ***
招标代理机构:中航技 (略)
地址: (略) 市 (略) 区慧忠 (略) B座14层
联系方式: ***
招标代理 (略) (人民币):
招标代理 (略) (美元):