(略) 贷款 (略) 上 (略) (略) 建设
项目名称:上 (略) (略) (略) 服务
上 (略) 是列入 (略) 建设“十二五”规划和 (略) 省 (略) 会发展“十二五”规 (略) 项目。为4C级 (略) ,定位为 (略) 。占地面积2243亩,总投资约8亿元,跑道长2400米,航站楼面积10496平方米,站坪机位6个,并建设有通讯、导航、气象、供电、供水、供气、供油、消防救援等设施。
作为 (略) 省“十二五”期间重大基础设施项 (略) 首次支持中国航空交通项目,上 (略) 致力于建设效率高、质量好、工期短、见效快的绿色 (略) 。为此,上 (略) 于2013年1月正式启 (略) 研究与建设工作。 (略) 、咨询单位、设计单位、总包单位、施工单位等参建单位的共同努力,“节能、环保、科技、人性化”的绿色理念逐步全面贯 (略) 建设的全生命周期中。
(1) (略) 规划设计、 (略) 方面绿色(含资源节约(节能减排、节地、节水、节材等),环境 (略) 、创新、人性化服务等等)经验总结;
为确保 (略) ,咨询单位应至少开展或完成 (略) (略) 的业绩。
1) (略) 规划设计专家(项目负责人)1人
项目负责人须具备双语(中文和英文)能力,具有高级工程师及以上职称;具有8年以上从事科研工作或从事民航规划、设计及建设相关工作的经历,精 (略) 绿色实践及技术趋势,且近5年负责成功开展过1个 (略) 相关课 (略) 项目,具有 (略) 业经验。对本项目服务时间达到6人月。
2) (略) 施工专家1人
机场施工专家具有高级工程师及以上职称;具有5年以上从事科研工作或从事民航建设相关工作的经历,精 (略) 绿色实践及技术趋势。对本项目服务时间达到4人月。
3) (略) 运行专家1人
(略) 专家具有5年以上从事科研工作或 (略) 相关工作的经历,精 (略) 绿色实践及技术趋势。对本项目服务时间达到4人月。
具备2年 (略) 科研工作的经历。对本项目服务时间达到6人月。
该咨询任务的业主为上 (略) 。咨询顾问对业主负责,并在必要时与业主一 (略) 工作,确保项目的顺利实施。咨询顾问将工作中的有关事项和报告及时告知和递交给业主单位。
4、 (略) 顾问应 (略) 出版的《国际 (略) (略) 信贷和 (略) 借款人 (略) 顾问》(2011年1月发布)中第1.9段有关利益冲突的条款。
(略) /机构不接 (略) 分包的方式。
(略) /机构将按照《 (略) (略) 顾问指南》中 (略) 顾问资历的选择方式(CQS)来选择和聘用。
(略) 发布之日起可以在工作日的08:30-17:30( (略) 时间)从德汇工程管理( (略) )有限公司(地址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区凤凰大道公园道一号一栋一单元802室)获取进一步信息。
兴趣意向表达文件和相关资格材料(资历、经验和竞争力)必须于 * 日前用书面或电子邮件形式提交至德汇工程管理( (略) )有限公司(地址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区凤凰大道公园道一号一栋一单元802室)。
招 标 人:上 (略)
联 系 人:陈菲
联系电话: ***
传真: ***
地 址: (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 路7号计委大楼9楼
招标代理:德汇工程管理( (略) )有限公司
联 系 人:连女士
联系电话: ***
电子邮件信箱地址: * 63.com
地 址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区凤凰大道公园道一号一栋一单元802室
邮 编: ***
* 日
Letter of Intent on Selection and Employment of Consultation Agency for Green Airport Construction of Jiangxi Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport in Response to Loan from the World Bank
Country: P.R.C
Project name: Construction Service for Green Airport Construction of Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport
Loan No.: 8256-CN
Contract No.: S2
1. Overview of Project
ShangraoSanqingshanAirportis the new airport project in the “Twelfth Five-Year Project” of National Civil Aviation Airport Construction and “12th Five-Year Program” for national economic and social development inJiangxi. It is a 4C class civil feeder airport serving for tourism service. The airport has flooring area of 2243 mu (about 149.61ha.) and total investment of about RMB 800 million. It is designed with 2400m long runway, 10496m2 terminal, 6 stands for flight and provided with communication, navigation, weather, electricity supply, water supply, gas supply, oil supply and fire rescue or similar facilities.
The airport supports the aircraft take-off and landing of Boeing 737 series, airbus 320 series, ERJ145 and CRJ900 or similar or below aircrafts. The terminal area is designed to be capable of serving 750,000 passengers, 4500t cargo throughout, and yearly take-off and landing of 7400 aircrafts in 2025.
As the major infrastructure project in the “12th Five-year Program” of Jiangsu province and the first Chinese aviation traffic project sponsored by the World Bank, Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport is endeavored to be built as a representative green feeder airport featuring high efficiency, better quality, short construction period and quick returns. For this purpose, Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Co., Ltd. initiated the green airport research and construction in Jan. 2013 formally. Through efforts of commanding headquarter, consultation organization, design academy, general contracting organization, and construction organization, gradually and fully carry out the green concept of “energy saving, environment friendly, science and people-oriented” in the whole service life of airport construction.
2. Main service content of this project
(1) Green efforts experience conclusion on planning & design, construction and operation (including resources saving (energy saving and emission reduction, land, water and material saving, etc.), environment friendly, innovation and people-oriented service or like);
(2) Seminar planning organization;
(3) Green building two-star grade design certification;
(4) Others.
3. Short-list review requirement
(1) Achievement requirement
For making sure of smooth implementation of project, the consultation agency should have at least developed or completed 3 civil airports green construction consultation experiences.
(2) Staffing
1) One green airport planning & design expert (project leader)
The project leader should master both Chinese and English with senior engineer or above technical title. Such leader should have 8 or more years experiences engaging in scientific research or civil aviation planning, design and construction related work. He/she should be familiar with domestic and oversea green airport construction practice and technical trend, and successfully developed one or more green airport related research or consultation projects in recent 5 years and have rich civil aviation industry experiences. The project leader should have 6 man-month service hours for this project.
2) One green airport construction expert
Airport construction expert should have senior engineer or higher technical title and five or more years experiences engaging in scientific research or civil aviation construction related work, be proficient in domestic and oversea green airport practice and technical trend. He or she should have 4 man-month service hours for this project.
3) One green airport operation expert
The airport operation expert should have five or more years experiences engaging scientific research or civil aviation operation related work, be proficient in domestic and oversea green airport practice and technical trend. He or she should have 4 man-month service hours for this project.
4) Two project team members
Such member should have over 2 years green airport scientific research work experiences and have 6 man-month service hours for this project.
(3) Management structure
The employer of consultation work is Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Co., Ltd. and the consultant should be responsible for the employer and if necessary, work with employer on project site to make sure of the smooth implementation of project. The consultant should timely notify and deliver any issues and reports to the employer related with the project.
4. Any consultant interesting in this project may read the interest conflict provisions in article 1.9 in Selection and Employment of Consultants by the World Bank Borrowers for Loan of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Credit of International Development Association (distributed in Jan. 2011) by the World Bank.
It is not accepted for consultation company/agency consortium or consultation subcontracting in this project.
The selection and employment of consultation company/agency should be subject to the Consultant’s Qualifications Selection (CQS) stipulated in Guideline: Selection and Employment of Consultants by the World Bank Borrowers.
If you are interested in this project, please acquire the further information from TAHP Project management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (address: Room 802, Unit 1, Block 1, No. 1, Phoenix Avenue Garden Street, Xinzhou District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province) at 08:30-17:30 (Beijing hours) of working day.
The applicant should submit your proposal and relevant qualification documents (qualification, experience and competency) in written or email to TAHP Project management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (address: Room 802, Unit 1, Block 1, No. 1, Phoenix Avenue Garden Street, Xinzhou District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province) before September 20, 2017.
Tenderer: Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Chen Fei
Tel.: ***
Fax: ***
Address: 9F,JiweiBuilding, No. 7,Xinyang Road, Xinzhou District,ShangraoCity
Tender agent: TAHP Project management (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Ms. Lian
Tel.: ***
Email: sqsj * 63.com
Addres: Room 802, Unit 1, Block 1, No. 1, Phoenix Avenue Garden Street, Xinzhou District, Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province
P.C.: ***
Date: September 6, 2017
相关附件:附件-上 (略) (略) (略) 服务任务大纲.doc