Notice of Bid project C490MCA FRONT&REAR UCF
C490MCA (略)
Date: January 19, 2017 Bid No.: *** A
日期: * 日 招标编号: *** A
Entrusted by Chang An Ford Automobile Co., Ltd, Chongqing International Investment Consultation Group Co., Ltd. invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders at home for the supply of the following goods by way of local competitive bidding.
重 (略) (略) 受 (略) 委托, (略) 采购。 (略) 文件事宜, (略) 设备的投标。
1. Name, quantity of equipment, and main technical data
Quantity: 1 set.
招标设备名称:C490MCA 前后端UCF
数 量:1套。
Main technical requirements: This project is Fixture in CAF3 for C490MCA. During launch phase, certified sheet metal and trim components will be installed on nominal buck and PCF to verify design, assembly (matching only) and precision dimension, improving assembly process and supporting the formally part productions. The supplier is requested to be responsible for design, manufacturing(modification), installation, commissioning, training, hand-over/acceptance, warranty and after-sales service, achieving a turn-key project. Details see in Section 8.
主要技术参数: 本项目为CA (略) C490MCA检具项目。先期投产阶段,通过检具验证钣金、内、外饰件的设计、装配(仅指匹配)及尺寸精度,改善装配工艺,为零件的正式生产提供支持。 要求乙方负责设备的设计、制造(改造)、安装、调试、培训、交验、质量保证和售后服务, 实行交钥匙工程。详细内容,见第八章货物需求一览表及技术规格。
2. Price of bidding document: a non-refundable payment of RMB 500 per set, an extra RMB 100(domestic) for express mail service. Please enclosing a copy of remittance Voucher by fax, let us know number of the bidding document, Name of the project, liaison, detailed address, Zip, telephone number, fax and E-mail address.
3. Time of selling bidding document: between 9:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing time, except holidays) from January 19, 2017 to February 05, 2017at the address below.
发售招标文件时间: * 日起至 * 日(节假日除外),每天9:00至17:00 ( (略) 时间)。
4. Place for obtaining the Bidding Documents: Room 2006 (San Bu Yi Chu office) on F20, Block A of Chong Zi Building, No.2 of Wu Jian Rd., Wu Lidian, Jiang Bei District, Chong Qing China.
购买招标文件地点: (略) 市 (略) 五简路2号重咨大厦A栋20楼2006室( (略) )。
5. Deadline for submitting bids and time for bid opening: 10.00am (Beijing time) on February 20, 2017. Bids submitted after that will be rejected.
投标截止及开标时间: * 日上午10:00( (略) 时间);逾期送达的恕不接纳(投标除纸质文件外,必须提供电子文档文件一份)。欢迎投标人代表自愿出席。
6. Place of submitting bids and for bid opening:Bid opening hall of Chong Qing Consultation Center, No.2 of Wu Jian Rd., Wu Lidian, Jiang Bei District, Chong Qing China..
投标、开标地点: (略) 市 (略) 五简 (略) 大厦开标厅(详见1楼显示屏)
7. Contact Details
Purchasers:Chang An Ford Automobile Co., Ltd.
招标人: (略)
Add:Chang Fu West Road, Yuan Yang Town, New Northern Zone, Chongqing, *** China.
地址: (略) 新区鸳鸯镇长福西路1号 邮编: ***
Contact:Qiu Lin
Tel: *** 58065
联系方式 : *** 58065
Bidding Agency:Chongqing International investment and consultation (group)Corp., ltd.
招标代理机构:重 (略) (略)
Add.:Chong Qing Consultation Center, No.2 of Wu Jian Rd., Wu Lidian, Jiang Bei District, Chong Qing China.
地址: (略) 市 (略) 区五简 (略) 大厦
Contact:Xiao Yao, Steven Xu
Tel : *** 06942, ***
联系方式 : *** 06942, ***
E-mail: * i ***
邮箱: * i ***
8. Remittance Approach
Bank (RMB): Wujiang branch, Chongqing, ICBC
招标代理 (略) (人民币): 工行 (略)
Account NO. (RMB): ***
账号(人民币): ***