(略) 市机械设备成套(集团)有限公司(以下简称:招标机构)受 (略) (以下简称:招标人)委托, (略) ,我们竭诚欢迎合格投标人参加投标。
/Shanghai Machinery Complete Equipment(Group)Co.,LTD (hereinafter called ”the Tendering Agent”), authorized and on behalf of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (hereinafter called ”the Tenderee“), We cordially welcome eligible bidders for the supply of following goods by way of International Competitive Bidding.
1) 招标条件 / Bidding Conditions
项目概况/Project Overview: (略) 拟采购扫描电镜-拉曼光谱联用。Shanghai Jiao Tong University plans to purchase Tunable femtosecond lasers.
现招标人资金已到位,具备了招标条件。/Now Funds have been put in place, the Project is with the bidding conditions.
招标编号/ Bid No.: *** /1
/ Project Name:Tunable femtosecond lasers。
项目实施地点: (略) 。
/Place of Implementation: Shanghai Jiao Tong University .
招标产品清单 / List of Products:
序号/ No. |
货物名称/ Name of the goods |
数量/Quantity |
简要技术规格 /Main Technical Data |
* 交货期 / Delivery schedule |
1 |
扫描电镜-拉曼光谱联用 |
1套 |
分辨率: SE分辨率≤0.8 nm @ 15 kV; 低真空二次电子分辨率≤3 nm @ 30 kV。 |
收到信用证后6个月内。/CIP Shanghai within six months after receiving the L/C. |
3、 投标人资格要求 /Qualification Requirements For Bidder:
1)投标人在中华人民共和国境内外注册且具有独立的法人资格,能提供上述产品及相应服务的代 (略) 家1) the bidder registered within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China and has independent legal person qualification, can provide the products and corresponding service agents or manufacturers;
2) (略) 项目出具的独家授权书;2) must provide the cast product exclusive authorization letter issued by the producer for the project subject to tender;
3)具有 (略) 需设备的供货和售后服务的能力;
3) with the supply of equipment required in the tender documents and the ability to after-sales service;
4) (略) 活动前3年内,投标人在经营活动中没有违法记录,无利用不正当竞争手段骗取中标,无行贿犯罪记录;
4)To participate in the bidding activities before three years, the bidder does not break the record in business activities, no using to defraud the bidding by means of unfair competition, no bribery crime record;
5) 预算金额: 78万美元。预算包含设备交付使用前的一切相关费用,投标单位的投标报价须充分考虑包括设备本身费用以及相伴随的外贸进口等费用,同时须充分考虑汇率波动风险等可能导致超预算的因素)。
5)Project budget contains all the costs associated with the equipment before delivery, the tenderers tender offer shall give full consideration to include the device itself cost and accompanied by the foreign trade import cost, at the same time, must fully consider the risk of currency fluctuations and other factors may lead to over budget.
4、 本次招标不接受联合体投标。/ Joint Bids is not Available.
5、招标文件的获取 / Acquisition of Bidding Documents
招标文件购买时间:2017年7月28日至2017年8月4日,每天(节假日除外) 9 时至 11 时 30 分,13 时 30 分至 16 时( (略) 时间)
/Time of Selling Bidding Documents:from * to * ,the deadline at working time 9:00-11:30,13:30-16:00 (Beijing Time).
招标文件发售地点: (略) 市 (略) 路28 (略) 16楼( (略) 市机械设备成套(集团)有限公司)
/Pace of Selling Bidding Documents: 16/F Hengda Plaza 285 Changshou Road, Shanghai (Shanghai Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.)
招标文件售价:每套售价: 500元人民币,或 90 美元,中国境内邮购另加邮资 60 元人民币,中国境外邮购另加邮资 60 美元,售后不退。
/Price of Bidding Documents: RMB 500 , or USD 90 for each set. For mail order, the document will be sent at additional cost of RMB 60 (for domestic delivery) or USD 60 (for overseas delivery).
6、投标文件的递交 / Bid Submission
投标截止时间/开标时间: * 日14时 00 分( (略) 时间)
/Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening: *** , 14: 00 (Beijing Time)
投标文件送达地点: (略) 市 (略) 路800号新行政楼719室
/Pace of Bid: Room 719 the new administration building ,No.800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
开标地点: (略) 市 (略) 路 (略) 政楼719室
/Pace of Bid : Room 719 the new administration building ,No.800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
7、联系方式 / Contact Details
招标人名称: (略)
/Name of Tenderee :Shanghai Jiao Tong University
招标人地址: (略) 路800号
/Address :No.800 Dongchuan Road
联系人/Attention:何老师 ***
电话/Tel:86-21- ***
招标机构名称: (略) 市机械设备成套(集团)有限公司
/ Name of the Tendering Agent :Shanghai Machinery Complete Equipment(Group)Co.,LTD
地址: (略) 市 (略) 路28 (略) 16楼
/ Address :16/F Hengda Plaza 285 Changshou Road, Shanghai
邮政编码/ Postcode: ***
联系人: 张洁玮 陈永亮
/Attention: Jiewei Zhang; Yongliang Chen
电话/Tel:86-21- *** ;86-21- ***
传真/Fax:86-21- ***
电子信箱/ E-mail: * 63.com
8汇款方式 / Remittance Approach
收款人名称: (略) 市机械设备成套(集团)有限公司
收款人地址: (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 路285号18楼
18/F Hengda Plaza 285 Changshou Road Shanghai China
(略) 名称: (略) (略)
(略) 地址: (略) 市 (略) 区肇嘉浜路798号
NO.798 Zhaojiabang Road Shanghai China
三,在汇款附言中请务必注明:“ 招标编号 + 用途 ”
(示例: *** /1 标书费)
(示例: *** /1 保证金)
(示例: *** /1 中标服务费)
★★★ (略) 网(以下简称“ (略) ”,网址:http:/ *** )成功注册(免费)。否则, (略) 程序,由此产生的 (略) 承担。
说明: (略) 网有会员收费服务,投 (略) 考虑是否入会,不成为会员并不影响投标活动,仅需将注册资料、公司简 (略) 即可,如有问题请直接与 (略) 必联沟通。联系方式: ***