招标编号: *** SITCM *
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(略) 数字化设计与分析条件,1套
主要用于完成系统电原理图设计,并在此基础 (略) 电气、结构设计,并具有系统电气仿真验证的功能。
*1)能够支撑完整的自系统电原 (略) 设计及仿真的数据流转,能够覆盖到电气系统的原理图设计、系统电缆连接设计、系统接线设计、线缆布置设计、仿真接口及输出符合标准要求的生产制造图纸的整个项目过程。
…… (略) 文件。
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Bid Notice
BidNo.: *** SITCM *
Date: * / * / *
SINOCHEMInternational Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealedbids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the followinggoods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding andtraditional bidding.
1. name, quantity, specifications and sources offunds for the bidding:
Digitaldesign and analysis conditions of cable network, 1 set
Technical specifications:
It is mainly used to complete the schematic design of the system, and onthe basis of this, completes the electrical and structural design of the cablenetwork, and has the function of system electrical simulation verification.
*1) cansupport complete self system electrical schematic diagram to cable networkdesign and simulation data flow, and can cover the whole project process ofelectrical system schematic design, system cable connection design, systemwiring design, cable layout design, simulation interface and output productiondrawings which meet the standard requirements
.……OthersSpecified in Bidding Documents
Sourceof the funds: National funds
2. Deliveryplace: CPT Beijing Capital international airport/ Beijing Mentougou District
Shilong Economic DevelopmentZone
Delivery time: Delivery of the productwithin 6 months after the contract is signed.
3.Qualification requirements:
*①Bidders shall have valid business license and tax registration or certificateunified business license
(integration of three examinations into one) or a legal person certificateand, and provides an effective proof document.;
*②Bidders within PRC Customs territory should have no bribery and nocriminal record. Domestic bidders should provide "The Search Result Noticefor No Bribery and No Criminal File" issued by the Peoples Procuratoratewithin the validity period as evidence.
……OthersSpecified in Bidding Documents
4. theprice of bidding documents: RMB * or USD $ * per package, and the documentswill not be returned. (mail order must be * yuan or $ * ). Any legal person orother organization that has not purchased the bid invitation documents inSinochem International Tendering co..
5. purchaseof tender documents: from June * , * to the end of June * , * every morning 9: * ~ * : * (Beijing time, except holidays).
6. purchase of tender documents:SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd. Addressfor bidding documents: West Side of the Lobby, SINOCHEM Tower, A2,
7. deadline for bid and time of bidopening:All Bids must be delivered to the followingaddress before July * th, * 9: * (Beijing time). Time for bid opening ceremony is July * th, * 9: * (Beijing time), the representatives of the bidders arekindly requested to be present at the time.
8. Address for bid submission and bid opening: NO.9 conference Room,6# Floor, Sinochem Tower, A2 FuxingmenwaiStreet, Beijing
9. The media for announcements:http://、http:/ *** .
Nameof Tenderee (or Purchaser):Beijing Institute ofControl and Electronic Technology.
Contact person: Mr Sheng Wei
Tel: + ***
* . Name of Tendering Agent: SINOCHEM International TenderingCo., Ltd.
Address of Tendering Agent: * th Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing *** , P.R. China.
Code: ***
Tel: + *** \ * ;Fax: + * *** ;
Contactperson: Mr Wang jianbang\Mr Ji Yifei
Account information for purchasing biddingdocuments (RMB):
Name of Account: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co.,Ltd.
Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank ofChina,BeijingChang’an Sub-Branch
Account No.: ***
Account information forpurchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies):
Name of Account: SINOCHEMInternational Tendering Co., Ltd.
Account No. for bidding documents: *** (USD)
Account No. for bid security: *** (USD), *** (EUR),
*** (Other Foreign Currency except USD and EUR)