发布日期: ***
采购类别:(T * )化学制品
采购组织: (略) 中 (略)
bid-winning announcement
(略) 中 (略) 就立春-醇酸磁漆- (略) , (略) 中 (略) 在中远海运重工电子采购平台上已完成评标工作,现将中标结果公示如下:
##purchase department## has conducted online electronic bidding on ##project##. ##purchase department department##has completed the bid evaluation work on COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry e-procurement platform, and the results of the bid are now announced as follows:
项目标号: * -MP- ***
Project NO.
项目标名:立春-醇酸磁漆- ***
Project titile:
中标单位:东 (略)
##No bid price##
(略) 中 (略)
* 日
release time