Date: | June 21, 2024 |
Loan No. and Title: | 4070-PRC Henan Xichuan Integrated Ecological Protection and Environmental Improvement Project |
Contract No. and Title: | ISC-*: Support and Business Application System Development and Integration |
Deadline for Submission of Bids: | 10 a. m. August 5, 2024(Beijing Time) |
1. The People’s Republic of China has received financing from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) toward the cost of Henan Xichuan Integrated Ecological Protection and Environmental Improvement Project, Part of this financing will be used for payments under the contract named above. Bidding is open to Bidders from eligible source countries of ADB.
2. The Office of the Leading Group for the Ecological Protection and Comprehensive Environmental Management Project of the Asian Development Bank Loan in Xichuan County (“the Purchaser”) invites sealed bids from eligible Bidders for Support and Business Application system development and integration (“the Goods”).
3. Open competitive bidding will be conducted in accordance with ADB’s Single-Stage: One-Envelope Bidding procedure and is open to all Bidders from eligible countries as described in the Bidding Document.
4. Only eligible Bidders with the following key qualifications defined in the Bidding Document may participate in this bidding:
- Non-performance of a contract did not occur as a result of contractor default since 1 January 2019.
- Not under suspension based on execution of a Bid-Securing Declaration pursuant to ITB 4.6.
- All pending litigation, arbitration or other material events impacting the net worth and/or liquidity of the bidder, if any, shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder and so shall in total not represent more than fifty percent (50%) of the Bidder’s net worth calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities.
- Successful completion as main supplier within the last five (5) years, of at least 2 contracts each valued at CNY 10 million with nature, and complexity similar to the scope of requirements described in Section 6 (Schedule of Requirements). The main construction content should include data management, data production, or data resource construction of water conservancy.
- The Bidder shall demonstrate that the main IT products, as listed below, offered have been in production for at least 2 years, and been sold a minimum of 2 units of similar type and specification over the last five (5) years; been in operation for a minimum of 1 year. Main IT products: 1. Digital twin watersheds and engineering; 2. Forecast scheduling; 3. Comprehensive display of platform technology products.
- The Bidder or manufacturer shall demonstrate that it can supply the type, size, and quantity of the IT products as required by Purchaser in accordance with the Delivery and Completion Schedule in Section 6 (Schedule of Requirements). The Bidder or manufacturers should have the similar software copyright of such as IoT perception data reception management platform and application for Water One Map System, etc.
- Qualification requirements: (1) Bidders must have a valid comprehensive Grade A credit certificate for engineering consulting units issued by China Engineering Consulting Association or similar institutions. (2) Bidders must have a valid second level or higher certificate of professional contracting qualification for electronic and intelligent engineering. (3) Bidders must have a valid Class A certificate for engineering surveying and mapping (professional categories: engineering surveying, photogrammetry and remote sensing, geographic information system engineering) issued by Provincial level or above Natural Resources Departments. (4) Bidders must have valid information system construction and service capability level certificates issued by China Electronic Information Industry Federation or similar institutions. (5) Bidders must have a valid CMMI3 certification for software maturity. (6) Bidders must have a valid ITSS Information Technology Service Standard Compliance Certificate issued by China Electronics Industry Standardization Technology Association or similar institutions. (7) Bidders must have valid information security management system certification and information technology service management system certification issued by Certification bodies authorized by the National Certification and Accreditation Administration .
- Personnel requirements: (1) Project Manager: Must have: 1. senior engineer or above professional certificate, and 2. software designer certificate or system architecture designer certificate. (2) Technical development leader: Must hold a senior engineer or above professional title certificate, and an information system project management engineer certificate.
- Historical Financial Performance: Submission of audited financial statements or, if not required by the law of the Bidder’s country, other financial statements acceptable to the Purchaser, for the last 3 years to demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder’s financial position. As a minimum, the Bidder’s net worth for the last year (2023) calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities should be positive.
- Size of Operation (Average Annual Turnover): Minimum average annual turnover of CNY 22 million calculated as total payments received by the Bidder for contracts completed or under execution over the last 3 years.
- Cash Flow Capacity: Availability of or access to liquid assets, lines of credit, and other finances sufficient to meet cash flow requirement which is CNY2.2 million.
5. To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, Bidders should contact Procurement Agent at the address given below from June 21, 2024 to August 4, 2024 between 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., and 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. on work days. The IFB is also published on the “Asian Development Bank” http://**), "China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform ADB Zone" http://**), "China General Tendering Network" (www.china-http://**),""China Procurement and Tendering Network" (http:///) and http://**.
6. To purchase the Bidding Documents in English, eligible Bidders should
- write to the address above requesting the Bidding Documents for Support and Business Application System Development and Integration.
- pay a nonrefundable fee of CNY 1200 or USD 200 by cash, cashier"s check or directly deposit to the account below:
Account Bank: Bank of China
Account Name: CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Account No.: 7783 5000 8270
- the document will be sent by a special courier at an additional payment of CNY 100.00(for domestic delivery) or USD 30 (for overseas delivery). The document will be sent by Express. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.
7. Deliver your bid:
- to the address: Bid Submission and Opening Address: ITC Conference Center, 4th Floor, Shouke Plaza, No. 14 Xisanhuan Nanlu, Fengtai District, Beijing
- on or before the deadline: 10:00 a. m. August 5, 2024 (Beijing Time). Late bids will be rejected.
- together with a Bid Security as described in the Bidding Document.
- Bids will be opened promptly after the deadline for bid submission in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.
8. To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, Bidders should contact:
Address 1: Rm 811, Building C, General Times Center, No.1 Yard, Xiying Street, Fengtai District, Beijing and "China General Tendering Network" (www.china-http://**)
Address 2: ITC Conference Center, 4th Floor, Shouke Plaza, No. 14 Xisanhuan Nanlu, Fengtai District, Beijing
Name of Purchaser: Office of the Leading Group for the Ecological Protection and Comprehensive Environmental Management Project of the Asian Development Bank Loan in Xichuan County
Postal Address: Third Floor, No. 140 Renmin Road, Xichuan County, Nanyang City, Henan Province
Contact person: Ms. Rao Xiaolu
Tel. No.: 0377-*
Email Address: *@*
Name of Procurement Agent: CMC International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Postal Address: Building C, General Times Center, No.1 Yard, Xiying Street, Fengtai District, Beijing
Office Rm. No,: Room 811
Contact Person: Ms. Liu Lu or Mr. Liu Xiangnan
Email Address: *@*ttp://** or *@*ttp://**
Tel. No.: 010-*/8473
Fax No.: 010-*
1. 中国政府已从亚洲开发银行获得了一笔贷款,用于支付河南省淅川县生态保护和环境综合整治项目的费用,并计划将其中一部分贷款用于支付ISC-*支撑和业务应用系统开发合同项下的合格支出。亚洲开发银行合格成员国的任何投标人都可以参与投标。
2. 淅川县亚行贷款生态保护和环境综合治理项目领导小组办公室现邀请合格且有资格的投标人就支撑和业务应用系统开发递交密封的投标文件。
3. 本次招标为公开招标方式,遵照亚行一阶段单信封的招标程序。合格成员国的任何投标人都可以参与投标。
4. 只有满足以下关键条款的合格投标人可参与此投标::
- 自2019年1月1日以来,投标人没有因承包商违约而发生过未履行合同事件
- 投标人未因执行投标保证声明而被暂停投标资格(“投标人须知”第4.6款)。
- 所有未决诉讼、仲裁或其他影响投标人净资产和/或流动性的重大事件(如有)按照投标人败诉统计,总额不应超过投标人净资产(按总资产与总负债之差计算)的百分之五十(50%)。
- 在过去5年内,作为主要供应商成功完成至少2个合同,并且每个合同的金额为*元人民币,且性质和复杂程度类似于第六章“需求表”中所述的需求范围的合同。其中主要建设内容应包含水利相关的数据管理、数据制作或数据资源建设等内容。
- 投标人应证明其所提供的信息技术主要设备:(i)至少_2_年生产的生产经验;以及(ii)在过去五年内,已经售出至少2台类似规格的信息技术产品;(iii)至少满意地运作_1_年。主要设备:1.数字孪生流域、工程;2.预报调度;3. (略) 类技术产品。
- 投标人或制造商应证明其能够按照第六章“需求表”中的交货与完成时间表,供应买方所需型号、尺寸和数量的信息技术产品。投标人或制造商应具备物联 (略) 、水利一张图应用等类似软著。
- 资质要求:(1)投标人需具有有效的由中国工程咨询协会或类似机构出具的工程咨询单位*级资信证书。(2)投标人需具有有效的电子与智能化工程专业承包资质*级及以上证书。(3)投标人需具有有效的由省级及以上的自然资源厅出具的工程测绘*级证书(专业类别:工程测量、摄影测量与遥感、地理信息系统工程)(4)投标人需具有有效的由中国电子信息行业联合会或类似机构出具的信息系统建设和服务能力等级证书。(5)投标人需具有有效的软件成熟度CMMI3认证证书。(6)投标人需具有有效的由中国电子工业标准化技术协会出具的 ITSS 信息技术服务标准符合性证书。7)投标人需具有有效的由国家认证认可监督管理委员会授权的认证机构出具的信息安全管理体系认证证书、信息技术服务管理体系认证证书。
- 人员要求:(1)项目经理:需具有高级工程师及以上职称证书,并具有软件设计师证书或系统架构设计师证书。(2)技术开发负责人:需同时具有高级工程师及以上职称证书、信息系统项目管理师证书。
- 历史财务状况:提供过去三年(2021、2022、2023年)经审计的的财务报表,或买方可接受的其他财务报表(投标人所在国法律没有相关要求的情况下),以反映投标人当前财务状况的稳定性。最低要求,投标人过去一年(2023年)的净资产(按总资产与总负债之差计算)应为正值。
- 业务规模(年均营业额):最低年均营业额*元人民币或等额外币,按过去三年(2021、2022、2023年)里投标人就已完成合同或实施中合同已收到的付款总额计算。
- 现金流能力:可利用的速动资产、授信额度和其他融资手段,足以满足履行合同所需要的现金流:不少于*元人民币或等额外币的要求。
5. 感兴趣的投标人可 (略) 获得额外信息并到如下地址查阅招标文件,从2024年6月21日至8月4日每天上午9:00-11:00,下午14:00-16:00(只限工作日)。本投标邀请函同时在《亚洲开发银行》(http://**)、《中国 (略) 亚行专区》(http://**)、《中国 (略) 》(www.china-http://**)、(http://)及中国 (略) (http://**)上发布。
6. 有兴趣的合格投标人可将购买招标文件的申请递交到本投标邀请函列明的地址购买英文招标文件,并支付人民币1200元或者200美元的不可退还费用。付款方式为现金、支票或汇款。根据投标人的申请,招标文件可采用快递的方式寄送,另加收100元人民币(国内邮寄)或30美元(国际邮件)邮递费用。买方不承担寄送过程中的丢失或延迟责任。
开 户 行:中国银行北京西城支行
收 款 人: (略)
账 号:7783 5000 8270
7. 投标文件递交:
地址:投标文件递交及开标地址: (略) 丰台区 (略) (略) 首科大厦四层 (略) 会议中心
8. 上述有关地址如下:
地址一:招标文件查阅及购买地址: (略) 丰台区丽泽商务区西营街1号通用时代中心C座811和中国 (略) (https://www.china-http://**/)。
地址二:投标文件递交及开标地址: (略) 丰台区 (略) (略) 首科大厦四层 (略) 会议中心
邮政地址: (略) 淅 (略) 140号发改委政府大楼3楼
采购代理: (略)
地址: (略) 丰台区丽泽商务区西营街1号通用时代中心C座811
邮箱:*@*ttp://**、 *@*ttp://**