bid-winning announcement
南通中远克 (略) 就克莱芬-南通 库备 法兰2301-MP-2412-# (略) 上电子招标,南通中远克 (略) 在中远 (略) 上已完成评标工作,现将中标结果公示如下:
##purchase department## has conducted online electronic bidding on ##project##. ##purchase department department##has completed the bid evaluation work on COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry e-procurement platform, and the results of the bid are now announced as follows:
Project NO.
项目标名:克莱芬-南通 库备 法兰2301-MP-2412-#
Project titile:
中标单位: (略)
##No bid price##
南通中远克 (略)