神华国华印尼南苏1号2× (略) (二次公告)
SpecialUtilities for Shenhua Guohua Sumsel-1 2×350MW Coal-fired PowerGeneration Project Section Invitation for Bids
项目编号:CSIE ***
Project Number:CSIE ***
(略) 受神华国华(印尼) (略) 的委托,对神华国华印尼南苏1号2× (略) ,现邀请合格的投标人参加本项目的投标。
一、项目编号:CSIE ***
I. Project Number:CSIE ***
II.Project Name:Special Utilities for Shenhua Guohua Sumsel-1 2×350MWCoal-fired Power Generation Project
III. BidderQualification
The Bidders inside P. R. China shallbe registered in P. R. China, and have the qualification ofindependent legal persons;
The Bidders inside P. R. China shallhave a qualification of level 2 (included) or above for generalcontracting of electric power projects construction, or have aqualification of level 2 (included) or above for professionalcontracting of power transmission and transformation projects(transmission and distribution projects), meanwhile, shall have apermit of level 2 (included) or above for contracting (installing,commissioning) the electric power facilities;
The Bidders inside P. R. China shallhave the general contracting performances(includedLand Acquisition)in the construction of at least3 275KV or above power transmission and transformation projects inthe Republic of Indonesia during recent 5 years;
If the enterprises outside P. R. Chinawill participate in the bid for this project, its qualificationconditions must satisfy the following:
(4.1) 是所在国注册的独立法人;
It is an independent legal personregistered in the host country;
(4.2) (略) (略) (略) 业营业执照及资质证书(印尼七级资质);
It shall have the industrialbusiness license and qualification certificates issued by thecompetent administrative authorities in the country where it isregistered (forIndonesia, it must have a level 7 qualification.);
(4.3) 近五年内有类似工程业绩;
Performances in similar projectsduring recent 5 years;
(5) 本次采购不接受联合体投标。
The bid by consortium will not beaccepted for this procurement.
III.Scope of Procurement
1. 工程范围:
新建一条双回路,直线距离长约78km,同塔双回路架设。接入Bet (略) 275kV配电装置,新扩建的两个275kV出线间隔。具体工程范围参照第三章技术要求
2. 承包商工作范围:
(1) 项目工程勘测、规划设计和施工图纸设计,并取得PLN的批准;
(2) 购地及输电线路通道范围内树木采伐、农作物补偿、植被恢复、 (略) 地清理等;
(3) 拆除和重建, (略) 检查和批准项目可能影响到的现有输电线路和电信线路的修改、跨接等手续;
(4) (略) 有设备和材料;
(5) 项目施工、安装、测试和调试及接 (略) ;
(6) 现场安全、质量和进度的管理和协调;
(7) (略) 在国要求的与项目相关的包括环评在内的各种许可;
(8) 竣工图纸定案、组织最终验收、 (略) 并移交雇主 (略) ;
(9) 合同要求的其他事项
3. 报价原则:
4. 项目工期:开工日+35个月
5. 项目实施地点:电厂位于印度尼西亚南苏门答腊省穆利县(PRABUMULI)境内
IV. Timeand Location of Obtaining the Request for Proposals
4.1 凡有意参加投标者,请于 * 日至 * 日内,09:00时至11:30时,下午14:00时至16:30时( (略) 时间)购买招标文件。
4.2 招标文件每套售价150美元,售后不退。(招标文件电子版请于购标申请通过并交纳标书费后,自行于www. *** 系统中登录下载)
开户名称:中国 (略)
开户账号: ***
(略) : (略) (略)
4.3 购买招标文件地点:中国 (略) (略) 分公司;地址: (略) 市 (略) 区瑞天路56-3号企业天地5号办公楼第21层,购买文件联系电话 *** 。
4.4 (略) 网(www. *** )上完成注册, (略) 要求的证照扫描件,以通过初审。初审完成后,请携带营业执照副本原件、组织机构代码证副本原件、税务登记证副本原件、银行开户许可证原件前往指定地点完成复审(复审地点为: (略) 区东直门南大街3号国华投资大厦6层 (略) 售标大厅或 (略) 市 (略) 区瑞天路56-3号企业天地5号办公楼第21层), (略) 文件, (略) 项目的投标。
4.5 完成注册的投标人,可登 * 中国 (略) 集成业务系统(www. *** )提交远程购标申请,上传资格审核资料;或携带资格审核资料前往 (略) :中国 (略) (略) 分公司( (略) 市 (略) 区瑞天路56-3号企业天地5号办公楼第21层)进行资格审核,所携带资料应为原件或复印件加盖公章,另请准备加盖公章的复印件1套备存。资格审核资料包括:法人代表授权书(写明被授权人身份证号)、个人身份证及投标人资格要求中提到条件的证明文件, (略) 文件。
V.Deadline for BidSubmission and Opening and Placeof Submission
1. 投标文件递交截止时间
* 日上午9:00( (略) 时间)
2. 投标文件递交地点
中国 (略) 市 (略) 酒店会议室。
Meeting room, Beijing CommercialBusiness Hotel, Beijing, PRChina.
如投标人不能到 (略) 参加投标,可在 (略) 以视频会议方式参加项目开标、评标过程。
3. 届时请投标人的法定代表人或其授权的投标人代表出席。
招标代理机构:中国 (略)
地 址: (略) 市 (略) 区瑞天路56-3号企业天地5号办公楼第21层
邮政编码: ***
联 系 人:周佳荣、郑国栋
发票索要请拨打 ***
(略) 请拨打 ***
其他问题请拨打 *** 或 ***
退保证金请拨打 *** (刘霜)
联系电话: *** 、 *** 、 ***
投标人在投标期间,如有任何澄清问题,请用正式提问文件盖章扫描发送至代理机构的邮箱, * 63.com,同时提供可编辑word版。
招标人:神华国华(印尼) (略)
Entrustedby PT. Shenhua Guohua Lion Power Indonesia, China ShenhuaInternational Engineering Co., Ltd. intends to invite eligibleBidders to bid for Special Utilities for Shenhua Guohua Sumsel-12×350MW Coal-fired Power Generation Project.
Biddersare allowed to participate in the bid only when they meet thefollowing conditions:
Scopeof the Project:
Providea new double-circuit line which straight length is 78km or so and iserected on same towers. Thisline will be connected to the 275kV switchgears of Betung substationand two new 275kV outgoing bays. Refer to Section III TechnicalSpecifications for details on the scope of works
Contractor'sScope of Works:
TheContractor's scope of works shall include, but not limited to, thefollowing (Refer to Section III Technical Specifications for detailson the scope of works):
Projectsurvey, planning, basic design and detailed design and obtainapproval from PLN;
Landacquisition, clearing of trees, crop compensation, vegetationrestoration, housing demolition and site clearing within the powertransmission corridor;
Demolitionand reconstruction, including the modification and crossing ofexisting power transmission and telecommunication lines which will beinfluenced by the performance of inspection and project;
Procurementand supply of all equipments and materials;
Projectconstruction, installation, testing and commissioning and connectionwith the PLN's power grid;
Managementand coordination of site safety, quality and project progress;
Obtainingvarious permits related to the project and required by Indonesiangovernments, including EIA;
Submittingas-built drawings, organizing final acceptance test, startup, trialoperation and handing the project over to the Employer and PLN
Othermatters defined in the Contract
Biddersshall quote a fixed total price. Such total price shall include, butnot limited to, the cost for land acquisition, survey, design,equipments, materials, labor, management, installation, maintenance,testing with PLN, profit, tax as well as the costs specified in thepolity documents issued by Indonesian governments. The ContractPrice will be fixed during the execution of the project, unlessotherwise specified in the Contract.
ProjectPeriod: 35 months after the Commencement Date
Projectlocation: The power plant is located in PRABUMULI Regency
InterestedBidders may purchase the Request for Proposals, at 09: 00AM to 11:30AM and 14:00 PM to 16: 30PM (Beijing Time) from June 15,2016 to June 21,2016 (legal holiday excepted).
Eachset of Request for Proposals is sold at 150US dollars,and no refund shall be claimed once sold. (Bidders may download theelectronic Request for Proposals at www. *** their application for purchasing the Request for Proposals isapproved and Bidders have paid the fee).
TheBid Security shall be paid by telegraphic transfer to:
Accountname: China Shenhua International Engineering Co., Ltd.
Accountnumber: ***
Bankof deposit: Bank of China Beijing Branch
Biddersshall purchase the Request for Proposals at China ShenhuaInternational Engineering Co., Ltd. Chongqing Branch (Add: Floor 21,Corporate Avenue Building 5, No. 56-3, Ruitian Road, YuzhongDistrict, Chongqing. Tel: *** ).
Beforepurchasing the Request for Proposals, Bidders must register onwww. *** and upload the certificates required forpre-qualification. After passing the pre-qualification review,Bidders are required to carry original and copies of businesslicense, organization code certificate and tax registrationcertificates and original license for opening bank accounts to thedesignated points (Bidding Document Sales Hall of China ShenhuaInternational Engineering Co., Ltd., Floor 6, Shenhua GuohuaInvestment Building, No. 3, South Dongzhimen Street, DongchengDistrict, Beijing, or Floor 21, Corporate Avenue Building 5, No.56-3, Ruitian Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing) forpost-qualification review. Bidders who don't pass post-qualificationreview can neither purchase the Request for Proposals nor participatein the bid.
Bidderswho are successfully registered may log in *** to apply for purchasing the Requestfor Proposals and upload the documents for qualification; or carryqualification documents to China Shenhua International EngineeringCo., Ltd. Chongqing branch (Floor 21, Corporate Avenue Building 5,No. 56-3, Ruitian Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing). Thequalification documents shall be original or copies stamped withofficial seal. Another one copy stamped with official seal is madeavailable for filing. Qualification documents shall include the Powerof Attorney issued by the legal representative (the ID card No. ofauthorized person indicated), personal ID card, certificationdocuments that meet the Bidder qualification requirements. Bidderswho pass qualification review are allowed to purchase the Request forProposals.
Deadlinefor submission of bids
09:00AM, Aug 18,2016 (Beijing Time)
(Anybid received after the deadline for submission of bids will berejected.)
Allbids shall be delivered to the following address:
Ifthe Bidder cannot participate in the bidding related events inBeijing, he may particpate in the bid opening and evaluationprocesses by means of vedio conference at the designated venue inJakarta.
Thelegal representatives or authorized representatives of Bidders arerequested to attend the bid opening ceremony in the place and at thedate and time specified.
BiddingAgency: China Shenhua International Engineering Co., Ltd.
Add:Floor 21, Corporate Avenue Building 5, No. 56-3, Ruitian Road,Yuzhong District, Chongqing
Postalcode: ***
Contact:Zheng Guodong and Zheng Guodong
Please call *** for claiming invoices
Please call *** for registration
Pleasecall *** or *** for other matters
Pleasecall *** (Liu Shuang) for repaying the Bid Security
Tel: *** , *** , ***
Anyrequest for clarifications from Bidders shall be sent * 63.com (the E-mail of the Bidding Agency) in scanneddocuments and edible WORD version.
BidInviter: PT. Shenhua Guohua Lion Power Indonesia