(略) (略) ,于 *** - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 |
1、招标条件 |
项目概况: (略) 燃气 (略) 南港LNG应急储备项目高压输出泵、低负荷高压输出泵和低压输送泵(重新招标) |
资金到位或资金来源落实情况:企业自筹+政府补助资金 |
(略) 条件的说明:项目已审批,资金已落实 |
2、招标内容: |
招标项目编号: *** SCCZA * |
招标项目名称: (略) 燃气 (略) 南港LNG应急储备项目高压输出泵、低负荷高压输出泵和低压输送泵 |
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 市 |
招标产品列表(主要设备): |
序号产品名称 数量 简要技术规格 备注 1高压输出泵 3台 详见招标文件第 * 章 (略) 文件第 * 章 (略) 文件第 * 章 |
3、投标人资格要求 |
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:3.1投标人必须是高压输出泵、低负荷高压输出泵和低压输送泵的制造商,不接受代理商投标。3.2投标人须提供营业执照(营业登记类证明文件)或经营许可证明文件、有效期内的ISO * 质量管理体系认证证书或类似质量管理体系认证证明文件的复印件。3.3投标人 * 日至今(以合同签订日期为准)同时具有已投产的高压输出泵和低压输送泵(泵类型均为罐内潜液泵)的供货业绩(有效业绩还需满足以下条件:高压输出泵和低压 (略) 介质为LNG,高压输出泵设计出口压力需在8MP (略) 理量在 * m3/h及以上, (略) 理量需在 * m3/h及以上),提供相关证明材料。相关证明材料包括:业绩合同/协议关键页复印件(如合同首页、双方签字盖章页、签订时间页、供货范围描述页、主要技术参数页等关键页面)以及最终用户出具的已投产证明材料。如合同不能体现业绩要求,还应提供数据单或其它补充证明材料。未提供有效证明材料或证明材料数据不足的业绩将视为无效业绩。3.4 (略) 件的制造商为关境内单位,应具有中华人民共和国特种设备制造许可证(压力容器)。 (略) 件的制造商为关境外单位,投标人必须提供承诺,承诺“如果设备进口清关、商检、报验时需要提供中华人民共和国特种设备制造许可证(压力容器),在设备发运前取得中华人民共和国特种设备制造许可证(压力容器)。”3.5投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内 (略) (略) 资信证明的原件或复印件(若投标时提供复印件,如中标,须在中标通知书发放前提供原件)。3.6至投标截止时间,投标人 (略) 列 (略) 人或被中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )列入安全生产不良记录“黑名单”,其投标将被否决。注:失信人信息查询方式:①“信用中国”(www.credi *** );②中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )公布的失信生产经营单位及其有关人员信息(黑名单):中华人民共和 (略) 和原国家 (略) (略) 。3.7本项目不接受联合体投标。3.8投标人在投标 (略) (http:/ *** ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(http:/ *** )完成注册及信息核验。 |
是否接受联合体投标:不接受 |
未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 |
4、招标文件的获取 |
招标文件领购开始时间: *** |
招标文件领购结束时间: *** |
是否在线售卖标书:否 |
获取招标文件方式:电子下载 |
招标文件领购地点: |
招标文件售价:¥ * /$ * |
其他说明:4.1潜在投标人可从 * 日上午9: * 时起至 * 日下午 * : * 时( (略) 时间),登 * 中化商务电子 (略) 站http:/ *** , (略) 文件。购 (略) 网上注册(免费),具体步骤 (略) -招投标指南。本招标文件售价为 * 元人民币/包件或 * 美元/包件( (略) 的投标人,此次免费),售后不退(邮购须另加 * 元人民币或 * 美元)。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。4.2如在注册和购买过程中遇到问题,请联系余工:+ * * * * 。4. (略) 文件的投标人均不得参加投标。 |
5、投标文件的递交 |
投标截止时间(开标时间): *** * : * |
投标文件送达地点: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦 * 层3号会议室 |
开标地点: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦 * 层3号会议室 |
6、投标人在投标 (略) (https:/ *** ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(https:/ *** )完成注册及信息核验。 (略) 网公示。 |
7、联系方式 |
招标人: (略) (略) |
地址: (略) 区西直门南小街 * 号 |
联系人:李立东 |
联系方式 : *** |
招标代理机构: (略) |
地址: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦 * 层 |
联系人:瓮龙滨、翟宇光、何姗 |
联系方式 :+ * * * * / * |
8、汇款方式 |
招标代理 (略) (人民币): |
招标代理 (略) (美元): (略) (略) |
账号(人民币): |
账号(美元): *** |
9、其他补充说明 |
其他补充说明: 1.投标人可选择以下2种方式之 * 递交投标文件:①投标人须于 * 日下午 * : * 前(以收件人实际签收时间为准),将投标文件密封后快递至: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦 * 层3号会议室(邮编 *** ),翟宇光收, *** * (座机已呼叫转移至个人手机)。②投标人于投标截止时间前,将投标文件密封后送至: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦 * 层3号会议室。 (略) 代理机构业 (略) 及运单号,方便招标代理机构跟踪投标文件快递情况。提示:受疫情影响,邮寄时 (略) 下降,投标人应合理安排邮寄时间,所有因邮寄引起的文件密封性不符、逾期送达等存在否决投标的风险均 (略) 承担。 2. (略) (略) 投标公共服务平台上发布。 |
SINOCHEM COMMERCE CO.,LTD entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c *** on *** . |
1.Bidding Conditions |
Overview:HP Send-Out Pump, Low Load HP Send-Out Pump and LP Transfer Pump of Tianjin Nangang LNG Emergency Storage Project of Beijing Gas Group (Rebidding) |
Source of Funds:Self-raised plus governmental subsidy |
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Project has been considered,Funds have been implemented |
2.Bidding Content: |
Bidding No: *** SCCZA * |
Project Name:HP Send-Out Pump, Low Load HP Send-Out Pump and LP Transfer Pump of Tianjin Nangang LNG Emergency Storage Project of Beijing Gas Group |
Place of Implementation:TIANJIN,CHINA |
List of Products: |
NO.Product NameQuantity Main Technical Data Remarks 1HP Send-Out Pump3 setsSee Section 8 of the Bidding Documents 2Low Load HP Send-Out Pump2 sets See Section 8 of the Bidding Documents 3LP Transfer Pump * setsSee Section 8 of the Bidding Documents |
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder |
Qualifications or Performance:3.1 The bidder must be the manufacturer of the HP Send-Out Pump, Low Load HP Send-Out Pump and LP Transfer Pump. The agent’s bid will not be accepted in this bidding.3.2 The bidder must provide photocopy of business license (business registration certificate) or business permit and photocopy of certificate of ISO * quality management system or similar quality management system certificate within validity period.3.3 The bidder shall have supply performance of already put into production of End-User HP Send-Out Pump and LP Transfer Pump (the type of both pumps should be In-Tank Submerged Pump) as of January 1, * (subject to the date of signing the contract). The effective supply performance shall also meet requirements as below: the operating medium of HP Send-Out Pump and LP Transfer Pump is LNG; the design discharge pressure of HP Send-Out Pump should be equal or higher than 8MPa and the capacity of HP Send-Out Pump should be equal or higher than * m3/h; the capacity of LP Transfer Pump should be equal or higher than * m3/h. Relevant supporting materials shall be *** nt supporting materials include: photocopies of key pages of performance contracts/agreements (e.g. first pages, signature and seal pages of both parties, pages of signing time, pages describing scope of supply, pages of main technical parameters, etc.)with user certificate (already into production of End-User). Data sheet or other supplementary materials shall be provided if the above materials failure to reflect performance requirements. Performances that are not provided with valid supporting materials or insufficient supporting materials will be considered invalid.3.4 If the manufacturer of the pressure vessel parts is a company within the PRC customs territory, the manufacturer shall have the manufacturing license of special equipment (pressure vessel) of the People"s Republic of China. If the manufacturer of the pressure vessel parts is a company outside the PRC customs territory, the bidder must provide the commitment that "if a manufacturing license of special equipment (pressure vessel) of the People"s Republic of China must be provided at the time of import customs clearance, commodity inspection and application for inspection of the equipment, the manufacturer will obtain a manufacturing license of special equipment (pressure vessel) of the People"s Republic of China before shipment of the equipment”.3.5 The bidder shall provide the original or copy of bank reference letter issued by its deposit bank within 3 months prior to the date of bid opening. (The winning bidder shall provide the original bank reference letter before issuing Awarding Announcement if the copy of bank reference letter has been provide in bidding documents)3.6 Before the deadline for submission of bids, if a bidder is listed as dishonest executor by the people’s court(s) or in the “blacklist” of work safety demerits by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), its bid shall be rejec *** :①Query method for dishonest information: Visit the website Credit China *** ). ②For the blacklist information of dishonest operators and related persons bulletined by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), please visit the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China and original State Administration of Work Safety.3.7 Joint venture bid is not accepted for the Project;3.8 The bidder shall complete registration and information verification on http:/ *** or http:/ *** before submitting a bid. |
Joint Bids:NOT Available |
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available |
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents |
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: *** |
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: *** |
Sell biddingdoconlineornot:No |
To Obtain:On-line Download |
Place: |
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥ * /$ * |
Additional Instructions:4.1 Interested bidders may, from 9: * a.m., Jan * th, * to * : * p.m., Feb 2nd, * (Beijing Time), log on to the website of Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding and Tendering Platform http:/ *** , and enter the online sales system of bidding documents. The buyer of bidding documents shall first freely register online following Help – Guide for Bidding and Tendering. Price of bidding documents: RMB 3, * . * or USD * . * for each package (Free for the Interested bidders who join the first-bidding). The sales will be final (for mail order, an additional RMB * . * or USD * . * for each set is requested). After successful payment, they can download the bidding documents and the ordinary electronic invoice inclusive of value-added tax.4.2 Please make contact with Yu Gong: *** * for any questions during the sign up or purchasing.4.3 Bidders who have not registered for the bidding documents in SINOCHEM COMMERCE CO., LTD. will be rejected. |
5.Bid Submission |
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): *** * : * |
Place of Bid:Meeting room 3, Floor * , SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P. R. China |
Place of Bid Opening:Meeting room 3, Floor * , SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P. R. China |
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.c *** . And the evaluation results will be released on www.c *** . |
7.Contact Details |
Purchasers:Beijing Gas Group Company Ltd. |
Add.: * , Xizhimen South Street, Xicheng District, Beijing |
Contact:Li Lidong |
Tel:+ * * * * |
Add.:Floor * , SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing |
Contact:Weng longbin/ Zhai Yuguang/ He shan |
Tel :+ * * * * / * |
8.Remittance Approach |
Bank(RMB): |
Account NO.(RMB): |
Account NO.(USD): *** |
9.Additional Instruction |
Additional Instruction *** bidder can choose one of the following two ways to submit the bid:①Before * : * p.m., Feb * th, * (Beijing Time), the bidder shall seal and express the bid to: Meeting room 3, Floor * , SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P. R. China ( *** ), Zhai Yuguang, *** * (the telephone has been transferred to the personal mobile phone).②Before the deadline for submission of bids, the bidder shall seal and deliver the bid to: Meeting room 3, Floor * , SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, P. R. C *** mailing, the bidder shall send it to the business contact of the tendering agent by e-mail to inform the express company and waybill number, so as to facilitate the tendering agent to track the express delivery of bids.Prompt: due to the impact of the epidemic situation, the timeliness of mailing may be reduced. The Bidder shall arrange the mailing time reasonably and bear the risk of rejecting the bid due to the nonconformity of document sealing and late delivery caused by mailing.2.Media of announcement releasing This bidding announcement shall be released on China International Tendering network (http:/ *** ) and China Tendering & Bidding Public Service Platform (http:/ *** ). |