Clarification notice
澄清或变更简要说明:有意向参加本项目的潜在投标人,如资格条件符合本项目“投标人资格要求” (略) 活动,须在以下时间内,将法人授权委托书(原件);法人身份证(复印件加盖投标供应商公章);委托代理人身份证(原件及复印件加盖投标供应商公章);营业执照(原件及复印件加盖投标供应商公章);若为代理商、经销商 (略) 家针 (略) 投进口产品的唯 * 授权及售后服务承诺函等相关材料 * 套(加盖投标供应商公章)扫描件连同获取文件登记表发送至 (略) 鼎 (略) 电子邮箱中(邮箱:[emailprotected])获取招标文件
Brief description of clarification or change:Potential bidders who wish to participate in the project, if the eligibility conditions meet the "bidder qualification requirements" of the project and determine to participate in this tender activity, shall, within the following time, have a the legal person"s power of attorney(original);legal person"s ID card(the copy is stamped with the official seal of the bidding supplier);the entrusted agent"s ID card(the original and copies are stamped with the official seal of the bidding supplier);If it is an agent or dealer, it is required to provide a set of relevant materials such as the sole authorization and after-sales service commitment letter of the manufacturer for the imported products invested in this project(stamped with the official seal of the bidding supplier)The scanned copy together with the obtained document registration form shall be sent to the email of Heilongjiang Dingshuo Bidding Agency Co., LTD (email: [emailprotected]) to obtain the bidding document
1、the tender conditions:
项目概况: (略) (略) (略) 购置医疗设备
Project description:Sunwu County Street Community Health Service Center to purchase medical equipment
资金到位或资金落实情况:财政资金;3, * , * . * 元,已落实;
Capital in place or to carry out the situation:Financial capital;3, * , * . * yuan,it has been implemented
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
Project:Already have
2、发标日期: * 日
2、Date:On December 1, *
招标编号:DSZB- * 2、 *** DS ***
IFB No.:DSZB- * 2、 *** DS ***
(略) 鼎 (略) 受业主委托,邀请合格投标 (略) (略) (略) 购置医疗设备下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:
Entrusted by proprietor,Heilongjiang dingshuo bidding agency co. LTD.invite Qualified Bidders for Sunwu County Street Community Health Service Center to purchase medical equipment Submit sealed tender for the following goods and related services of the project。
Name of equipment, quantity, main technical specification, goods delivery time and delivery Place:
序号 | 招标货物名称 Bidding Equipment Name | 数量 Quantity | 简要技术参数 Brief technical parameter | 采购预算单价(元) Purchase budget unit pric(yuan) | 备注 note |
1 | 纳米蓝光消毒机 | * | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * . * | |
2 | 锂电池超低容量喷雾器 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 6, * . * | |
3 | 治疗推车 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 1, * . * | |
4 | 出诊箱 | 6 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * . * | |
5 | 血压计 | * | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * . * | |
6 | 额镜 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * . * | |
7 | 检耳镜 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 1, * . * | |
8 | 鼻前镜(成人) | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * . * | |
9 | 鼻前镜(儿童) | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * . * | |
* | * 号探针 | * | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * . * | |
* | 牙周探针 | * | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * . * | |
* | 躯干旋转测量仪 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 2, * . * | |
* | 中医经络检测仪 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | * 分类血细胞分析仪 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 全自动粪便分析仪 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 酶标仪 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 血沉仪 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 心肺复苏仪 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 护理车 | 3 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 2, * . * | |
* | 仪器车 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * . * | |
* | 抢救车 | 3 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 5, * . * | |
* | 输液泵 | 3 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 5, * . * | |
* | 注射泵 | 3 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 7, * . * | |
* | 输液车 | 3 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 4, * . * | |
* | 平板运转车 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 8, * . * | |
* | 负压担架 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 压缩空气式雾化器 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 1, * . * | |
* | 手持式血氧饱和度监测仪 | * | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 1, * . * | |
* | 叩击石震动排痰机 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 正压头套 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 纤支镜主机 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 肢体气压治疗仪 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 高端彩色多普勒超声诊断仪(进口) | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 1, * , * . * | 进口产品 |
* | 医用担架铝合金救护车担架 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 4, * . * | |
* | 多体位按摩床 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 电动诊疗床 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | ABS医用抢救车 | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | 5, * . * | |
* | 立体动态干扰电治疗仪 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 中医定向透药治疗仪 * 通道 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 小型分子筛制氧机(5档便携式) | 2 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 十 * 道心电图机 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 医 (略) (彩超) | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * | |
* | 便携X光机 | 1 | (略) 文件 Details please refer to the tender documents | * , * . * |
(略) 期限:合同签订后 * 个工作日内;
Delivering time:Within * working days after signing the contract
(略) 地点:采购人指定地点
Delivering place:Location Designated by Purchaser
Note:No imported products will be accepted except for the bidding goods marked "imported products"
有意向的合格 (略) 文件。
Interested qualified bidders can get further information and consult the bidding documents from Heilongjiang dingshuo bidding agency co. LTD.
(1)参加本项目的投标人需具备《政府采购法》第 * 十 * 条供应商资格条件;
(4)拟参加本项目的供 (略) 商的,须具有医疗器械生产许可证(限第 * 、 * 类医疗器械)或生产备案凭证(限第 * 类医疗器械)和医疗器械经营许可证(限第 * 类医疗器械)或经营备案凭证(限第 * 类医疗器械), (略) 商为本地企业则无需提供经营资质;代理商投标的,必须具有医疗器械经营许可证(限第 * 类医疗器械)或经营备案凭证(限第 * 类医疗器械);所投产品必须具有医疗器械注册证(或生产备案凭证),且以上证照在投标有效期内均为有效;
(5)参加本项目的供应商 (略) 会信誉及类似项目供货经验;
(6)参加本项目投标人近 * 年(含公告发布当日)被“信用中国”网站、“中 (略) ”网站、“ (略) (略) 人名单信息公布与查询”平台列入严 (略) 人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严 (略) 为记录名单的,不得参与本项目的政府采购活动;
(7)所投进口产品的投标人须是该产品的制造企业或其授权的代理商、经销商(若为代理商、经销商 (略) 家针 (略) (略) 产品的唯 * 授权及售后服务承诺函);
( * )除注明“进口产品”的招标货物,其余不接受进口产品。
3、The bidder qualifications required:
(1)The bidder who participates in this project shall possess the qualification condition of the supplier under article * nd of the Government procurement law;the bidder who participates in this project shall register and record through the Heilongjiang provincial government procurement online;
(2)The bidder who participates in this project shall be a legally operated independent enterprise registered in the territory of the People"s Republic of China;
(3)The bidder who participates in this project shall have a qualified 、the business license and an account opening permit;
(4)Intends to participate in the project supplier for manufacturers, must have medical equipment production license (the second, three types of medical equipment limited) or production registration certificate (limited to class I medical devices) and medical equipment business licenses (limited class iii medical devices) or business registration certificate (the second category of medical equipment limited), if you do not need to provide for local enterprises and manufacturers operation qualification; An agent bidding must have a business license for medical devices (limited to category III medical devices) or business record certificate (limited to Category II medical devices); The products must have medical device registration certificate (or production record certificate), and the above certificates are valid during the validity of the bid.
(5)The supplier who participates in the project should have good social reputation and similar project supply experience;
(6)To participate in this project bidders in nearly three years(including the announcement day)by China credit China"s government procurement network site national court faithless person subjected to execution list released information and query platform on serious breach of the person subjected to execution of major tax illegal cases client list for government procurement serious illegal dishonest ACTS record list, shall not participate in the government procurement activities in the project;
(7)The bidder for the imported products shall be the manufacturer of the products or its authorized agents and distributors (if agents and distributors are required to provide the only authorization and after-sales service commitment letter of the manufacturer for all products of this project);
(8)Other conditions stipulated in laws and administrative regulations;
(9)This project does not accept consortium bidding.
( * )No imported products will be accepted except for the bidding goods marked "imported products"
4、有意向参加本项目的潜在投标人,如资格条件符合本项目“投标人资格要求” (略) 活动,须在以下时间内,将法人授权委托书(原件);法人身份证(复印件加盖投标供应商公章);委托代理人身份证(原件及复印件加盖投标供应商公章);营业执照(原件及复印件加盖投标供应商公章);若为代理商、经销商 (略) 家针 (略) 投进口产品的唯 * 授权及售后服务承诺函等相关材料 * 套(加盖投标供应商公章)扫描件连同获取文件登记表发送至 (略) 鼎 (略) 电子邮箱中(邮箱:[emailprotected])获取招标文件。
获取时间:自 * 日至 * 日每日上午8: * - * : * ,下午 * : * - * : * ( (略) 时间,法定节假日除外),逾期不予受理。本招标文件每套售价0元人民币或0美元。
4、Potential bidders who wish to participate in the project, if the eligibility conditions meet the "bidder qualification requirements" of the project and determine to participate in this tender activity, shall, within the following time, have a the legal person"s power of attorney(original);legal person"s ID card(the copy is stamped with the official seal of the bidding supplier);the entrusted agent"s ID card(the original and copies are stamped with the official seal of the bidding supplier);If it is an agent or dealer, it is required to provide a set of relevant materials such as the sole authorization and after-sales service commitment letter of the manufacturer for the imported products invested in this project(stamped with the official seal of the bidding supplier)The scanned copy together with the obtained document registration form shall be sent to the email of Heilongjiang Dingshuo Bidding Agency Co., LTD (email: [emailprotected]) to obtain the bidding document。
Getting time:From December 2, * to December 9, 2 * : * am, * : * - * : * pm(Beijing time, except public holidays), it will not be accepted until the expiration date. This tender document sells for RMB0or US$0per set。
5、所有投标书应于 * 日9时 * 分( (略) 时间)之前由投标人将投标文件递交到 (略) 。
5、All tenders shall be submitted by the tender erstical to the opening meeting by the bidder by9: * on December * , * (Beijing time)
6、定于 * 日9时 * 分( (略) 时间)在 (略) 鼎 (略) ( (略) 市 (略) 区大新街 * 号3楼)开标大厅公开开标。届时请 (略) 商代表出席开标仪式。
6、Bid opening will be held at At 9: * a.m. on December * , * (Beijing time)in the Heilongjiang dingshuo bidding agency co. LTD.(3rd Floor, No. * Daxin Street, Daowai District, Harbin city)the bid opening hall is open to the public. At that time, the representatives of manufacturers participating in the bidding shall attend the bid opening ceremony.
7、supplemented by the other:
采购项目需要落实的政府采购政策:按照 (略) 。
Procurement projects need to be implemented in government procurement policies:in accordance with the state regulations.
招标文件第 * 册和第 * 册发生歧义时,以第 * 册专用条款为准。
The proprietary parts(NO.2)of the bidding documents shall prevail when There are differences.4
(略) 网上发布。
This project announcement is published in http:/ *** and http:/ *** .
招标人名称: (略) (略) (略)
Name of tenderer:Sunwu County Street Community Health Service Center
详细地址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略)
Detailed Address:Sunwu County, Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province
Contact Person:Mr Ge
电 话: ***
Contact Telephone No.: ***
招标代理机构名称: (略) 鼎 (略)
Name of Tendering Agent:Heilongjiang dingshuo bidding agency co. LTD
详 细 地 址: (略) 市 (略) 区大新街 * 号3楼
Detailed Address:3rd Floor, No. * Daxin Street, Daowai District, Harbin city
联 系 人:曲女士
Contact Person:Ms Qu
电 话: ***
Contact Telephone No.: ***
注: (略) 商网上注册: (略) 有关规定, (略) 网上注册(http:/ *** ),并将由投标人加盖公章的招投标注册登记表及工商营业执照(复印件) (略) ;境外 (略) 在地登记证明材料(复印件),投标人无印章的,提交由单位负责人签字的招投标注册登记表。
Notice:The bidder should register through internet work:According to the prescript of Ministry of Commerce, the bidder should register inhttp:/ *** time after has obtained the bidding documents. And will build official seal by a bidder bidding registration form and the industrial and commercial business license(copy)to submit to the tender net;Foreign bidders submit location registration documents(copy), the bidder without seal, submit the bidding registration form signed by the head unit.
[附件下载:http:/ *** !index.action]