(略) (略) , (略) 网、中国公告。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
1. 招标条件
(略) 条件的说明:具备招标条件
2. 招标内容:
招标项目编号: *** CITC2924
招标项目名称: (略) (略) 地震救援模块车采购项目
项目实施地点: (略) 省香格里拉市
简要技术规格:整车外型尺寸:长6800 mm至7100 mm、宽2300 mm至2500 mm、高3000 mm至3200 mm,轴距:≥3850 mm,轮距:≥1920 mm。整车最大允许整备质量不小于10000Kg。涉水深度不小于1.2m。离地间隙不小于490mm。功率 ≥160Kw(218HP),最大扭矩不小于810Nm 。接近角不小于40 °,离去角不小于43 °,爬坡角度不小于45 °,倾翻角度不小于38 °
3. 投标人资格要求
(1)如投标人不是底盘生产商和/ (略) 商,必须提供底盘生产商和/ (略) 商同意其在本次投标中提供该货物的正式授权书原件;
(3) 提供投 (略) 在开标日前三个月内开具的资信证明原件或复印件;
(4)投标人须提供或承诺在 (略) 投车辆 (略) 消防产 (略) 颁发的《中国国家强制性产品认证证书》---“3C”认证证书;
4. 招标文件的获取
招标文件领购开始时间: * 日
招标文件领购结束时间:2017年 3月1日
招标文件领购地点/电子下载方式:上午9:00( (略) 时间)-17: (略) 文件。
招标文件售价:为2000 元人民币或300美元
5. 投标文件的递交
投标截止时间(开标时间): * 日上午10点00分
投标文件送达地点: (略) 省 (略) 市广福路 (略) 8栋7楼会议室
开标地点: (略) 省 (略) 市广福路 (略) 8栋7楼会议室
6. (略) 网上完成注册。 (略) 网公示。
7. 联系方式
招标人: (略) (略)
地址: (略) 省香格里拉市仁安路27号
电话: ***
传真: ***
电子邮箱: * q.com
招标机构: (略) 有限公司
地 址: (略) 市 (略) 区西三环中路90号通用技术大厦7-8楼
(略) 地址: (略) 省 (略) 市广福路318号 (略) 8幢7楼
联系人:叶曙天、 赵思彤
电话: *** *** ***
传真: ***
International tender notice for Procurement Of Earthquake Rescue Module Car For Public Security Fire Brigade of Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
CMC International Tendering Co. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c *** on *** .
1.Bidding Conditions
Overview:Purchasing one earthquake rescue module car for Public Security Fire Brigade of Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
Source of Funds: purchase funds are in place
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: With the tender conditions
2.Bidding Content:
Bidding No: *** CITC2924
Project Name:Procurement Of Earthquake Rescue Module Car For Public Security Fire Brigade of Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
Place of Implementation:ShangriLa,Yunnan, P.R. China
List of Products:
*Product Name:Earthquake Rescue Module Car
*Main Technical Data:
Vehicleoutline dimension:length6800mm~7100mm,2300mm~2500mm,height3000mm~32000mm. Wheelbase ≥ 3850 mm.Wheels track≥1920 mm.The maximum permissible mass of vehicle is not less than 10000kg.Vehicle wading depth≥1.2m.Vehicle ground clearance≥490 mm.Power of engine≥160Kw(218HP). Peak torque≥810Nm.The close angle is not less than 40 °.The departure angle is not less than 43 °.Climbing angle is not less than 45 °.rollover angle is not less than 38°
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder:
a.In the case of a Bidder being not the chassis manufacturer nor/or modification manufacturer, the Bidder should be duly authorized by the chassis manufacturer and/or by the modification manufacturer to supply the goods in this bidding project.
b.The bidder should have the sales record of similar module cars in the past three years (2013- the date of opening of bids) in the world.Copies of contracts as documentary evidence should be provided;
c. the Bidder shall provide the bank reference letter issued within three months prior to the time of bid opening in original or its copy;
d.The bidder shall submit or promise to submit at the time of delivery the CERTIFICATE FOR CHINA CONPULSORY CEITIFICATION of the goods issued by Fire Products Conformity Assessment Center of Ministry of Public Security.
e. Fire products should meet China and international technical standards,and the certificate of quality issued by international authority institution should be submitted.
Joint Bids:no
Bid without the bidding documents:no
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 2017-2 -22
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: 2017-3 -1
To Obtain:On-site Purchase
Place: Buy the bidding document at 7/F. Building 8. Hongxing international plaza. Guangfu road. Kunming. Yunnan. China.
Price of Bidding Documents: Each package is¥2000($300)
5.Bid Submission
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):10:00am ,2017- 3-15
Place of Bid:meeting room, 7/F. Building 8. Hongxing international plaza. Guangfu road. Kunming. Yunnan. China.
Place of Bid Opening:meeting room, 7/F. Building 8. Hongxing international plaza. Guangfu road. Kunming. Yunnan. China.
6.The evaluation results will be released on www.c *** 。
7.Contact Details
Tenderee: Public Security Fire Brigade of Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
Address:Renan Lu 27 , ShangriLa,Yunnan, P.R. China
Contact person: Mr. Xue
Tel: ***
Fax:. +86- ***
Email: * q.com
Address: Room 701 No.90, Xisanhuan Zhong Lu,Fengtai District, Beijing, *** , P.R. China
Contact Address: 7/F. Building 8. Hongxing international plaza. Guangfu road. Kunming. Yunnan. China.
Tel. +86- *** +86-10- *** ***
Fax. +86- ***
Email: * q.com
Contact person: Mr.Yeshutian Ms. Zhaositon