(略) 工程技术 (略)
International tender notice for large space electron beam wire feeding manufacturing and high precision processing system procurement project of Shanghai university of engineering and technology
(招标编号: *** SYZB * 4)
(Bid No.: *** SYZB * 4)
(略) (略) ,项目于 * 年 * 月3 (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
Shanghai shenyi construction consulting co., LTD., commissioned by the tenderer, conducts an international open and competitive bidding for the following products and services. This bidding adopts the traditional bidding method, and now eligible bidders are invited to participate in the bidding
1. 招标条件/ Bidding Conditions
Source of Funds:Implemented
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:Equipped
2. 招标内容:中压真空电子束焊机/电子枪/真空工作室/真空系统/观察系统/控制系统/送丝系统/1套
Bidding Content :Medium pressure vacuum electron beam welding machine/electron gun/vacuum workshop/vacuum system/observation system/control system/wire feeding system //1 set
招标项目编号: *** SYZB * 4
Bid No: *** SYZB * 4
项目名称:上 (略) 大空间电子束送丝增材制造及高精密加工系统采购项目
Project name: Large space electron beam wire feeding manufacturing and high precision processing system procurement project of Shanghai university of engineering and technolog
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 市
Place of Implementation:Shanghai China
List of Products (The main equipment)
序号. | 货物名称 | 数量 (台/套/个) | 交货期 |
1 | 中压真空电子束焊机 | 1 | 合同签订后 * 个月内 |
2 | 电子枪 | 1 | 合同签订后 * 个月内 |
3 | 真空工作室 | 1 | 合同签订后 * 个月内 |
4 | 真空系统 | 1 | 合同签订后 * 个月内 |
5 | 观察系统 | 1 | 合同签订后 * 个月内 |
6 | 控制系统 | 1 | 合同签订后 * 个月内 |
7 | 送丝系统 | 1 | 合同签订后 * 个月内 |
预算编号: * - * 7
本项目最高限价为: * 万元人民币或等额外币。
3. 投标人资格要求
Qualification Requirements For Bidder
Bidder or manufacturer with independent legal person qualification and corresponding business scope (if applicable) (within valid period and pass annual inspection
2.具有相适应 (略) 所;
Having a suitable fixed office space;
3.具有良好的财务状况、依法 (略) 会保障资金的良好记录;
Have a good financial status, pay taxes in accordance with the law and a good record of social security funds
Dealer bidding requires manufacturer authorization letter (if manufacturer requires manufacturer declaration letter)
5. (略) 网上完成注册。
Bidders should register on China international bidding net
The bidder shall provide direct services and shall not subcontract or subcontract the project without accepting joint bidding
Joint Bids:NOT Available
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4. 招标文件的获取
Acquisition of Bidding Documents
招标文件领购开始时间: ***
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: ***
招标文件领购结束时间: ***
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: ***
Business license of bidder and manufacturer passing the annual inspection within the period of validity (if applicable)
Manufacturer’s Letter of Authorization when dealers participate in the bid
Tax Registration Certificate
ID Card of the Agent
6)投标人近3 (略) 范围内的业绩证明(主要设备的销售合同3份)
the performance certificate of the bidder in the last 3 years and within the scope of this bidding (Major equipment sales contract)
7) (略) 网上完成注册证明文件截图。
the bidder shall complete the registration certificate on the China international bidding website.
以上资料需要提供原件和盖章复印件 * 套
有兴趣的潜在投标人可于 * 年 * 月3日至 * 年 * 月 * 日每天(节假日除外)9: * 至 * : * 时( (略) 时间) (略) 文件,本招标文件售价为 * 元人民币或 * 美元,售后不退(邮购须另加 * 元人民币或 * 美元)。 (略) (略) 文件售价:每套¥ * /$ *
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥ * /$ *
其他说明: * 年 * 月3日~ * 年 * 月9日上午:9: * ~ * : * ,下午: * : * ~ * : * (节假日除外) 备注:未领购招标文件的供应商不得参加投标。招标文件发售期截止后,购买招标文件的潜在投标人少于3个的, (略)
Additional Instructions:Date for purchasing bid document: *** - * - * - * 9: * ~ * : * AM, * : * ~ * : * PM (excluding holidays) Remarks: The supplier without purchasing the bidding documents shall not participate in bidding. After deadline of bidding documents sale time, if the Tender offer who bought the bidding documents less than 3, the bidder can rebid according to law
5. 投标文件的递交
Bid Submission
投标截止时间(开标时间): *** * : * ( (略) 时间)
Bid closing time (bid opening time) : *** * : * (Beijing time)
投标文件送达地点: (略) 市 (略) 区大木桥路 * 弄1号楼 * 室
Delivery place of tender documents: Room * , building 1, lane * , damuqiao road, xuhui district, Shanghai
开标地点: (略) 市 (略) 区大木桥路 * 弄1号楼 * 室
Opening place: Room * , building 1, lane * , damuqiao road, xuhui district, Shanghai
6. (略) 网上完成注册。 (略) 网公示。
The evaluation results will be released on www.c ***
7. 联系方式
Contact Details:
招标人:上 (略)
Bid Inviter: Shanghai university of engineering and technology
地址: (略) 市龙腾路 * 号
Address: No. * longteng road, Shanghai
Contact Person: Dai
联系方式: ***
Telephone: ***
招标代理机构:上 (略) 有限公司
Bid Inviting Agency: Shanghai shenyi construction consulting co. LTD
地址: (略) 市 (略) 区大木桥路 * 弄1号楼 * 室
Address: Room * , building 1, lane * , damuqiao road, xuhui district, Shanghai
联系人:殷 (略)
Contact Person: YanYongKang
联系方式: ***
Telephone: ***
8. 汇款方式
(略) 文件账号:
账户名称:上 (略) 有限公司
(略) :工行 (略) (略)
账号: ***
(略) 文件账号:
账户名:上 (略) 有限公司
(略) : (略) 上 (略)
美元账户: ***
欧元账户: ***
请投标人在电汇标书款时,在汇款附言里依次注明:①招标编号后 * 位和包件号即:“ * ”;②标书款;③投标人名称。
Other matters :
Don’t type “帐” into “账”, otherwise, it will lead to unsuccessful remittance and the failure to pay the bid security.