本竞买人已经认真查阅、详知且全部认可竞价活动的资料及相关文件,自愿遵守公告、竞买须知、标的情况说明等所规定的相关内容, (略) 操作,已查看当期标的,悉知标的现状(包括标的已知及未知的所有瑕疵),并已详细了解标的权属状况及其瑕疵。
本竞买人决定参 (略) http://** (略) 络竞价活动,签署本《网络竞买承诺书》是本竞买人真实意愿的表示。
本竞买人承诺:切实保护好自己的竞买人身份,不将用户名、号牌、密码等泄露、转让或出借予他人/组织使用;不串通其他竞买人,扰乱竞价正常秩序,干扰竞价活动, (略) 置人有权取消本人竞买资格,中止本人的竞买行为,所交竞买保证金不予退还。
本竞买人了 (略) 络竞价存在的风险,对网络竞价发生下述情形之一的【①网络受到病毒干扰,攻击;②网络受到他人破坏,毁损;③ 在竞价进行时, (略) 络拥 (略) ;④ 出现不可预见和防范的硬件故障,如:服务器突然死机等;⑤ 其他不可抗力因素】,本竞买人不追究任何责任, (略) 置人、委托人、服务机构、平台主张任何费用,不提出任何赔偿请求。否则,由此造成的损失均由本竞买人承担。
(略) 可能出现的不稳定情况,不排除在线竞价出现无法正常进行的各种情况(包括但不限于时间不同步、网络故障、电路故障、系统故障、服务器故障、被恶意攻击、停电或其他不可抗力因素等)而造成无法出价、页面无刷新、竞价暂停等,本竞买人一旦参与竞拍即代表已认知及认同在线竞拍所带来的有关风险,认同并接受在竞价过程中服务器故障等情况发生后,上述问题修复后重新确定 (略) 置方案(包括但不限于恢复竞价、重新竞价、及其它竞价方案)。本竞买人不 (略) 置人、委托人、 (略) 。处置人、委托人、 (略) 不承担基于上述情况或由于本竞买人误操作所造成的一切损失及责任,由此产生的一切法律风险及损失均由本竞买人承担。
如本竞买人成功竞得标的,保证遵守竞价资料及相关文件的约定,与处置人签订《成交确认书》及成交相关文件,并承诺在规定的时间内将成交价款、佣金及其它费用、应缴纳税费 (略) 置人指定帐上。如逾期不付清相关款项的,则承担违约责任,本竞买人所交保证金不予退还。
在此郑重承诺并声明:本竞买 (略) 置 (略) 络竞价,即对标的做了充分的查实和了解(包括但不限于标的现状、内在瑕疵、未查觉的瑕疵及权利瑕疵),本竞买人一旦以最高应价竞得标的,作为买受人愿意接受当期《竞价资料》所有条款,以及标的的一切现状和瑕疵,并愿意承担标的所发生的相关税、费以及因标的转移所产生的费用及风险。同时承诺在 (略) 置人安全管理规定的前提下,在规定的时间内顺利提取标的。
Bidders are advised to participate rationally and make careful decisions regarding their bidding behavior. Before bidding, please follow the requirements of the "Announcement", "Bidding Notice", "Special Instructions", "Bidding Agreement", etc. to conduct on-site sampling, carefully understand the information of the subject matter, and learn about the bidding qualifications, entrusted agents and deposits, payment methods and time of transaction funds, etc. Once the bidder makes a bidding decision, it indicates that they have fully understood and accepted the current situation and all known and unknown defects of the subject matter. The Quanpaiwang platform only provides trading channels and does not assume any responsibility. Online bidding commitment: The book bidder has carefully reviewed, fully understood, and fully recognized the information and related documents of the bidding activity, voluntarily complied with the relevant content stipulated in the announcement, bidding instructions, and subject situation explanation, and is familiar with the operation of the online platform. The bidder has reviewed the current subject matter, is aware of its current status (including all known and unknown defects), and has a detailed understanding of the ownership status and defects of the subject matter. The bidder has decided to participate in the online bidding event held on http://**, and signing this "Online Bidding Commitment Letter" is an , of the bidder"s true intention. The bidder promises to effectively protect their identity as a bidder and not disclose, transfer or lend their username, license plate, password, etc. to others/organizations for use; Do not collude with other bidders, disrupt the normal order of bidding, or interfere with bidding activities. Otherwise, the person in charge has the right to cancel my bidding qualification, suspend my bidding behavior, and the bid deposit paid will not be refunded. The bidder understands and is aware of the risks associated with online bidding. In the event of any of the following situations occurring during online bidding: (1) virus interference or attack on the network; (2) damage or destruction to the network by others; (3) network congestion or disconnection during bidding; (4) unforeseeable and preventable hardware failures, such as sudden server crashes; (5) other force majeure factors, the bidder shall not pursue any responsibility, shall not claim any fees from the disposer, principal, service agency, or platform, and shall not make any compensation requests. Otherwise, any losses resulting from this shall be borne by the bidder. Due to the possible instability of the Internet, it is not ruled out that online bidding can not be carried out normally due to various circumstances (including but not limited to time synchronization, network failure, circuit failure, system failure, server failure, malicious attack, power failure or other force majeure factors). This bidder, once participating in the bidding, represents that it has recognized and agreed with the relevant risks brought by online bidding, and agrees and accepts the bidding disposal scheme (including but not limited to resumption of bidding, re bidding, and other bidding schemes) re determined after the above problems are repaired after server failure and other circumstances occur in the bidding process. The bidder will no longer pursue the disposer, principal, service agency, and platform. The disposer, principal, service agency, and platform shall not be liable for any losses or liabilities arising from the above situation or due to the bidder"s misoperation. All legal risks and losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the bidder. If the bidder successfully wins the bid, they guarantee to comply with the provisions of the bidding materials and relevant documents, sign the "Transaction Confirmation Letter" and transaction related documents with the disposer, and promise to transfer the transaction price, commission, other fees, and payable taxes to the designated account of the disposer within the specified time. If the relevant amount is not paid in full on time, the bidder shall bear the liability for breach of contract, and the deposit paid by this bidder shall not be refunded. We hereby solemnly promise and declare that the bidder participating in the online bidding held by the disposer has fully verified and understood the subject matter (including but not limited to the current status, internal defects, undetected defects, and rights defects of the subject matter). Once the bidder wins the bid with the highest bid price, as the buyer, we are willing to accept all the terms of the current "Bidding Materials", as well as all the current status and defects of the subject matter, and are willing to bear the relevant taxes, fees, and costs and risks arising from the transfer of the subject matter. At the same time, we promise to smoothly extract the subject matter within the specified time without affecting the safety management regulations of the disposal personnel. Hereby promise! And bear full economic and legal responsibility for the above commitments.
一、竞买人已阅读本次《竞买须知》所有条款。本人清楚并理解全部条款的内容、含义及法律后果,并对内容没有异议。 (略) 上报名成功即认可并同意竞买须知内容。
(二)缴纳保证金:竞买人需按 (略) 上报名和支付保证金, (略) 上竞买资格。详见竞价页面。
(三)开始时间:2024年 12月 23 日 10 时 0分,
结束时间:2024年 12月 31 日 15 时 0 分
(五)佣金: 10 %(按成交价向买受人收取)
其它费用: /
1、【线下支付】竞买人必须在2024年 12 月 31 日 15 时前(或其它约定的方式) (略) 上报名和缴纳保证金, (略) 上竞价资格。
1、尾款请在 3 个自然日内汇入以下账户:
户名: 贞隆(山东) (略) ;
开户银行: 建行济南东环支行 ;
账号: (略)(略)
(八)配送方式: 自提
(十)、其它约定: 无
二、遵循“公开、公平、公正、诚实信用”的原则,按照国际惯例,对标的按 (略) 络公开竞价。竞买人务必在竞买前认真查看标的现状,并仔细阅读本须知,一旦参加竞买的,则视为对该标的所有现状及瑕疵的认可。处置人所提供的相关资料说明仅作为参考,现就有关事项告知如下:
1、竞买人以个人名义报名的,须提供本人身份证原件照片;以企业法人名义报名的,须提供企业营业执照原件和法人身份证原件照片。 (略) 上传以上资料,完成注册和实名认证。
2、 (略) 上完成报名和保证金缴纳后,方有资格在竞价开始后,进行竞价。
3、竞买人报名成 (略) 上本标的页面展示的所有的竞买资料及竞买文本均无异议。
1、完成报名和缴纳保证金,方可取得竞买资格。 (略) 竞价页面。
2、保证金金额较大的,建议请竞买人在开拍前,至少提前3个工作日办理报名及保证金交纳手续。如因竞买人未能及时完成报名及保证金交纳手续,导致在规定缴纳保证金截止时间前竞买人未按约定的方式完成保证金支付的, (略) 无法为竞买人开通竞买权限的,其所产生的一切后果由竞买人自行承担, (略) 均不就此承担任何责任。
2、了解标的详情, (略) 置人/服务商看样,您可在标的详情页查看《竞价公告》、《竞买须知》,如需实地查看标的,请注意查看联系方式、了解预展时间及竞价注意事项。
3、竞 (略) 浏览竞价信息,查看标的照片和文字说明,标的按其现状竞价,目录(图)、资料、说明等仅供竞买人参考,处置人对标的瑕疵和品质不作承诺保证。由于疫情影响,需要现场看样的,请联系工作人员进行预约。
4、标的以现状进行竞价, (略) 或线下渠道获得的标的信息仅供参考。标的的质量和数量以实物现状为准。 (略) 络竞价的竞买人均视为对标的已完全了解,对标的质量和瑕疵情况完全认可,一旦出价即视为认同和接受标的的质量和存在的瑕疵,并对自己的竞买行为负责。
2、竞 (略) 上竞价,即表明已完全了解标的现状,认同并接受标的现状无异议,并愿承担一切法律责任。
1、竞买人登录系统,在网络竞价开始后, (略) 页面上显示的当前价格进行出价。系统提供固定的加价阶梯按钮,竞买人可以选择按钮出价。其它的竞价规定,如竞价方式、延时周期、减价周期等详见竞价页面上显示的要求来执行。
2、系统对竞买人的每次成功出价都做记录,出价最高的竞买人即成为拍卖标的的买受人,系统所记录的 (略) 上买受人有效性的重要依据。
3、 (略) 络竞价会采取有保留价的竞价方式进行竞价。最高出价满足竞价条件的方可成交。
如:【增加拍】或【先减后增拍】的延时出价功能,在竞价活动结束前,每最后 n 分钟(详见竞价页面)如果有竞买人出价,就自动延迟 n 分钟,直至倒计时结束后再无新的报价,且最高出价达到或超过保留价,最高出价将自动成交,最高出价的竞买人即成为买受人。
*其它竞价方式的规则, (略) 帮助中心进行查看。
2、处置人与买受人需签署《成交确认书》的,则买受人需持有效 (略) 置人签署《成交确认书》,签署 (略) 络竞买报名登记姓名相符,不予变更。买受人如不签署《拍卖成交确认书》,也不能对抗竞价结果的法律效力。
根据国际惯例,处置人有权在竞价开始前、过程中,进行中止或撤回。因网络或其他不可抗力导致竞价活动无法正常进行的,处置人待以上因素消除后视情决定重新竞价, (略) 并不承担因此造成的损失。
1、竞买人申请竞价, (略) 后进行的操作,均被视为竞买人的行为,竞买人应当对其进行的所有活动和事件负法律责任。
2、如竞买人发现其帐号遭他人非法使用, (略) 。因黑客行为或用户故意或者过失导致帐号、密码遭他人非法使用,并造成竞买人自身损失,本平台、拍卖人、委托人、处置人均不承担任何责任。
3、 (略) 络竞拍可能出现不稳定情况, (略) 络拍卖发生故障,网络竞买人必须充分估计上述 (略) 上竞价不同于现场竞价所带来的风险。网络竞买人最好在竞价开始前1 (略) ,进行身份验证,等待竞价开始。
5、 (略) 络竞买 (略) 络竞价操作,导致不能正确操作软件报价,误操作报价或报价错误的,处置人对此免责。
6、由于不可抗力,意外事件,软硬件技术故障等 (略) 服务器异常的,处置人可根据现场情况暂 (略) 络竞价时间。因此给竞买人带来的损失由竞买人自行负责,处置人对此免责。
4、若拍卖标的暂停、撤拍或竞买未成交, (略) 不承担竞买人包括保证金利息、预期收益等任何经济损失的赔偿责任。
以上规则解 (略) 置人所有。
1、 The bidder has read all the terms of this" Bidding Notice ". I am clear and understand the content, meaning, and legal consequences of all the terms, and have no objections to the content. I hereby acknowledge and agree to the bidding instructions upon successful online registration. (1) Subject: A batch of famous calligraphy and painting (2) Payment of deposit: Bidders need to complete online registration and pay the deposit according to regulations to obtain online bidding qualifications. Please refer to the bidding page for details. (3) Starting time: 10:00 on December 23, 2024, ending time: 15:00 on December 31, 2024. (4) The bidding method is [price increase]. (5) Commission: 10% (charged to the buyer based on the transaction price) Other fees:/(6) Deposit payment: 1. [Offline payment] Bidders must complete online registration and pay the deposit before 15:00 on December 31, 2024 (or other agreed methods) in order to qualify for online bidding. (7) The final payment method is that if the bidder successfully bids, the bid deposit will automatically be converted into the agreed commission and part of the transaction price. 1. Please transfer the final payment to the following account within 3 natural days: Account name: Zhenlong (Shandong) Auction Co., Ltd; Bank of Deposit: Jinan Donghuan Branch of China Construction Bank; Account: (略)(略). If there is a breach of contract, the deposit will not be refunded and the breach of contract liability will be borne according to regulations. (8) Delivery method: Self pickup (9) Transfer of subject matter 1. Transfer of subject matter as is. (10) Other agreements: None. Adhere to the principles of "openness, fairness, impartiality, honesty and credibility", and conduct online public bidding for the subject matter in accordance with international practices. Bidders must carefully inspect the current status of the subject matter and read this notice carefully before bidding. Once they participate in the bidding, it is deemed as recognition of all the current status and defects of the subject matter. The relevant information provided by the disposal personnel is for reference only. The following matters are hereby notified: (1) Online registration and real name authentication. 1. Bidders who register in their personal name must provide a photo of their original ID card; Those who register in the name of the enterprise legal person must provide the original business license and photos of the original ID card of the legal person. Upload the above information on the Quanpai website platform, complete registration and real name authentication. 2. Bidders are only eligible to bid after completing online registration and paying the deposit. 3. The successful registration of the bidder shall be deemed as having no objection to all the bidding materials and texts displayed on the bidding page of the platform. (2) Payment of Deposit 1. Only by completing the registration and paying the deposit can one obtain the qualification to bid. Please refer to the bidding page of platform for details. 2. For those with a large deposit amount, it is recommended that bidders complete the registration and deposit payment procedures at least 3 working days in advance before the start of filming. If the bidder fails to complete the registration and deposit payment procedures in a timely manner, resulting in the bidder not completing the deposit payment in the agreed manner before the deadline for deposit payment, and causing the disposer and the platform to be unable to open the bidding authority for the bidder, all consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the bidder, and neither the disposer nor the platform shall be held responsible for this. (3) Subject viewing: 1. Please carefully read the announcement and understand the details of the subject before bidding Please confirm that you are aware of the starting time of the subject matter, the de,ion of the subject matter, the time and method of paying the deposit/final payment, and other bidding precautions. 2. To understand the details of the subject matter, please contact the handler/service provider to view the sample. You can check the "Bidding Announcement" and "Bidding Notice" on the subject matter details page. If you need to inspect the subject matter in person, please pay attention to checking the contact information, understanding the preview time, and bidding precautions. 3. Bidders can browse bidding information online, view photos and text de,ions of the subject matter, and bid according to its current status. The catalog (pictures), materials, de,ions, etc. are only for reference by bidders, and the disposer does not guarantee the defects and quality of the subject matter. Due to the impact of the epidemic, on-site sample viewing is required. Please contact the staff to make an appointment. 4. The bidding for the subject matter is based on the current situation, and the information obtained by bidders through the platform or offline channels is for reference only. The quality and quantity of the subject matter shall be based on the actual condition of the object. All bidders who participate in online bidding are considered to have a complete understanding of the target, fully recognize the quality and defects of the target, and once they bid, they are deemed to agree and accept the quality and defects of the target, and are responsible for their own bidding behavior. (4) Defect Disclosure 1. The information on the subject matter of this event is for reference only, and the actual situation of the subject matter shall prevail. If bidders have objections to the current situation of the bid, they should raise or not participate in the bidding before completing the bidding registration procedures. The disposer shall not assume any guarantee or warranty responsibility for the current status and defects (including potential defects that have not been discovered) of the subject matter. The information provided regarding the subject matter is for reference only, and the actual condition of the subject matter shall prevail in this bidding activity. 2. By participating in online bidding, bidders indicate that they have fully understood the current situation of the subject matter, agree and accept it without objection, and are willing to bear all legal responsibilities. (5) Online bidding: 1. Bidders log in to the system and bid based on the current price displayed on the platform page after the online bidding begins. The system provides a fixed price increase ladder button, and bidders can choose the button to bid. Other bidding regulations, such as bidding methods, delay periods, discount periods, etc., can be executed according to the requirements displayed on the bidding page. 2. The system records every successful bid from a bidder, and the bidder with the highest bid becomes the buyer of the auction item. The information recorded by the system will be an important basis for the effectiveness of online buyers. 3. This online bidding will adopt a reserved bidding method. The transaction can only be made if the highest bid meets the bidding conditions. For example, the delayed bidding function of "increase bid" or "decrease first and then increase bid" will automatically delay for n minutes every last n minutes (see bidding page for details) before the end of the bidding activity. If there is a bidder bidding, it will be delayed for n minutes until the countdown ends and there are no new bids. If the highest bid reaches or exceeds the reserve price, the highest bid will be automatically executed, and the bidder with the highest bid will become the buyer* The rules for other bidding methods can be viewed in the help center of the platform. (6) Announcement and Confirmation of Transaction 1. For bidding transactions, the platform will automatically generate a "Announcement of Transaction" and publicly display it to the public. 2. If the disposer and the buyer need to sign the "Transaction Confirmation Letter", the buyer must present valid documents and sign the "Transaction Confirmation Letter" with the disposer. The signed name must match the registered name for online bidding and cannot be changed. If the buyer does not sign the "Auction Confirmation Letter", it cannot resist the legal effect of the bidding results. (7) If the bid is not executed, the bid deposit will be refunded to the original payment account without interest within 3 working days after the end of the bidding. (8) If the bidder successfully bids with the final payment, the bid deposit will automatically be converted into the agreed commission and part of the transaction price. The payment method for the final payment can be found on the bidding page [Payment Method]. If there is a breach of contract, the security deposit will not be refunded and the breach of contract liability will be borne according to regulations. (9) The transfer of the subject matter shall be carried out as is, and the specific delivery agreement is detailed in the instructions. (10) Liability for breach of contract 1. If the buyer provides false information to conceal facts or uses illegal means such as bribery or malicious collusion to bid and complete the transaction, the transaction result shall be invalid and the buyer shall bear the legal responsibility arising therefrom. 2. If the buyer fails to fulfill their obligations as agreed, they shall bear the following liability for breach of contract: if the buyer reneges after the bidding transaction, the deposit paid shall not be refunded and shall be used to pay for the expenses and losses incurred during the bidding, compensate for the price difference between the re bidding activity price and the original price, offset the relevant expenses and breach of contract compensation caused by the buyer"s renegade. (10) Suspension and withdrawal of bidding activities: According to international practice, the disposer has the right to suspend or withdraw before or during the bidding process. If the bidding activities cannot be carried out normally due to network or other force majeure, the disposer shall decide to re bid after the above factors are eliminated, and the disposer and the platform shall not bear the losses caused thereby. (12) Bidding Risks and Disclaimer: 1. Any actions taken by bidders after applying for bidding and logging into the auction platform shall be deemed as the actions of bidders, and bidders shall be legally responsible for all activities and events they engage in. 2. If the bidder discovers that their account has been illegally used by others, they should immediately notify the platform. If the account or password is illegally used by others due to hacker behavior or intentional or negligent actions of the user, and causes losses to the bidder, this platform, auctioneer, consignor, and disposer shall not be held responsible. 3. Due to the possibility of instability in online auctions, it cannot be ruled out that there may be malfunctions in online auctions. Online bidders must fully estimate the risks associated with online bidding being different from on-site bidding due to the aforementioned reasons. It is recommended that online bidders log in to the platform 15 minutes before the start of bidding, verify their identity, and wait for the bidding to begin. 4. In the process of online bidding, the bidding time should be based on the server time displayed on the bidding page. If the intended bidder fails to participate in the bidding in a timely manner due to a discrepancy with the bidding system time, the disposer shall be exempt from liability. 5. If the online bidder is not familiar with the online bidding operation, resulting in the inability to correctly operate the software quotation, misoperation of quotation, or incorrect quotation, the disposer shall be exempt from liability. 6. If the server of the online auction platform is abnormal due to force majeure, unexpected events, software and hardware technical failures, etc., the disposer may suspend or postpone the online bidding time according to the on-site situation. Therefore, the losses caused to the bidders shall be borne by the bidders themselves, and the disposer shall be exempt from liability for this. (13) Special Agreement 1: All bidders participating in the bidding meeting shall be deemed to have understood all the contents of this notice, voluntarily accepted the constraints of this notice, and agreed to resolve any possible disputes in accordance with this notice. 2. Bidders must fully understand, review, and consult the subject matter, this notice, and other materials according to their own needs. Any objections should be raised before participating in the bidding process. Bidders who successfully apply for registration and pay the deposit shall be deemed to have no objections, and other relevant bidding parameters and conditions of the subject matter shall be recognized, and they shall voluntarily assume corresponding responsibilities. 3. The bidding deposit, transaction price, and commission referred to in these rules must be paid in RMB. 4. If the auction subject is suspended, withdrawn, or the bidding is not successful, the disposer and the platform shall not be liable for any economic losses incurred by the bidder, including margin interest, expected returns, etc. The interpretation of the above rules belongs to the disposer.
定于2024年 12 月 23 日 10 (略) (http://**)按现状公开竞价,现公告如下:
一、标 的:艺术品一批
二、展示时间:2024年 12月 13日 10 时至2024年12月 23 日 15 时
三、展示地点: (略) (略) 七里堡茶城一层
四、报名时间:2024年 12 月 13 日 10 时至拍卖会结束
1、 (略) 上完成注册登记,并按要求上传个人或企业有效证件进行认证(个人:身份证原件 企业:营业执照、法人身份证照片);
2、竞买保证金:如上。竞买成功,则冲抵等额的竞买价款。竞买不成者,专场结束后3个工 (略) 退还。冻结期间不计利息。
公司地址: (略) (略) (略) 1-3-101
贞隆(山东) (略)
2024年 12月 1日
Please read the announcement carefully before bidding to understand the details of the subject matter. Please confirm that you are aware of the start time, bidding qualifications, de,ion of the subject matter, payment of security deposit, final payment, time and method of payment of related fees, and other relevant matters that bidders should pay attention to. The auction will be held on December 23, 2024 at 10:00 am on the All encompassing Auction Platform (www.allauc. com) According to the current situation of open bidding, the following is hereby announced: 1. Object: A batch of artworks. 2. Display time: December 13, 2024, 10:00 to December 23, 2024, 15:00. 3. Display location: 1st floor, Qilibao Tea City, Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province. 4. Registration time: December 13, 2024, 10:00 to the end of the auction. 5. Bidding registration procedures: 1. Please complete registration on the Quanpaiwang platform and upload valid personal or corporate documents for authentication as required (individual: original ID card, enterprise: business license, legal representative ID card photo); 2. Bid deposit: as above. If the bidding is successful, it will be offset against the equivalent bidding price. Those who fail to bid will be refunded within 3 working days after the end of the special session. No interest will be charged during the freezing period. 3. Deposit payment method: Offline payment Company address: 1-3-101 Xinda Community, Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province Contact information: (略) Zhenlong (Shandong) Auction Co., Ltd. December 1, 2024
陈清泉山水画《春意山川秀》Chen Qingquan"s landscape painting "Spring Scenery and Beautiful Mountains and Rivers"
陈清泉山水画《春意山川秀》陈清泉,中国著名画家, (略) 山水画艺委会主任、中国孔 (略) 副院长 、中研教育智库专家 、 (略) 客座教授、亚洲 (略) 客座教授、全国青少年美术大赛评委等职。
Chen Qingquan"s landscape painting "Spring Scenery of Mountains and Rivers". Chen Qingquan is a famous Chinese painter, the director of the Landscape Painting Art Committee of the China Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, the vice president of the China Confucius and Mencius Culture Research Institute, an expert in the China Research Institute Education Think Tank, a visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, a visiting professor at the Asian Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, and a judge for the National Youth Art Competition.